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"Green Tips" Podcasts

Each "Green Tip" podcast was recorded using a similar format:

  • Beginning: "Hi, my name is [name] and I work in EPA’s [office or city]. Here’s an environmental tip that you can use: "
  • [the tip - see individual transcripts below]
  • Ending: "For more tips and information, go to epa dot gov slash earthday. Help protect the environment, Earth Day and every day!"

Green Tip transcripts

1 - Reduce your carbon footprint! Leaving your car at home twice a week can cut greenhouse gas emissions by 1,600 pounds per year. Save up errands and shopping trips so you need to drive fewer times. If you commute to work, ask if you can work from home at least some days, and you'll reduce air pollution and traffic congestion - and save money.
Play the podcast (MP3, 724KB, runtime 0:44) | Reduce greenhouse gases on the road.

2 - Protect yourself from sun overexposure! In summer, always apply sun block SPF 15 or more to protect your skin from solar UV radiation. Just five or more sunburns can really increase your risk of developing skin cancer. The sun's rays are strongest between 10 a.m. and 4 p.m. so at the times, seek shade or wear protective clothing such as a long-sleeved shirt.
Play the podcast (MP3, 828KB, runtime 0:51) | Sign up to get free UV alerts.

3 - Don't idle! Remind your school system to turn off bus engines when buses are parked. Exhaust from idling school buses can pollute air in and around the bus, and can enter school buildings through air intakes, doors, and open windows. Constant idling also wastes fuel and money, and school bus engines really need only a few minutes to warm up.
Play the podcast (MP3, 693KB, runtime 0:42) | More about reducing engine idling.

4 - Heading to the beach? Check out the beach water before you go! We Americans take almost two billion trips to the beach every year, but people who swim at the beach sometimes get sick because the water is polluted. The good news is in the state where the beach is located, you can check with the state office to find out about the beach water - before you go.
Play the podcast (MP3, 730KB, runtime 0:45) | Beach water quality where you live.

5 - Make it a full load! Run your dishwasher only when it's full. Don't pre-rinse dishes - tests show pre-rinsing doesn't improve dishwasher cleaning, and you'll save as much as 20 gallons of water per load. When you buy a new dishwasher, look for one that saves water. Water-efficient models use only about only about 4 gallons per wash.
Play the podcast (MP3, 647KB, runtime 0:39) | More about using water wisely.

6 - Be extra aware of environmental conditions where older people live! As we age, our bodies become more sensitive to chemicals and environmental conditions. So you should carefully use products such as pesticides or cleaning solvents near areas where older adults live and sleep. Always follow the directions on the product package or label.
Play the podcast (MP3, 709KB, runtime 0:43) | Reduce exposure for older people.

7 - Be sensible! The Earth might seem like it has abundant water, but in fact only one percent of all water on the planet is available for humans. Buy fixtures and products that are water efficient – you can use less water to get the same job done just as well. When you go shopping, look for the WaterSense label to find water efficient products.
Play the podcast (MP3, 636KB, runtime 0:39) | More about WaterSense.

8 - It's electric! You can check how much of your electricity comes from renewable “green” power sources, such as wind or solar. Green power produces less carbon emissions, reduces air pollution, and helps protect against future costs or scarcity of fossil fuels. If green power is a consumer option, check price differences from suppliers before you buy.
Play the podcast (MP3, 726KB, runtime 0:46) | The green power locator.

9 - Shower power! A full bathtub requires about 70 gallons of water, but taking a five-minute shower saves water by using 10 to 25 gallons. Put a little timer or clock near your shower so you can see how fast you are. Save even more water, and money on your water bill, by installing a water-efficient showerhead, or ask your landlord to install one if you rent.
Play the podcast (MP3, 679KB, runtime 0:43) | More about using water wisely.

10 - Read the label! You might not realize it, but on a pesticide container, the label is the law. Pesticide product labels provide critical safety information for handling and use. Pesticides are powerful substances, but when used according to the label they are safe and effective. So … always use pesticides safely, at home or in the field. Always read the label.
Play the podcast (MP3, 664KB, runtime 0:42) | Read the label first!

