George R. Prochaska - Acting Regional Administrator, Greater Southwest Region

Photo of Prochaska Greater Southwest Region Administrator

George R. Prochaska was named the Acting Regional Administrator for the Greater Southwest Region effective January 20, 2009.

In his role as principal executive of the region, Prochaska will head a GSA work force of more than 1,200 employees across Arkansas, Louisiana, New Mexico, Oklahoma, and Texas.

Previously the deputy regional administrator, he also currently serves as the executive in charge of the outgoing presidential and vice presidential transitions.

In the region, Prochaska chairs the Acquisition Council, the Marketing Council, the Green Council, the Financial Council and the Executive Council. He is active with the region’s internal controls, small business, human resources and civil rights programs.

Prochaska has a variety of accomplishments in GSA, including participating in the acquisition of five office buildings, directing the region’s capital building program, co-leading the region’s border station improvement program, serving as director of Real Property Disposal, as well as the director of planning, and as acting assistant regional administrator for Public Buildings Service. Before GSA, Prochaska was a study manager for Civil Works Projects with the Corps of Engineers.
Prochaska earned a bachelor’s degree in civil engineering from Texas A&M University and a master's in business administration from the University of Texas at Arlington. He also is a graduate of the Corps of Engineers Planning Associates Program in Washington, DC and the Federal Executive Institute and GSA’s Advanced Leadership Development Program.


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Last Reviewed 1/30/2009