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Enterprise Management Office

The OCFO Enterprise Management Office (OCFO EMO) has a key role in fostering the institutionalization and execution of business-focused objectives, processes and procedures to ensure consistency in how projects and systems are planned, budgeted, managed, and controlled throughout their life cycle.

A priority responsibility of the EMO is to build a sustainable framework where economically sound information technology investment and divestment decisions are made. The framework established by the EMO will lead to an optimized financial management systems portfolio, fully aligned with the goals and objectives of GSA as well as those of the OCFO's. The EMO also serves as a coordinator and integrator in other major OCFO projects, such as Accelerated Reporting and Activity Based Costing implementation.

The EMO was established in late December 2003.

Core EMO Functions include:

  • Delivering Management Information
  • Developing Program Integration
  • Improving Project Management Practices