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  Requirements of the Railroad Safety Improvement Act of 2008
  Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
  Summary of Inventory Data Crossing Counts
  Other Grade Crossing Publications, Studies and Reports
  How to Access Crossing Inventory Data
  How to Locate a Crossing or Crossing Number from the FRA Safety Data Website

Crossing Inventory Form and Instructions
   U.S. DOT Crossing Inventory Form [Form FRA F6180.71 (November 1999)] PDF version
   U.S. DOT Crossing Inventory Form Fill-in Template - Word.doc version
  Crossing Inventory Policy, Procedures and Instructions, August 2007
  Updating Responsibility Table for States and Railroads
  Highway-Railroad Crossing Inventory Instructions and Procedures Manual, December 1996

Crossing Inventory Number Information
  Assignment of Crossing Inventory Numbers
  How a Valid Crossing Number is Determined

GX 32 Software for Updating Inventory Records
   GX 32 Crossing Inventory Data Update and Maintenance System
   GX - List of Crossing Records (Multiselect View)

Web Based Accident Prediction Systems - WBAPS
   Sample WBAPS Reports
   Normalizing Constants for the Accident Prediction Model - October 2007
   Summary Report for the DOT Rail-Highway Crossing Resource Allocation Procedure - June 1987
   User's Guide for the Rail-Highway Crossing Resource Allocation Procedure - August 1987

Inventory File Data Description and Field Format
  Data Field Specification
  Railroad Names and Codes - see "7.04 FRA Auxiliary Tables"
  State, County, City and Company Codes - see "7.04 FRA Auxiliary Tables"

Inventory Updating and Database Reconciliation Processes
  Crossing Data Update Reconciliation Process for Medium and Large Data Files
  Format for Submitting Electronic Updates
  Instructions for Submitting XML Format of Inventory Updates
  Converting Latitude/Longitude to Decimal Degrees as Required for the Inventory File
  Procedure for Updating the DOT Crossing Inventory File

Contact Lists
  State Inventory Contacts
  Railroad Inventory Contacts

Where to Send Updated Records
  Send Electronic Updates, including scanned hardcopies, electronic templates and data files
     via emial to rxiupdates@frasafety.net .
  Send Hardcopy Forms to the FRA Program Manager Contact listed below.
  Send Electronic Update Files on discs or other magnetic media to the Processing Contractor at:
          Inventory Crossing Updates
          FRA Project Office
          Creative Information Technology, Inc.
          4601 N. Fairfax Drive, Suite 1100
          Arlington, VA 22203

FRA Program Manager Contact
Thomas P. Woll
Highway-Rail Crossing Safety Engineer
Federal Railroad Administration
1200 New Jersey Ave., SE, W33-447, Mail Stop 25
Washington, DC 20590
(O) (202) 493-6290
(F) (202) 493-6216
(E) tom.woll@dot.gov

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Federal Railroad Administration, U.S. Department of Transportation, 1200 New Jersey Avenue, SE, Washington, DC 20590