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Women's Legal Rights

The Women's Legal Rights Initiative (WLR)

Photo of a Civil society organization training of trainers' workshop on the Family Code, Antananarivo, Madagascar, June 2005.
Photographer: Rebecca Mischel.
Civil society organization training of trainers' workshop on the Family Code, Antananarivo, Madagascar, June 2005. Photographer: Rebecca Mischel.
Length of Activity: September 2002 - September 2007

Objective: This Initiative advances the legal, civil, property, and human rights of women. Working with USAID and country stakeholders in Latin America, Europe, and Africa, WLR is providing high-impact, results-oriented technical assistance that promotes participation and transparency.

Illustrative activities include:

  • Strengthening the institutional capabilities of government ministries, universities, and NGOs to improve women's legal rights and indigenous women's access to justice.
  • Increasing women's access to justice and reducing the number of women who become victims of trafficking.
  • Women's leadership, capacity-building, reducing violence against women, and increasing access to justice.

Read the Practical Guide and Methods to Advance Women's Legal Rights


The publications below are listed by region and country, and then in alphabetical order by title.



Annual report on good practices, lessons learned, and success stories : October 1, 2004-September 30, 2005 : Women's Legal Rights Initiative under the Women in Development IQC
06/01/2006 (703KB)

This annual report of the Women's Legal Rights Initiative (WLR) discusses best practices and reviews lessons learned, approaches, and activities that offer ideas about what works best in a given situation -- or how not to do something. This third annual report takes a broader perspective on best practices and lessons learned than previous reports did. It still focuses on WLR country program activities but considers the process used for developing the activity within each of the project's intermediate results, the need for and benefit of sound monitoring and evaluation plans, including indicators and data collection, and strategies for project management.


Africa Regional

The Women's Legal Rights Initiative : Final Report
01/01/2007 (1.1MB)

This is the final report of the Women's Legal Rights Initiative (WLR). The WLR worked to advance the legal, civil, property, and human rights of women in 10 developing countries:  Albania, Benin, Guatemala, Lesotho, Madagascar, Mozambique, Namibia, Rwanda, South Africa, and Swaziland.  It was implemented from 2002 to 2007 by Chemonics International in partnership with the Centre for Development and Population Activities (CEDPA), MetaMetrics, Inc., and Partners of the Americas.


Annual report on good practices, lessons learned, and success stories : October 1, 2004-September 30, 2005 : Women's Legal Rights Initiative under the Women in Development IQC
06/01/2006 (703KB)

This annual report of the Women's Legal Rights Initiative (WLR) discusses best practices and reviews lessons learned, approaches, and activities that offer ideas about what works best in a given situation -- or how not to do something. This third annual report takes a broader perspective on best practices and lessons learned than previous reports did. It still focuses on WLR country program activities but considers the process used for developing the activity within each of the project's intermediate results, the need for and benefit of sound monitoring and evaluation plans, including indicators and data collection, and strategies for project management.

Benin paralegal manual
08/16/2007 (205KB)

This document is a French-language paralegal manual on the Benin Family Code.

Benin sexual harassment legislation (original French)
07/01/2006 (48KB)

This is the original French-language version of Benin's sexual harassment legislation.

La loi sur les personnes et la famille : que dois-je retenir?
09/01/2004 (5.5MB)

This is a French-language pamphlet that explains Benin's family code. It covers a variety of issues, including marriage, divorce, and children.

Mon manuel d'animation juridique
03/01/2005 (6.3MB)

This is a French-language manual on the Benin Family Code. It is comprised of two parts: (1) basic paralegal training for community members without formal legal education, and (2) information regarding the reformed Benin Family Code. The manual aims to be an easy-to-use tool that civil society organizations, teachers, midwives, city hall workers, community leaders, and others have used to inform Benin's citizens of their rights and responsibilities under the Family Code.

Success Story: Benin
06/01/2006 (77KB)

This one-pager describes the achievements of USAID's Women's Legal Rights Initiative in Benin. With encouragement from the project, Benin has adopted national reforms that render many longstanding local customs illegal. However, awareness is low and enforcement is weak. The Women's Legal Rights Benin team, with local partners, visits remote areas of the country informing women and men about the new laws.

Women's Legal Rights Assessment: Benin
06/01/2004 (452KB)

This document reports on the findings of a two-week assessment and analysis trip to Benin by the Women's Legal Rights Initiative. The goal of the trip was to determine pervasive obstacles to the enforcement and enjoyment of women’s legal rights in Benin. The document includes an overview of USAID and other donor programs in Benin, background information on Benin's government and NGO community, findings and recommendations, and a proposed strategy for promoting the women's legal rights in Benin.


Annual report on good practices, lessons learned, and success stories : October 1, 2004-September 30, 2005 : Women's Legal Rights Initiative under the Women in Development IQC
06/01/2006 (703KB)

This annual report of the Women's Legal Rights Initiative (WLR) discusses best practices and reviews lessons learned, approaches, and activities that offer ideas about what works best in a given situation -- or how not to do something. This third annual report takes a broader perspective on best practices and lessons learned than previous reports did. It still focuses on WLR country program activities but considers the process used for developing the activity within each of the project's intermediate results, the need for and benefit of sound monitoring and evaluation plans, including indicators and data collection, and strategies for project management.

