Inspection Protocols

Revised Protocols Available. The Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration’s (PHMSA) Integrity Management Inspection Protocols for hazardous liquid pipeline operators have been revised to reflect rule changes made in July 2007. The rule changes require that operators notify PHMSA when a pressure reduction is in place for more than 365 days (Protocols 4.01 and 4.02); increased the maximum re-assessment interval to 5 years, “not to exceed 68 months” (Protocol 7.02), and clarified the use of alternate methods of calculating pressure reduction when the ASME/ANSI B31.4 Section 451.7 is not applicable (e.g., defects other than corrosion) (Protocol 4.01 and 4.02). Additional minor changes were made to correct errata noted during integrity management inspections. These protocols are being used to inspect operators for compliance with all aspects of the Integrity Management Rule §195.452.

To help illustrate updates and organizational changes to the protocols, a cross-reference table between the updated protocols and the protocol set used for previous Integrity Management inspections is also available below.

As part of the PHMSA continuous improvement approach for Integrity Management inspections, these forms may be further modified to reflect insights and lessons learned from the inspections to assure the PHMSA objectives are being achieved. Any updates to these Protocols will be posted at this location when they are finalized. To access the latest version of the Protocols and the protocol cross-reference table, use the links below.

Schematic diagrams illustrating the protocol organization, and the relationships and subjects of the questions have been developed. These “fishbone” diagrams provide a compact overview of the protocols. They are available through the links below.

Note: All fishbone diagrams have been updated to reflect the most recent protocol revisions.

A consolidated version of the inspection protocols has also been prepared to provide a more compact format. The number and content of protocol questions in the consolidated form is the same as in the larger form. The difference between the forms is in the amount of supporting detail, rule citations, and in the space allowed to record information. Some inspectors have found the consolidated form easier to use in conducting operator inspections.