Press Release

USAID and ConocoPhillips Completes Reconstruction of Damaged Education Facilities in Yogyakarta

School children perform a play

USAID/Danumurthi Mahendra

School children perform a disaster preparedness play during the ConocoPhillips/USAID school handover ceremony in Klaten, Central Java

Yogyakarta, March 3 – ConocoPhillips Indonesia and USAID/Indonesia announced the completion of the reconstruction and rehabilitation of 35 public and private schools, learning centers, and educational institutions. Construction efforts are located in the provinces of Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta and Central Java that were damaged or destroyed by a devastating earthquake in May 2006.

The alliance along with its implementing partner, Decentralized Basic Education (DBE), began the project in 2007.  The project used a community-based approach for the reconstruction or rehabilitation of schools and learning centers.  Training was provided to principals, teachers to allow them to make the most of reading materials that were granted to each institution, and youth were trained in disaster recovery and preparedness.

"ConocoPhillips and USAID are proud to have participated in the recovery efforts of the communities affected by the earthquake. Education is a priority of our corporate social responsibility program and by rebuilding the educational infrastructure. We hope to improve the students' lives and to assist communities regain their footing and prepare for the future.  This is an example of our commitment to the Indonesian government and the people of Indonesia," said Jim Taylor, president and general manager, ConocoPhillips Indonesia.

“USAID is implementing a major program to improve the quality of basic education in Indonesia for the 2005 – 2010 period.  With a specific mandate to engage private sector entities and the community, the DBE program has been assisting local gove

rnments to strengthen capacity in delivering services for better education governance, teaching and learning, and education relevance.  The completion of these school reconstructions shows that strong relationships between government entities and the private sector can help Indonesian children and youth become more successful students,” said Walter North, Mission Director, USAID/Indonesia.

For more information, please contact Roman Woronowycz ( at USAID’s Indonesia Development Outreach and Communications at 62-21-3435-9424, or Jacob Kastanja ( at ConocoPhillips Indonesia’s Corporate and Media Communications at 62-21-811927630.

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USAID dan ConocoPhillips Rampungkan Rekonstruksi Fasilitas Pendidikan Yang Rusak di Yogyakarta

Walter North with school children

USAID/Danumurthi Mahendra

USAID/Indonesia Mission Director Walter North with school children at the ConocoPhillips/USAID school handover ceremony in Klaten, Central Java

Jakarta, 3 Maret – ConocoPhillips Indonesia dan USAID Indonesia mengumumkan penyelesaian kegiatan rekonstruksi dan rehabilitasi 35 sekolah negeri dan swasta, pusat kegiatan belajar masyarakat, serta lembaga pendidikan lainnya. Usaha rekonstruksi dan rehabilitasi berada di provinsi Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta dan Jawa Tengah yang mengalami kerusakan akibat gempa bumi pada Mei 2006.

Bersama mitra pelaksana, Decentralized Basic Education (DBE), kegiatan ini dimulai pada tahun 2007. Kegiatan ini menggunakan pendekatan berbasis partisipasi masyarakat untuk membangun kembali sekolah, madrasah dan pusat kegiatan belajar masyarakat. Pelatihan juga diberikan kepada para kepala sekolah dan guru agar mereka dapat memanfaatkan bahan-bahan bacaan yang diberikan kepada setiap penerima hibah. Selain itu, para remaja juga menerima pelatihan di bidang pemulihan dan kesiapsiagaan menghadapi bencana.

"ConocoPhillips merasa bangga telah dapat berpartisipasi dalam kegiatan pemulihan masyarakat yang terkena dampak gempa ini. Pendidikan merupakan prioritas dari program corporate social responsibility kami dengan cara membangun kembali infrastruktur pendidikan. Kami berharap dapat memperbaiki kehidupan para siswa dan membantu masyarakat setempat untuk dapat kembali berdiri di kaki sendiri guna menghadapi masa depan. Ini merupakan contoh dari komitmen kami kepada Pemerintah serta bangsa Indonesia,” kata Jim Taylor, Presiden Direktur dan General Manager ConocoPhillips Indonesia.

“Untuk periode 2005-2010, USAID sedang melaksanakan program peningkatan mutu pendidikan dasar di Indonesia. Dengan mandat khusus untuk melibatkan pihak swasta dan masyarakat, program DBE mendukung pemda setempat untuk memperkuat kapasitas dalam meningkatkan tata layanan pendidikan, mutu kegiatan  belajar dan mengajar, dan relevansi pendidikan. Selesainya proses rekonstruksi dan rehabilitasi sekolah-sekolah ini menunjukkan bahwa hubungan yang kuat antara unsur-unsur pemerintah dan sektor swasta dapat membantu anak-anak dan remaja Indonesia menjadi pelajar yang lebih sukses,” menurut Walter North, Mission Director, USAID/Indonesia.

Untuk informasi lebih lanjut, silakan hubungi Roman Woronowycz (, Development Outreach and Communications USAID Indonesia di nomor 62-21-3435-9424, atau Jacob Kastanja (, Corporate and Media Communications ConocoPhillips Indonesia di nomor 62-21-811927630.

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Last updated August 20, 2009

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