State of Nevada

Nevada State Office of Energy

Seal of Nevada

Business Resources

NSOE provides you with the information you need to make good decisions about what you can do to improve the energy efficiency of your business. The links below will lead you to documents that you can read online or print out for later use in you quest for improved efficiency and lowered costs:

  • Rebuild America
    The Rebuild America Program is a voluntary program of community and regional partnerships. The Partners work with the U.S. Department of Energy to develop programs that identify and achieve cost-effective investments in public buildings, public housing, commercial buildings, and multifamily residential buildings through improved energy efficiency.

  • Energy Star "Change a Light, Change the World" Campaign
    Going into its 7th year, the campaign builds momentum throughout the summer and early fall with a central rallying point on ENERGY STAR Change a Light Day, Wednesday, October 4th, 2006. Organizations across the nation come together to help celebrate this day with activities, events, government proclamations, and store promotions around energy-efficient lighting that run through November.

  • Saving Energy Is Good Business
    As a business owner or operator, you know that energy expenses are part of the cost of doing business. But did you know that there are proven no-cost or low-cost steps you can take right now to save energy? By choosing energy-efficient measures that fit your situation, you can easily save hundreds or even thousands of dollars annually in energy costs.
  • Take Control Conservation Tips
    Nevada Power / Sierra Pacific Energy Conservation and Information Center. Here you will find No Cost / Low Cost Tips and added cost tips.
  • Alliance to Save Energy's Business Energy Checkup
    ASE's Business Energy Checkup is a  guide to saving money and preventing pollution through energy efficiency steps you can take in your business. Business Energy Checkup helps you identify a wide range of energy efficiency options for your building.
  • Office Equipment and Building Electrical Equipment
    Most office equipment wastes energy as it sits idle; equipment with built-in power management features can greatly reduce energy use by switching to low-energy mode when not in use. Energy-efficient motors and transformers are also available.
  • Buildings Programs of the Alliance to Save Energy
    Alliance to Save Energy's buildings efficiency programs work to improve energy efficiency in homes, offices, schools, and Federal facilities.
  • EPA ENERGY STAR Products for Businesses
    Lists of office equipment, power management, exist signs and roof products.
  • EPA ENERGY STAR for Business
    Innovative tools, software, calculators, and resources for businesses of all types.
  • EPA ENERGY STAR for Small Business
    This Web site will help you perform energy efficient upgrades. Here you can find financial resources, find ENERGY STAR products and services, calculate your savings, receive free technical help, get a no-cost upgrade manual, and get recognition for your efforts.
  • Lawrence Berkley National Laboratory's Building Technologies Department
    The Building Technologies Department develops window, lighting and glazing technologies that save energy and maximize visual and thermal comfort of building occupants. The Department also develops software that allows architects and building engineers to design or retrofit buildings for maximum energy efficiency and occupant comfort.
  • Nevada Conservation Plans
    Energy Conservation Plan for State Government and the Nevada Statewide Energy Conservation Plan.

  • NSOE Commercial Work Group
    Advisory group for NSOE on commercial energy issues.

  • DOE Financing Solutions for Small Business
    There is no shortage of financial resources available to help small businesses become more energy efficient or adopt renewable energy technologies. Here are more than a dozen web sites or publications dedicated to loans, lenders, and lots more.


Nevada Sure Bet
Cool Controls Plus
Non-profit Grants
Energy Star Manufactured Homes
Sure Bet New Construction
Sure Bet Schools
Business Time of Use Rates

Other Sources of Information

Inside NSOE | Emergency Info | Renewable Task Force | Conservation & Efficiency
Renewable Energy | Transportation | Energy Data Center | Funding Opportunities
Calendar of Events | Other Sites | Site Map | Home 
Nevada State Office of Energy
727 Fairview Drive, Suite F, Carson City, NV  89701
fax: 775-687-9714 
This page is Bobby Approved - Federal Rehabilitation Act (Section 508)
Last Updated: 01/12/09