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David A. Drabkin - Acting Chief Acquisition Officer

Photo of Acting Chief Acquisition Officer David A. Drabkin

David A. Drabkin, deputy chief acquisition officer and senior procurement executive, was named Acting Chief Acquisition Officer and senior procurement executive effective January 20, 2009.

The Office of the Chief Acquisition Officer is responsible for developing and reviewing acquisition policies, procedures and related training for GSA and federal acquisition professionals through the Federal Acquisition Institute, Civilian Acquisition Advisory Committee, Federal Acquisition Regulation, and GSA’s acquisition manual and training programs. The office also provides oversight of GSA's acquisition functions and serves as the functional manager of GSA's acquisition work force.

As a senior executive, Drabkin has also served as the deputy program manager of the Pentagon renovation program; the assistant deputy under secretary of defense in the Office of the Deputy Under Secretary of Defense (Acquisition Reform); and the director, regulatory reform and implementation, where he served as the project manager for FASA (WHAT IS FASA?) implementation.

Drabkin is a member of the bar of the Commonwealths of Pennsylvania and Virginia, and a member of the Council of Fellows, board of advisers and Advocacy Committee of the National Contract Management Association (NCMA). He also chairs the Advocacy Committee of the National Contracting and Public Procurement Council. He is a vice chair of the Acquisition Reform and Experimental Processes Committee of the Public Contact Law Section of the American Bar Association. He served as co-chairman of the Acquisition Reform Subcommittee; and served as the vice chairman of two other committees, Government Procurement and Alternative Dispute Resolution, of the ABA. He chaired NCMA’s board of advisers for two years. He also chaired an interagency working group under the auspices of the Administrative Conference of the United States on the implementation of alternative dispute resolution within the federal government.

Drabkin is a distinguished military graduate of Washington and Jefferson College, and a graduate of the Cumberland School of Law. He is a recipient of the Meritorious Presidential Rank Award.