Volpe National Transportation Systems Center

Plastic and Composite Intensive Vehicles. A workshop for Subject Matter Experts (SME). Monday, August 4, 2008. DOT/RITA Volpe Center, 55 Broadway, Cambridge, MA 02142. Image of car with sunset inside it.

Summary of Proceedings and Presentations are now available!

PCIV Summary of Proceedings (PDF, 5.4MB)

Check agenda listings for links!

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Part 1- A Safety Roadmap to 2020 PCIVs: Background and Objectives
8:30-10:00 AM
8:30-8:35 AM Ned Keeler, Welcome to Volpe Center
View: DOC Version(DOC, 24KB)
8:35-8:45 AM Stephen Summers, Chief, Safety and Restraints Research Division, NHTSA "Welcome, Introduction and Charge to Participants"
View: PDF Version(PDF, 41KB)
8:45- 9:00 AM James Kolb, Senior Director of Automotive Programs, American Chemistry Council- Plastics Division (ACC-PD) and Suzanne Cole, President, Cole & Associates, Inc: "PCIVs: Redefining Sustainable Transportation for the 21st Century"
View: PDF Version(PDF, 91KB)
9:00- 9:15 AM Dr. Aviva Brecher and Dr. John Brewer, Volpe Center: "Status and goals of NHTSA-sponsored research on 2020 PCIV Safety"
View: PDF Version(PDF, 197KB)
9:15- 9:45 AM Focused discussion led by Dr. Tom Hollowell, WTH Consulting:
  • What is the definition of a PCIV (percent plastics contents)?
  • What are the safety benefits of plastics and composites in next-generation vehicles?
  • What are the Top 3 R&T priorities to enable PCIV development and deployment by 2020?
Information from the Focused Discussions can be found in the summary.
9:45- 10:00 AM Coffee Break

Part 2: Panel and Facilitated Discussion on
Lightweighting Materials and Technologies to Enhance Vehicle Safety
10:00- 10:45 AM Panel presentations by:
  • Dr. Joseph A. Carpenter, Jr., Lightweighting Materials Technology Area Development Manager, Office of Vehicle Technologies, DOE: "Overview of FreedomCAR and its Composites Crash-Energy Management Work" (10 min)
    View: PDF Version(PDF, 3.17MB)
  • Dr. Charles David Warren, Oak Ridge National Laboratory (DOE/ORNL): "Crashworthiness Testing of Advanced Materials" (10 min)
    View: PDF Version(PDF, 2.57MB)
  • Lynette Cheah and Prof. John Heywood, MIT Sloan Automotive Laboratory: "Factor of Two: Halving the Fuel Consumption of New U.S. Automobiles" (10 min)
    View: PDF Version(PDF, 207KB)
  • David Zuby, Senior Vice President, Vehicle Research, Insurance Institute for Highway Safety (IIHS) Vehicle Research Center- "The real-life crash safety performance of small, light cars, and safety attribution challenges" (10 min)
    View: PDF Version(PDF, 1.5MB)
10:45-12:00 PM Focused discussion led by Dr. Joseph Carpenter on:
  • How are lightweighting vehicle materials selected, tested, and integrated with design platforms?
  • How well can be estimated crash safety contributions from structural materials, components, and whole vehicle designs?
  • How can structural composites for lightweighting overcome the crash compatibility challenge?
Information from the Focused Discussions can be found in the summary.
12:00-1:00 PM Lunch
12:30-1:00 PM Keynote Lunch Speaker: Mary Fraser, Marketing Manager, BASF Corporation: "Sustainability: a future worth living for coming generations"
View: PDF Version(PDF, 883KB)

Part 3: Panel and Facilitated Discussion on
Composite Materials Testing Standards, and Crashworthiness Models
1:00-3:00 PM
1:00-1:45 PM Panel presentations (10 min each):
  • Prof. Paolo Feraboli, University of Washington, and Chair of CMH-17 Crashworthiness Working Group- "Characterization of automotive composite materials- designing real cars with carbon fiber composite bodies."
    View: PDF Version(PDF, 1.15MB)
  • Dr. Jackie Rehkopf, Exponent and past- Chair, SAE High Strain Rate Plastics Consortium (SAE HSRPC) - "Plastics and composites: the benefit of industry accepted testing and modeling goes beyond implementation"
    View: PDF Version(PDF, 8.6MB)
  • Prof. Jacob Fish, Professor of Engineering and Director of the Multiscale Science and Engineering Center at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute- "Multiscale modeling for crash prediction of composite structures"
    View: PDF Version(PDF, 4.2MB)
  • Prof. Paul Lagace, MIT Department of Aeronautics and Astronautics- "Predicting whole vehicle crash safety performance from lab tests of composite coupons and panels: identifying key technical barriers" (per the author, this presentation is not available for posting)
1:45-3:00 PM Focused Discussion led by Prof. Heywood, MIT:
  • What are the Top 3 knowledge gaps in composite materials characterization for modeling vehicle crashworthiness?
  • How well can the vehicle crash performance be predicted by FEA models? Verification vs. validation (V&V)?
  • How can crash safety contributions from structural composites be best quantified?
Information from the Focused Discussions can be found in the summary.
3:00-3:15 PM Coffee break

Part 4: Panel and Facilitated Discussion on
Industry Best Practices and Perspectives on 2020 PCIV Safety
3:15-5:00 PM
3:15- 4:15 PM Industry Panel (10 min each)
  • Dr. Khaled W. Shahwan, Experimental & Computational Mechanics Department, Chrysler Technology Center-Scientific Laboratories, Chrysler LLC and Chair, Energy Management Working Group, Automotive Composites Consortium (EMWG/ACC/USCAR):"Thinking out of the metallic box."
    View: PDF Version(PDF, 2.41MB)
  • Dr. David A. Wagner, Technical Leader, Vehicle Design Research & Advanced Engineering, Ford Motor Company: "Examples of Composites and Plastics in Automotive Vehicles"
    View: PDF Version(PDF, 12.2MB)
  • Kevin Pageau, Account Manager, Tegrant Corporation: "Lightweight materials for enhanced safety of PCIV's"
    View: PDF Version(PDF, 2.3MB)
  • Michael Hunt, Senior Advanced Engineer, Meridian Automotive Systems, Inc: "Material and manufacturing process selection criteria for automotive product development"
    View: PDF Version(PDF, 649KB)
  • Peter H. Foss, Staff Researcher, Materials and Processes Lab, General Motors Research and Development Center: "Strain and displacement management in automotive composites"
    View: PDF Version(PDF, 2.1MB)
4:15- 5:00 PM Focused discussion led by Dr. Khaled Shahwan, Chrysler, LLC on which are the Top 3:
  • Industry criteria for structural (composite) materials selection;
  • Metrics and milestones for PCIV safety assessment;
  • Technology barriers and opportunities for PCIV safety;
  • PCIV Safety Roadmap near-term R&D priorities.
Information from the Focused Discussions can be found in the summary.
5:00- 5:15 PM Stephen Summers, NHTSA- Closing remarks on workshop inputs regarding R&D priorities, challenges and opportunities to achieve desired PCIV safety benefits by 2020.