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Why is EPA proposing a conditional approval of the DFW SIP?

We are proposing approval of this SIP because we believe the measures included in the plan, many of which are based upon efforts of local agencies and businesses, are bringing cleaner air to DFW. NOx emissions in the area are being reduced substantially and if efforts continue, the area will meet Federal clean air standards by the 2010 deadline. State and local officials and business leaders are to be complimented in rising to the difficult challenge of improving air quality on the ambitious time frames of the Clean Air Act. The control measures in this plan to reduce NOx emissions are among the most stringent in the country, controlling emissions from a wide variety of industrial sources and providing tens of millions of dollars to clean up diesel equipment.

The conditions that must still be met include (1) regulatory action by the State to limit the use of pollution credits that have been accumulated by area power plants and (2) the adoption of a statutorily required contingency plan.

1. Why is EPA proposing a conditional approval of the DFW SIP?
2. What are accumulated pollution credits?
3. What measures are included in the DFW SIP?
4. Will the measures in the DFW SIP bring the area into attainment? How soon?
5. When will EPA consider final approval for the DFW SIP?
6. How does the new 8-hour ozone standard (0.075 ppm) impact this plan?
7. Will the state have to draft a new SIP once the new 8-hour standard goes into effect?
8. Why didn’t the DFW area just request a ‘bump up’ like Houston?
9. How long did it take the TCEQ to develop the DFW SIP?
10. How long did it take EPA to review the DFW SIP?
11. What is the significance of Texas being first in the nation to have its SIP approved?
12. Why is EPA taking public comments on the proposed approval?
13. When are the public comments due?
14. What will EPA do with the public comments?
15. What are the major controls in the DFW 8-hour SIP passed by TCEQ on May 23, 2007?
16. Isn't it true that the modeling that has been conducted does NOT predict attainment of the 8 hour standard at all DFW monitors?
17. What has been done to improve the Dallas Fort Worth 8-hour Ozone SIP since it was submitted to EPA Region 6?
18. What are the major measures and factors that make up the Weight of Evidence argument?
19. What would be the consequences if EPA did not approve the DFW 8-hour SIP?
20. What are our options if we approve the SIP and the area does not reach attainment by the June 15, 2010 attainment date?

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