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Steve Ruggiero - Acting Regional Administrator, Northeast and Caribbean Region

Photo of Steve Ruggiero, GSA's Region 2 Acting Administrator

Steve Ruggiero was named Acting Regional Administrator for GSA’s Northeast and Caribbean Region effective January 20, 2009.  

In his role as principal executive of the region, Ruggiero heads a GSA work force of 700 employees across New Jersey, New York, Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin Islands. GSA’s Northeast and Caribbean Region has an annual operating budget estimated at $1.4 billion and a real estate portfolio that includes 86 government-owned buildings and leased space in 556 commercial buildings. Ruggiero will oversee a number of major projects, including the expansion of border stations along the U.S./Canadian border; the construction of a new federal courthouse in Buffalo, N.Y.; the return of federal tenants to the World Trade Center site; and the development of the new U.S. Mission to the United Nations.

Before assuming leadership of the region, Ruggiero had served as deputy regional administrator since 2000, and had served as assistant regional administrator for GSA’s Federal Technology Service. His career-defining moment came following the September 11 terrorist attacks on New York City. At the time, he led the Northeast and Caribbean Region response team’s disaster recovery effort, overseeing the immediate continuation of essential agency operations. These included a massive around-the-clock purchasing effort in support of ground zero emergency efforts and the daunting task of restoring hundreds of communications lines. He has more than 35 years of public service and management experience.

Recognizing his dedication to government service, GSA has honored Ruggiero with both its Distinguished Service Award and its Meritorious Service Award.

Ruggiero is an alumnus of the City College of New York with a degree in political science.


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