[Header] PHMSA - U.S. Department of Transportation - Pipeline and Hazardous materials Safety Adminis
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Oct 12, 1994

Highway Routing Standards 
FHWA Docket MC-92-6 [RIN 2125-AC80]


Topic Publish Date Status Effective Date Federal Register Citation
Highway Routing Stds. for Non-RAM HM and notice of public hearing 04/07/88 ANPRM 10/11/88 53 FR 11618
Extend Comment Period 10/05/88 ANPRM 12/13/88 53 FR 39114
Transferred to FHWA -- OST Docket #1 (07/25/91) 08/31/92 NPRM 11/30/92 57 FR 39522
FHWA adopts regulations  10/12/94 Final Rule 11/14/94 59 FR 51824


[NOTE: The attached documents are in PDF format, you can download a free viewer.  If you have problems accessing the PDFs or the information, report your problem for further assistance.

View/Print Public Comments submitted to the Federal Document Management System. NOTE: search for comments using the entire FR number or PHMSA docket ID (for example "72 FR 71735" or "PHMSA-2004-25203"). Not all items will have submitted public comments.]

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