Volpe National Transportation Systems Center

Air Traffic Control Integrated Database (ATCID)

Instructions to download application

Interactive Access to Human Factors Research Data

ATCID expands the availability, understanding, and use of air traffic controller performance and safety research data. This wider utilization of research data improves the FAA's return on investment for this research. This consistent viewpoint across a spectrum of research permits quick identification of relevant data, identification of data needs, and verification of the availability of decision support data.

ATCID provides a convenient way to consolidate information from many research studies. It provides a depository for human factors information on air traffic controller performance, in a context that is accessible by a wider range of users. Each study receives exposure and reference, and is placed in a performance-oriented context with related research. As an analysis and decision support tool, ATCID meets a variety of planning, programming, training, specification, and workload data requirements.

Sample screen from application

ATCID has an open design, using COTS tools and object-oriented methods. Additional research studies and categories of research can be added efficiently.

System Requirements:

  • IBMâ PC compatible with an 80386 or higher processor
  • Hard disk with a minimum of 15 megabytes free space
  • 8 MB random access memory
  • 3.5" diskette drive
  • Any display supported by Windowsâ version 3.1
  • A mouse or other suitable pointing device
  • Windows 3.1 or later, in enhanced mode

IBM is a registered trademark of International Business Machines Corporation.
Windows is a registered trademark of Microsoft Corporation

Prepared for:
Department of Transportation
Federal Aviation Administration
Office of System Architecture and Program Evaluation
System Integration Analysis Division (ASD-120)

Developed by:
Department of Transportation
Research and Special Programs Administration
Volpe National Transportation Systems Center
Office of Research Analysis
Operator Performance & Safety Analysis Division (DTS-79)

Instructions to download this application

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