USAID|NEPAL: From The American People Graphical Representation of NepalSkip repetitive navigation links
          Farmers benefit from smallholder irrigation program in rural Nepal
Since its beginning in Nepal 56 years ago, USAID has supported programs aimed at developing the local economy. Photo: Winrock, Int'l
USAID supports Nepal's transition to peace

In November 2006, the Nepal government and Maoist insurgents signed a landmark peace agreement that ended the 12-year conflict.  For the first time in years, the people of Nepal have reason to be optimistic that peace will return and democratic transition will take root. USAID shares that optimism, but implementation of the peace agreement and restoration of representative government in rural areas remain significant challenges.

Constrained severely by rugged terrain and limited resources, this small, landlocked country remains one of the poorest in the world. The protracted conflict has shattered the Nepalese economy and exacerbated poverty. Nepal is currently ranked the third lowest country in Asia on the Human Development Index with some of the worst poverty and health statistics regionally and globally.  

The Nepali government has expressed a strong commitment to addressing these economic and social development issues, and the US assistance program is aimed at supporting this commitment. Along with addressing root causes of the conflict such as social and gender inequality and poverty, US assistance will play a crucial role in supporting the transition to peace and in building strong and representative government. USAID/Nepal pursues a “peaceful, prosperous and democratic Nepal” as the goal of its development program.

Last updated: May 4, 2007

Peace Building
USAID programs promote peace and mitigate the negative effects of the conflict through the provision of quick and visible benefits to under-served and conflict-affected populations.
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Icon: As president of her local Village Youth Club in the Terai region of southern Nepal, Rabeeta, 20, organizes projects and helps mediate disputes for her community as part of the USAID-supported Youth Initiatives for Peace and Reconciliation program.
Democracy and Governance
The high turn out for and orderly nature of the elections was an encouraging indication of a broad commitment to democracy.
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Icon: Program Increasing Women's Participation in Politics
Health and Family Planning
The health program aims to reduce fertility and child mortality and protect the lives of Nepali families.
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Icon: National Vitamin A Supplementation
Economic Growth/Education
USAID/Nepal is also supporting a multi-faceted youth education program, combining literacy and life skills, vocational education, agricultural training, and targeted scholarships for disadvantaged and conflict-affected youth in mid-western Nepal.
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Icon: Coffee Farmer in Rural Nepal
Humanitarian Assistance
USAID funding is proportionally higher for Nepal than for the rest of South Asia due partly to the seismic vulnerability of Kathmandu, and partly to the ongoing conflict facing the country.
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Icon: Distribution of Disaster Assistance to Flood Victims
Transition Initiatives
OTI works to support the immediate needs of the transition to peace in Nepal.
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Icon: Ozomatli promotes Unity in Diversity  in Kathmandu Concert
Map of Nepal
Malaria Eradication in the 1960s was one of USAID
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