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Data Usability and Reporting
for Emission Rate Calculations

In dealing with a waste matrix analysis (e.g., waste feed testing), Sample Quantitation Limits (SQLs) are the most appropriate detection limit to use for risk assessment purposes as already documented in EPA's Guidance for Data Usability in Risk Assessment (Part A) Final(EPA 9285.7-09A, April 1992), also known as DUGS. For risk assessment purposes, DUGS defines SQLs as "the method detection limit adjusted to reflect sample-specification such as dilution or use of a smaller sample aliquot for analysis due to matrix effects or the high concentration of some analytes."

EPA has recognized that data quality objectives differ somewhat from the initial characterization of an unknown, potentially gross contaminated medium to the verification testing of a treated or "cleaned" medium. In soil for example, SQLs may not be low enough to verify that clean up methods have met the required clean up standards. In this case, special analytical techniques may be applied to provide lower detection limits or detection limits other than the SQLs are evaluated. In this respect, stack gas sampling is comparable to the verification sampling which follows treatment or removal actions in other environmental programs.

In dealing with stack gas sampling data, lower detection limits are achievable due to less interferences associated with the type of matrix and the lower level of contaminants potentially present. Since lower detection limits are essential to assessing the absence, or minute amount of a constituent verifiably present in the stack gas and ensuring permit limit compliance, EPA's Human Health Risk Assessment Protocol for Hazardous Waste Combustion Facilities, Peer Review Draft (EPA530-D-98-001 A, B, and C; July 1999), commonly referred to as the HHRAP, specifies alternative detection limits for emissions data reporting. Please refer to EPA's HHRAP Sections 2.4.1 and 2.4.2 for the discussion on data reported as non-detected in emissions testing. In order to supplement the HHRAP, EPA Region 6 has developed the following guidelines in order for a facility to effectively meet data quality objectives for combustion risk assessments:

I. Waste Feed Data Reporting: For any data reported as non-detected during waste feed testing (metals or organics), please have the laboratory report SQLs as defined in DUGS, above.

II. Emissions Data Reporting: For any data reported as non-detected during emissions testing (metals or organics), please have the laboratory report the following type of detection limits: SQLs as defined in DUGS and Method Detection Limits (MDLs) or Estimated Detection Levels (EDLs) as defined in the HHRAP. The following discussion explains the need for each set of detection limits and how the laboratory can report results for inclusion into the TB/RB Report.

The above guidelines have been developed to help facilities understand those specific issues which need to be communicated to the laboratory conducting analytical work and the contractor responsible for compiling and reporting data for inclusion in the TB/RB report. However, the type of testing conducted for combustion risk assessments must also be comprehensive in order to utilize facility specific information most effectively.

In general, all waste streams should be sampled for a full scan analysis (i.e., analyses for full, commercially available analyte lists based upon testing for volatile organics, semi-volatile organics, metals, and PCBs if applicable). For stack sampling, please see EPA's HHRAP Volume 2, Appendix A-3 Attachment, Tables Of Compound-Specific Parameter Values, pages A-3-51 through A-3-60 for a complete list of possible compounds which can be quantified during emissions testing. Each facility may have different compounds of potential concern and/or interest and should communicate their specific needs to the laboratory doing the analytical work. The facility should also direct the lab to evaluate and report the top 30 Tentatively Identified Compounds, if possible. EPA's Guidance on Collection of Emissions Data to Support Site-Specific Risk Assessments at Hazardous Waste Combustion Facilities, Peer Review Draft (EPA530-D-98-002; August 1998), which is the companion document to EPA's HHRAP, is very useful for checking correct sampling procedure with correct analytical procedure depending upon the specific data quality objectives.

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