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Class Title: Measuring the Performance of Government Websites: Best Practices, Tools, and Strategies

Instructor: Alex Langshur, PublicInsite
Date/Time: December 4-5, 2007 9:00 am - 4:00 pm (EST)
Place: Department of Labor
Directions to DOL

$400 for federal, state, or local U.S. government; $600 for non-government

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Course Description

Day 1

Session 1: The strategic imperative to measure performance

Has there been too much focus on building government websites (the supply) and not enough on citizen demand? This introductory session will provide perspective on the growing attempts to measure the performance and impact of government websites. We’ll use this to review some of the drivers and approaches from various jurisdictions in order to build common understanding of the key issues, terms, and approaches. This session will provide the foundation for the entire seminar.

Topics covered:

  • Understanding the demand side drivers: statistics, demographics, technology
  • Bringing the citizen’s voice to the decision making table
  • The channel issue: integrating and valuing the data streams
  • Valuation approaches: avoiding the ROI pitfall
Session 2: Analytics primer – fundamentals

The ability to observe the actions and behaviors of website visitors is one of the truly powerful aspects of web analytics.  This introductory session will review the fundamentals of web analytics, including an exploration the various approaches, an examination of data collection issues, and a discussion on what you need to know to get started.

Topics covered:

  • Key concepts and practices
  • Understanding visits and visit types (unique, repeat)
  • Differences between data collection methods
  • Data collection pitfalls and the ongoing cookie debate
Session 3: Analytics primer – advanced concepts

Building on the first session, this session will explore in greater detail what is required to produce high-quality, trustworthy, and accurate web analytics results. We’ll examine how good information architecture and site construction is critical to developing good metrics and making effective use of analytics tools. This discussion will be framed within the context of the privacy considerations that managers of government websites must address.

Topics covered:

  • Understanding where visitors come from
  • The impact of non-human visitors on site statistics
  • Understanding citizens’ behaviors: best practices in visitor tracking
  • Methods of traffic analysis, issues and risks
  • Addressing privacy concerns
  • Developing relevant metrics, measuring transactions, and creating reports
  • Using analytics to support citizen relationship management

Day 2

Session 4: What the numbers mean—working with the data

With the fundamentals in place, it’s time to explore how to use the data to understand visitor behavior. Are visitors doing what you hoped they would? Is content being “taken up” as intended? Are the “right” audiences finding and making use of the site? Can you track and measure if desired actions are occurring? This session will review what you need and best practices to help you get started.

Topics covered:

  • Referrers, paths, keywords, conversions… making sense of what matters

Session 5: Communicating the value of analytics to internal audiences

Why bother to measure? This session will examine the value of analytics: how it can help to better understand clients and stakeholders needs, measure brand awareness and provide a unique source of corporate intelligence. We’ll explore how to promote a culture of measurement, how to position the value of the measurement function, and how to most effectively communicate results.

Topics covered:

  • Getting and achieving buy-in for analytics projects
  • How measurement delivers unique insight about visitors across the organization
  • No more “end-of-pipe” process: linking measurement to the continuous improvement cycle
  • Key performance indicators: best practice approaches for communicating results
Case Study

In this final part of the seminar, we’ll work through a real world case study example, highlighting how organizations can put in place website performance measurement methodologies and frameworks. This session will provide an opportunity for you to observe the role and use of analytics in website measurement through an examination of real-world data in a real-world context, making it easier for you to apply the principles and practices as soon as you get back to your workplace.

Why You Should Attend

  • Gain a thorough understanding of best-practices to measure and report on site impact and performance
  • Thoroughly explore the benefits and risks of various value measurement methodologies and their applicability to content-rich websites
  • Find out how to become more client focused by listening and responding appropriately to their needs
  • Learn how to measure the outcomes, as opposed to outputs of the web channel
  • Work through and participate in real world performance measurement case studies
  • Discover how to succinctly report metrics and performance indicators that crystallize senior management attention
  • Meet and network with other peers who are facing similar issues and problems
  • Get exposed to leading edge thinking presented in a practical, “how-to” style so that you can immediately apply the lessons learned
  • A unique opportunity to join other professionals to learn the latest strategies and best practices on how to measure, track and improve the performance of your content rich website

About the Instructor

Alex Langshur is the president and co-founder of PublicInsite, and is co-chair of the Web Analytics Association Public Sector Metrics Committee. He is a recognized expert in the use of benchmarking and web analytics to create richly detailed profiles of customers and stakeholders. His expertise is used to assist clients improve user satisfaction, foster site loyalty and generate desired outcomes. Alex is also pioneering efforts to adapt private sector web channel performance measurement frameworks to the unique challenges of the public sector context. Prior to PublicInsite, he was vice-president and co-founder of Consilium 2K, a consulting group that provided strategic Internet consulting, organizational change, information architecture and user interface design services for clients. Some of his major public sector clients include Transport Canada, Industry Canada, the Department of National Defense, Health Canada, the Public Health Agency of Canada, the Department of Foreign Affairs and International Trade, and the Federation of Canadian Municipalities. Alex has broad public sector experience, having held positions with several Canadian federal government departments, including Natural Resources Canada, the Privy Council Office and the Treasury Board Secretariat of Canada. He has been invited to present at conferences worldwide, has been called upon as an expert speaker for radio and print media, and has been frequently published in journals and magazines. Alex has lectured often on the subject of e-government and has been cited for the exceptional quality of his seminars and training programs.

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Page Updated or Reviewed: August 3, 2007


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