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BKKBN/USAID Partnership: The Cornerstone of Indonesia’s Advances in Family Planning

The key to the success of Indonesia’s extraordinary family planning (FP) program has been the strong partnership that grew between the National Family Planning Coordination Board (BKKBN - the government’s national FP program) and USAID as they worked together to achieve the shared goal of ensuring healthy mothers and healthy families through a strong national FP program. “It wasn’t just a bilateral commitment,” said Dr. Haryono Suyana, the former BKKBN chairman and one of the founding fathers of FP in Indonesia. “Our relationship was a bridge between our two countries.”

Today, as a result of this positive relationship, the Indonesian family planning program is internationally recognized for its success in lowering average family size, increasing contraceptive use, and improving the health of women and children.

Read more on USAID’s family planning work in Indonesia

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