11 - Exercising outdoors? Regular exercise makes us feel great and keeps us healthy. Before you head out for your workout or run, check the air quality forecast for your local area. You can find out when air pollutants such as ground-level ozone or airborne particles are at acceptable levels where you live.
Play the podcast (MP3, 667KB, runtime 0:40) | Check your air quality.

12 - Compost it! Compost helps improve soil so it holds more water and plants grow better. Allow grass clippings to stay on the lawn, instead of bagging them. The cut grass will decompose and return to the soil naturally. Food scraps and kitchen waste also make good compost, and you save money on fertilizers or other additives.
Play the podcast (MP3, 644KB, runtime 0:39) | More backyard composting ideas.

13 - Tread lightly! Use public transportation, carpool, walk, or bike whenever possible to reduce air pollution and save on fuel costs. Leaving your car at home just two days a week will reduce greenhouse gas emissions by an average of 1,600 pounds per year. If you can work from home, you'll reduce air pollution and traffic congestion - and save money.
Play the podcast (MP3, 788KB, runtime 0:47) | Reduce your carbon footprint.

14 - Don't let pet waste run off! You can help reduce polluted storm water runoff by just picking up your pet's poop and dispose of it properly. Leaving pet waste on the ground increases public health risks by allowing harmful bacteria or organic material to wash into the storm drain and eventually into local waterbodies. So remember - always scoop the poop!
Play the podcast (MP3, 878KB, runtime 0:53) | More on storm water runoff.

15 - Pollute less with clean diesel! Encourage your hometown or state to spend road construction funds on newer, clean diesel equipment to help cut air pollution. Contractors, owners, and operators of diesel equipment can retrofit existing diesel engines with new technologies that pollute less, as well as replace old equipment.
Play the podcast (MP3, 697KB, runtime 0:42) | "Clean diesel" equipment.

16 - Don't be a drip - fix that leak! Leaky faucets can waste thousands of gallons of water each year, like money down the drain. Repair or replace old or damaged fixtures. If you're not sure you have a leak, check the water meter before and after a two-hour period when no water is being used. If the meter does not read exactly the same, you probably have a leak.
Play the podcast (MP3, 829KB, runtime 0:50) | More about saving water.

17 - Make your home an Energy Star! When you do home maintenance, also do a home energy audit to find out how you can save money by making your home more energy efficiency. And if every American home replaced just one conventional light bulb with a compact fluorescent light bulb, we would save enough energy to light more than 3 million homes a year.
Play the podcast (MP3, 814KB, runtime 0:49) | Find more energy savings.

18 - Make it a full load! The average washing machine uses 40.9 gallons of water per load. If you buy a a new washer, shop for a high-efficiency washer that needs less than 28 gallons of water per load. To achieve even greater savings, wash only full loads of laundry or be sure to choose the appropriate load size on the washing machine.
Play the podcast (MP3, 848KB, runtime 0:52) | More about using water wisely.

19 - Compliance made easy! Compliance Assistance Centers help businesses and local governments save on materials and help you understand and meet your environmental requirements. Compliance Assistance can help you through plain-language materials, Web sites designed for specific industry types or operations, telephone “ask the expert” help lines, and more.
Play the podcast (MP3, 685KB, runtime 0:41) | Business compliance assistance.

20 - Proper maintenance reduces waste! Keep your appliances in good working order and follow the manufacturer's suggestions for operation and maintenance. Shop for products with high consumer satisfaction and fewer breakdowns. If kept in good working order, your appliances should last a long time and not end up as waste before their time.
Play the podcast (MP3, 697KB, runtime 0:42) | More ways you can reduce waste.

21 - Don't trash it - reuse it! Be creative as you look for new ways to reduce the amount or kinds of household waste. Give cardboard tubes to pet hamsters or gerbils. Plant seeds in an egg carton. Make a flower pot out of a plastic ice cream tub. By thinking creatively, you will often find new uses for common items and new ways to recycle and reduce waste.
Play the podcast (MP3, 817KB, runtime 0:50) | Other creative tips to reduce waste.

