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USAID Assists Avian Flu Preparedness in Kazakhstan

USAID, with the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and Winrock International, continues to support the Government of Kazakhstan in pursuing avian influenza preparedness efforts. Over the past six months, numerous activities have implemented to build upon the progress of these partnerships. In December, USAID sponsored a conference on avian influenza surveillance for representatives from all five countries of Central Asia to develop country-specific influenza pandemic preparedness plans and guidelines for epidemiology, laboratory, clinical, and veterinary practices. In February, Winrock International trained 28 veterinary specialists from all oblasts of Kazakhstan on surveillance and response; trainings for rayon-level veterinarians commenced in early April. A separate training for national and oblast level laboratory specialists responsible for operating equipment to detect influenza or highly-pathogenic avian influenza was recently organized by the CDC. Finally, a USAID-sponsored Global Avian Influenza Network for Surveillance project initiated a study of migratory birds and avian influenza incidence in Kazakhstan and will help standardize field sampling techniques.

USAID is also working with other governments of Central Asia to replicate similar programs in their respective countries.

USAID sponsors avian flu preparedness trainings for Kazakhstan's veterinarians
USAID sponsors avian flu preparedness trainings for Kazakhstan’s veterinarians

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Tue, 05 Jun 2007 09:37:58 -0500