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Steven D. McPeek - Acting Associate Administrator, Performance Improvement

Photo of McPeek, Acting Associate Administrator for OPI

Steven D. McPeek was named Acting Associate Administrator, Office of Performance Improvement (OPI) effective January 20, 2009.

OPI’s mission is to drive the process for successful implementation of major performance improvement initiatives throughout all areas of GSA. OPI also provides advice to the administrator and deputy administrator on major policies and procedures related to GSA performance functions.

McPeek joined GSA’s Office of the Chief Human Capital Officer as the director of the Office of Human Capital Management in February 2007. He began his federal career at the Department of Justice in 1986, working first in the Bureau of Prisons and then in the Justice Management Division.

At DOJ, he evaluated a quality improvement process implemented by Federal Prison Industries, and served as activation manager of the Metropolitan Detention Center in Los Angeles and activation coordinator for Federal Prison Industries. McPeek was the deputy director of the Justice Performance Review, the department’s internal reinventing government team from 1994 to 2000. The Justice Performance Review launched 16 multicomponent reinvention laboratories and implemented several additional management improvement initiatives during his tenure as the team’s day-to-day manager. McPeek also worked in DOJ’s Office of the Chief Information Officer and was selected in May 2003 as DOJ’s first assistant director for Human Capital Strategy.

McPeek has a bachelor’s degree from Cornell University and a master of science degree in public management and policy from Carnegie Mellon University.