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Web Manager University – Spring 2009

Class Title: The New Video Revolution

Class Format: Seminar  
Instructor: Michael Rosenblum, Rosenblum TV
Date Wednesday, February 18, 2009
Time: 9:00 am – 12:00 pm
Place: The American Institute of Architects (AIA)
Directions to AIA

$50 federal, state, or local U.S. government; $75 for non-government

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Seminar Description

Small, inexpensive and easy–to–operate digital camcorders and desktop and laptop editing software have changed the face of video and television production. What used to be expensive, complicated and difficult is now inexpensive and remarkably easy to do. We'll teach you to script, shoot, produce, edit and upload video that is broadcast quality. It's easier than you think. Video is often the best way to communicate ideas or offer instruction. As the web moves to video, it is critical that everyone learn to work in this remarkably powerful medium.

Why You Should Attend

Video is the most powerful medium of communication we've ever invented. The average American watches an astonishing 4.2 hours of television PER DAY. Video is the lingua franca of the planet. It's a powerful way we communicate ideas and information to one another. We're all print literate, yet despite the enormous power of television and video, the vast majority of us are video illiterate. The invention of inexpensive digital cameras and simple laptop edit software is the 21st Century equivalent of Gutenberg's invention of the printing press. What the printing press did for writing and publishing, these technologies now do for video, making it possible for anyone with an idea to 'publish' in this medium. You just have to become video literate.

What You'll Learn

The basics of video literacy: the grammar of video story telling, the technology that makes it possible, the techniques you need to know.


The Technical Revolution: how the confluence of web 2.0, digital video cameras and laptop edits created the 'perfect storm' for this new technology.

The Grammar of video story-telling: how to tell stories in video; it's not TV. The scope of the digital revolution: where is the technology taking us and what can we expect to see in the next few years.


  • Invention is the Mother of Necessity
  • The Perfect Storm of Technology
  • It's Much Easier Than You Thought It Was
  • The Basics of Video Storytelling
  • Where Is This All Headed.
  • What Do I Need To Know From Here?

Who Should Attend

Anyone who is in the business of communicating ideas or instruction to a large and diverse audience

Level of Seminar


About the Instructor

Michael RosenblumFor more than 20 years, Michael Rosenblum has been on the cutting edge of the digital 'video–journalist' (VJ) revolution. 

During this time, he's led a drive for video literacy and the complete rethinking of how television is made and controlled. His work has included: Transitioning the BBC national network in the United Kingdom to a VJ-driven model, starting in 2002; the conversion of the Voice of America, the U.S. Government broadcasting agency (and the largest broadcaster in the world), from short-wave radio to television broadcasting and webcasting using the VJ paradigm (1998–present).

Michael Rosenblum was also the designer behind Current.tv in partnership with former U.S. Vice President Al Gore and the construction, in partnership with Carl Spielvogel, of a national hyper-local citizen journalist network with Verizon. The construction of NYT Television, a New York Times Company, and the largest producer of non-fiction television in the US. Rosenblum was both the founder and President of NYT TV, (all based on the VJ paradigm, 1996-1998); and the President and Founder of Video News International, a global VJ-driven newsgathering company, with more than 100 journalists around the world. (1993–1996).

He has also designed, built, and implemented VJ-driven news channels around the world, including Time/Warner's New York 1; Associated Newspapers (UK) London based Channel 1; Young Broadcasting stations in the US; Switzerland's largest commercial TV broadcaster, "TeleZuri", as well as a host of smaller projects, such as Eritrea's ERI-TV and Sri Lanka's SLBC. His consulting clients include the BBC, McGraw-Hill, TV-24/Germany, TV4/Sweden, Oxygen Media, National Public Radio, Danmarks Radio (DK), TV-3 Sweden, Norway & Denmark , Tokyo Broadcasting, and Korea Broadcasting.

In 2007, he partnered with The Travel Channel to create The Travel Channel Academy, a place where anyone can take a 4-day course and learn to create digital video content both for online and broadcast. This concept is now being expanded to other channels. 

As a producer, Michael Rosenblum has produced or overseen production on more than 300 hours of programming for both network and cable. His shows have included the long-running Trauma: Life in the ER, Paramedics, Police Force, Labor and Delivery, Science Times. These series have aired on TLC, Showtime and National Geographic. He has also produced for ABC, CBS, Oxygen and the BBC. Most recently his groundbreaking 5Takes series for Discovery has completely rewritten the production paradigm. The company currently has more than 50 hours in production for this year alone. 

He has conducted his unique VJ training classes and boot-camps all over the world, from Thailand to Marrakech, and has lectured extensively both overseas and in the US. For 8 years he was an adjunct Professor of Communication at New York University, where he taught "Television and the Information Revolution", a course of his own design and at The Bauhaus in Germany. Prior to that he taught at Columbia University's Graduate School of Journalism. His Brussels based "Rosenblum Institute" trains European journalists to work as VJs.  He is the author of "Videojournalismus" (Germany).

Return to the Spring 2009 Schedule of Classes

Content Lead: Meghan Burrows

Page Updated or Reviewed: February 10, 2009


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