22 - During hot weather, don't top off your gas tank. Refuel your car or truck in the early morning or the evening when it's cooler. A small fuel spill may not seem like much, but every spill evaporates and adds to air pollution, and fuel pumps with vapor recovery systems can feed a spill back into their tanks – after you paid for it. So, in hot weather – don't top off!
Play the podcast (MP3, 793KB, runtime 0:48) | Don't top off!

23 - Breathe easy! On unhealthy air pollution "action alert" days, wait to mow your lawn until it's cooler in the evening or early the next morning. You help reduce air pollution for everyone near you if you run gas-powered equipment, like lawn mowers, when it's cooler. You also protect your health by avoiding ground-level ozone during the warmest part of the day.
Play the podcast (MP3, 648KB, runtime 0:40) | Check your air quality now.

24 - eCycle it! Take your old computer, DVD player, or other electronics to an electronics recycling center. Reusing and recycling materials like copper, gold, and others saves natural resources and reduces mining and processing. eCycling also helps avoid land, air, and water pollution by capturing and reusing hazardous substances such as lead or chromium.
Play the podcast (MP3, 833KB, runtime 0:52) | Find eCycling centers near you.

25 - Just bag it! Help protect the environment when you shop. Keep reusable bags on your car seat or near your door so they are easy to grab when you go. And you can even combine shopping bags - just tell the cashier that you don't need a bag, then put all your purchases together in one bag… just be sure to hang on to your receipts!
Play the podcast (MP3, 687KB, runtime 0:42) | More tips for shopping.

26 - Wait for the storm to pass! Don't fertilize before a rain storm. Your fertilizer - along with your money – can just wash off your lawn and down the storm drain. Fertilizer runoff can pollute rivers, lakes, and bays, and cause problems in recreational areas or fishing grounds. Check the weather forecast before you head out, and wait for the storm to pass.
Play the podcast (MP3, 633KB, runtime 0:40) | More on greenscaping.

27 - Everyone can make a difference! High school students can study links between everyday actions at their high school, greenhouse gas emissions, and climate change. Become a "climate ambassador" leader in your school or neighborhood and motivate friends, schools, and community leaders. Talk to you friends – help spread the word!
Play the podcast (MP3, 805KB, runtime 0:49) | Learn more at school.

28 - Get the lead out! If you're doing work on an older home or school building, be sure to follow lead-safe work practices. Contain the work area and keep kids and pets away. Minimize dust. And clean up thoroughly. Lead is harmful to adults and children, and common renovation jobs like sanding, cutting, or demolition can create lead dust and chips.
Play the podcast (MP3, 769KB, runtime 0:48) | More on renovating.

29 - Be green from the ground up! Test your home for radon. Radon is a naturally occuring, odorless gas that can seep out of the ground into your home. But as the second leading cause of lung cancer, radon is responsible for over 20,000 deaths a year. Fortunately, a home radon test is easy to do, and homes with high radon levels can be fixed.
Play the podcast (MP3, 630KB, runtime 0:39) | Get a radon test

30 - Play it safe! Children are curious but they are also more sensitive to substances in the environment. Protect children from accidental poisoning by locking up your household cleaners, pesticides, paint thinners, and other substances. Household products are safe and effective when used properly. Remember to read the label.
Play the podcast (MP3, 685KB, runtime 0:41) | More ways to prevent poisoning.

31 - Travel green! Look for hotels that encourage guests to use less water or energy. Hang up your towels to dry so you can use them again. Use the sheets more than a night or two. When you go out, look for local foods and souvenirs to reduce transportation. Before you go, unplug your computer, DVD player, and other electronics, and turn down your thermostat.
Play the podcast (MP3, 845KB, runtime 0:52) | More ways to save when you travel.



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2008 "Green Tips" podcasts

Earth Day is April 22! Find out more about what you can do to help protect the environment at home, at school, on the road, or at work.