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Previous Training and Workshops

Web Manager University

Spring 2009

JAN 8 Top Tasks Part 3: Task Measurement & Success of Your Website NEW!
JAN 14 Meeting Federal Web Requirements and Best Practices

Writing a Blog & Managing Comments

FEB 11

Crisis Communication Online NEW!

FEB 18

The New Video Revolution NEW!

FEB 25–26 Managing Government Websites 101
MAR 25 Marketing Government Websites on the Social Web NEW!

Advanced Writing for the Web NEW!

Apr 7

The Science of Search

APR 28–29 Government Web Managers 2-Day Conference

Fall 2008

AUG 6 Using Social Media to Communicate with Your Customers NEW!
SEP 9 Advanced SEO FREE!
SEP 17–18

Creating Accessible Websites That Meet 508 Standards

SEP 23–24

Managing Government Websites 101 NEW!


Plain Language in Practice: Writing for the Web

OCT 21 Designing for the Scent of Information
OCT 23 How to Create Your Own RSS Feeds

Content ROT: How to Find and Treat It NEW!

NOV 20

Website Makeover: Focusing on Your Visitors' Major Tasks

DEC 3 Government Web Analytics 101
DEC 9-10

Hands-On Social Media: Everything You Need To Get Started Using New-Media Tools NEW!

Spring 2008

FEB 13 Meeting Federal Web Requirements and Best Practices FREE!
FEB 28 Repurposing Print Documents for the Web NEW!
MAR 12 Paper Prototyping: How to Do Affordable
and Easy User Testing
MAR 20–21 Improving Web Governance at Your Agency
APR 2 Survey of Social Media
APR 8 Meeting 508 Requirements: Rules and Tools
APR 23 Basics of Search Engine Optimization: Using Search Data
to Get Customers to Your Content
MAY 5–6

Government Web Managers 2–Day Conference & Best Practice Awards

MAY 15 Website Makeover: Focusing on Your Visitors' Major Tasks
MAY 21–22 Measuring the Performance of Government Websites:
Best Practices, Tools, and Strategies
MAY 29 Designing and Writing Forms for the Web
JUN 3–4 Advanced Usability Testing
JUN 11

Managing a Multilingual Website

Fall 2007

SEP 18 Identifying Carewords: Using a Three-Step Process to Deliver Top Tasks
SEP 26–27 CMS: Everything You Need to Know
OCT 11 Transforming Web Content With Plain Language
OCT 16–17 Usability Boot Camp
OCT 30 Leading Change
NOV 7 Website Makeover: Focusing on Your Visitors Major Tasks
NOV 28 Basics of Search Engine Optimization: Using Search Data to Get Customers to Your Content
DEC 4–5

Measuring the Performance of Government Websites: Best Practices, Tools, and Strategies

For more information or if you need information about a previous training event:

Content Lead: Jae Rouse

Page Updated or Reviewed: May 7, 2009

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