Volpe National Transportation Systems Center

Volpe Center Highlights - March/April 2007

Global Connectivity

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Global Connectivity

Iraq Railroad Reconstruction

The Volpe Center is proud to be part of a major reconstruction endeavor for Iraqi Republic Railways. Supporting the U.S. Department of State's Iraq Reconstruction Management Office funded by the Iraq Relief and Reconstruction Fund (IRRF), the Volpe Center is engaged in an effort to significantly upgrade the Iraqi railways communications system.

By 2003, Iraqi railways had been torn apart. With bridges and signaling in disarray and no reliable means of communication between trains and stations or among trains, instructions for trains' movements were often delivered by taxi. This situation contributed to several headon accidents and severely limited the number of trains that could operate with any degree of safety. Resumption of normal railway service is an economic necessity supporting international commerce and exchange in Iraq.

A map of Iraq's railroads in 2002.

IRAQ RECONSTRUCTION. The Volpe Center is supplying vital technical support for the development of a microwave system that will provide backbone communications links for the Iraqi Republic Railways. The map shows the primary railroads.

With communications a top priority, it became clear that conventional signaling was not a realistic option, and a decision was made to pursue the installation of a Communications- Based Train Control (CBTC) system. The system requires use of a digital microwave radio communications network (DMRCN) consisting of microwave radio base stations, transmission towers, telecommunications equipment shelters, and auxiliary power systems. The DMRCN will serve as the railway's backbone communications link for both voice and data transmission and will be an essential component of the CBTC for Iraqi Republic Railways (IRR).

The Volpe Center was selected to develop specifications for the new system, to manage the contract awards and the procurement of equipment, and to oversee system installation. The network will initially consist of 33 sites from the Syrian border through Baghdad to the port facility at Um Qasr. Um Qasr is Iraq's primary port and the key rail transport link for imports and exports and is vital for both passengers and freight. This $41 million dollar project will combine the latest communication-based train control system technology with reliable microwave radio technology over 1,000 km of track. The interoperability of the two systems was verified as part of this contract and when completed will be the longest CBTC/microwave-based system in the world.

The system will provide computer-aided dispatching of trains from the Central Control Office in Baghdad. Authorization for trains to occupy tracks between stations will be conveyed automatically and displayed on a screen in the cab of the locomotive. A GPS tracking system on each locomotive will provide location information to the train dispatcher.

Successful accomplishment of all stages of this large-scale, highly visible undertaking will draw on the Volpe Center's unique combination of project-management and acquisition expertise, along with its decades of experience with railroad equipment and its understanding of new communications technologies. Center staff have already faced the challenges of working in Iraq, where they have adapted methods to meet the needs of the ever-changing environment. They have established good working relationships with Iraqi railroad managers and also have worked effectively with the major U.S. contractor as well as subcontractors from Turkey, Jordan, and Iraq.

Mr. James Lamond of the Rail and Transit Systems Division leads the Volpe Center effort and is actively involved in project reviews and troubleshooting as needed. Other key Volpe Center participants are Mr. Fred Mottley of the Rail and Transit Systems Division and Mr. Orin Cook and Mr. Dan Leone of the Acquisition Division.