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BLM>ES>Jackson Field Office>Energy & Minerals
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Energy and Minerals

With BLM's unique mandate of multiple use, management of the public lands and resources is based on balancing the use of lands and resources to obtain an ecologically sound environment, contribute to the domestic energy supply, and provide a reasonable return to the Federal treasury for the use of public lands and resources. The Jackson Field Office (JFO) administers a variety of energy and mineral activities for the exploration and development of oil, natural gas, coal, phosphate, quartz, limestone, and gold.  

JFO also has jurisdiction over the majority of the Bureau's coastal Oil and Gas operations. Over 90 million dollars a year is generated in Federal Leasable Mineral income from the field office. JFO's energy and minerals program oversees 900 active oil and gas wells, 1 active clay pit, 1 limestone mine, 1 gold mine, 2 quartz mines, 1 phosphate mine and 3 operating coal mines. JFO partners with a variety of Federal, State, and private surface owners to further the goal of environmentally responsible mineral development.                                                                          



Jackson Field Office         



Drilling rig located at Barksdale Air Force Base in Bossier City, Louisiana