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Procedures for handling Medical Commodities
(Medicines, Medical Supplies and Medical Equipment) For Lebanon



Lebanon has a robust health care infrastructure with well-trained medical personnel, a national medicines formulary and good health-care delivery mechanisms. (A national formulary is a list of medicines that nation has approved for marketing and use within its borders.) The Lebanese Ministry of Health (MOH) is the lead body in Lebanon charged with protecting and maintaining the healthcare of the Lebanese. Lebanese MOH laws and regulations are designed to protect the health and well-being of the Lebanese people.


Organizations may wish to send medical commodities to support Lebanon relief efforts. These commodities may not necessarily be in the best interests of Lebanon and may in fact detract from the overall relief effort. Creating a parallel system to that of the government of Lebanon should be avoided. Problems that may arise include:

  • Medicines that are not on the Lebanese MOH essential drug formulary may not be allowed to be used in Lebanon.
  • Lebanese practitioners may not be familiar with foreign medicines.
  • Quantities provided may be too limited to be of value to the relief effort. Small quantities are not cost-effective.
  • Medicines and medical supplies may be non-dated, outdated or short-dated and may then cause extra problems for disposal.
  • Medical equipment using electricity may not be compatible with the Lebanese power grid.
  • To insure patient safety, medical equipment may need to be calibrated and maintained and spare parts may not be locally available.


  • Send cash donations whenever possible. (Please refer to the USAID.Gov website and the Center for International Disaster Information (CIDI) website information provided at the end of this document.) Money can be used to purchase internationally standardized medical supplies that are consistent and coordinated with the Lebanese MOH.
  • Distribution of medical commodities must be coordinated with the overall Lebanese MOH and World Health Organization (WHO) relief efforts. Rely on the Lebanese MOH for "pulling" those medical commodities that they feel are necessary, rather than "pushing" medical commodities that have been donated.
  • Organizations are encouraged to not contact hospitals and health care facilities directly. This allows the Lebanese medical personnel to provide medical care to patients and not be distracted with identifying, sorting and storing medical commodities.
  • If organizations wish to contact the Lebanese MOH for the appropriateness of their donation, they should have the following information available:
    • For medicines:
      • Name, dose, form, manufacturer of medicine.
      • Expiration date of at least 12 months from anticipated delivery date.
      • Complete prescribing information (package insert).
    • For medical supplies:
      • Complete description and manufacturer.
      • Expiration date of at least 12 months from anticipated delivery date.
      • Complete use information.
    • For medical equipment:
      • Complete description and manufacturer.
      • Expiration date of at least 12 months from anticipated delivery date.
      • Statement that equipment is compatible with Lebanese electrical grid.
      • Owner's manual and complete instructions for use.
      • Complete maintenance logs and inspection reports for equipment.

For assistance in donating medical commodities for the Lebanese relief effort, organizations are strongly encouraged to contact The Center for International Disaster Information (CIDI). The Center for International Disaster Information provides information and guidance in support of appropriate international disaster relief. For additional information and assistance. Please call CIDI at (703) - 276 - 1914. Additional information on CIDI and its activities, is located at:


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