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Turkmen entrepreneurs with their host family

Since 1993 more than 10,000 Turkmen citizens received training in heir areas of work through the USAID Participant Training and lately – Community Connections programs.

USAID in Turkmenistan

USAID began providing assistance to Turkmenistan in 1993, soon after the country became independent. Since that time, the American people through USAID have provided over $80 million in programs that help improve social services, expand access to information, and increase the development of market and agriculture. USAID programs cooperate with ministries, governmental organizations, businesses, and communities to create jobs, increase incomes, improve professional knowledge, and better manage available resources.

USAID supports the Government of Turkmenistan in its efforts to adopt international health care practices, implement programs for surveillance and prevention of infectious diseases and illnesses, such as malaria, TB, and HIV/AIDS, and to improve education system. Numerous enterprises receive assistance to improve their productivity and revenues, and individuals benefit from USAID-supported trainings that expand their professional skills and knowledge. USAID also provides Turkmen citizens with greater access to information and organizational skills to identify and address community needs by working in coordination with local authorities and the business community.

USAID operates under a bilateral agreement with the Government of Turkmenistan, and is a leading bilateral donor organization in Turkmenistan. USAID programs in Turkmenistan are implemented through contracts and grants by more than 20 local and international organizations, including U.N. agencies, for profit companies, and community organizations.

Brochure Calendar 2009 Factsheet: USAID Programs
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