Inheritance laws brochure : Lesotho
06/28/2006 (569KB)

The subject of inheritance has always been very close to the hearts of many Basotho, and it is often at the center of legal disputes. Lesotho has a dual legal system, meaning that it operates and maintains in parallel two legal systems, customary and statutory. This report deals with both legal systems.

Last will and testament brochure : Lesotho = Litaelo tsa ho qetela
06/28/2006 (2.5MB)

This brochure, offered in both the English and Sesotho languages, describes how to create a sound and accurate will and provides a sample of a will. While the Basotho people are not used to drawing up wills, doing so has become necessary for everyone, especially in light of HIV/AIDS. In addition, wills are of the utmost importance in protecting women's and children's inheritances.

Lesotho : training of paralegals in the Leribe District
03/01/2007 (683KB)

This report describes a paralegal training activity in Leribe district, Lesotho, which was undertaken by the Federation of Women Lawyers (FIDA) and received financial support from USAID and other donors. The 17 participants included youth leaders, support groups, a teacher, a farmer, a chief, and a police officer. The program aimed to equip participants with knowledge of the rudiments of marriage and inheritance, child welfare, sexual offense, land, and labor laws in order to enable them to appreciate and deal with  the day-to-day problems they encountered in their communities.

Marriage law in Lesotho brochure
06/28/2006 (1.4MB)

This brochure describes Lesotho's statutory and customary marriage laws. Topics covered include consent, divorce, child custody and care, and division of property. Also discussed are the conflicts in marriage law posed by Lesotho's dual legal system.

Paralegal training manual -- Lesotho
06/28/2006 (163KB)

This manual, revised by the Federation of Women Lawyers (FIDA-Lesotho) in 2006, is designed to assist in the training of paralegals in Lesotho. The manual serves as a guideline that trainers can adapt to their own training strategies. The manual includes information on Lesotho's legal system; criminal and civil law procedures; family, inheritance, labor, and property laws; and sexual violence and human rights.

Simplification of the sexual offences act 2003 - Lesotho
06/28/2006 (477KB)

This brochure, created by the Federation of Women Lawyers (FIDA), aims to simplify Lesotho's 2003 Sexual Offenses Act. The Act is meant to consolidate and repeal all laws relating to sexual offenses. Its main objectives are to combat sexual violence (including child prostitution) and to prescribe appropriate sentences for sexual offenses.

The law of equality of married counterparts brochure - Lesotho
06/28/2006 (338KB)

This document presents several stories to illustrate how women in Lesotho were powerless under the old constitution and laws governing marriage and how the amended new constitution of equality of married counterparts attempts to rectify this. Under the new constitution, all laws giving men sole power in marriage and in community of property will be done away with. A married woman will have the power to make her own decisions about money and employment and about her children (including regarding their education and marriage); she will also be able to inherit property and have a say in matters affecting family property.

The new land law
06/28/2006 (668KB)

This brochure attempts to simplify the Lesotho government's new Land Bill. The Bill's objectives are to provide for the granting of land titles, facilitate the conversion of land titles, better secure titles to land, manage land, grant public servitudes, settle land disputes, and repeal earlier land laws. The Bill protects the rights of women specifically by placing them on the same footing as their male counterparts.


Annual report on good practices, lessons learned, and success stories : October 1, 2004-September 30, 2005 : Women's Legal Rights Initiative under the Women in Development IQC
06/01/2006 (703KB)

This annual report of the Women's Legal Rights Initiative (WLR) discusses best practices and reviews lessons learned, approaches, and activities that offer ideas about what works best in a given situation -- or how not to do something. This third annual report takes a broader perspective on best practices and lessons learned than previous reports did. It still focuses on WLR country program activities but considers the process used for developing the activity within each of the project's intermediate results, the need for and benefit of sound monitoring and evaluation plans, including indicators and data collection, and strategies for project management.

Mise en oeuvre des lois internationales et regionales sur les droit humains de la femme (Training workshop on the implementation of international women's rights at the national level for Madagascar justice sector professionales) : June 28-29, 2006
06/01/2006 (185KB)

This French language document includes the objectives, agenda, and hypothetical case studies for a training workshop for Malagasy magistrates. The workshop was on the implementation of international women's rights at the national level.

Violence against women survey guides, Madagascar
11/01/2004 (492KB)

This French language document provides sample questionnaires for surveying women and girls about violence.

Women's Legal Rights Initiative of the Women in Development IQC : Madagascar assessment and analysis report, October 12-25, 2003
06/08/2004 (872KB)


Annual report on good practices, lessons learned, and success stories : October 1, 2004-September 30, 2005 : Women's Legal Rights Initiative under the Women in Development IQC
06/01/2006 (703KB)

This annual report of the Women's Legal Rights Initiative (WLR) discusses best practices and reviews lessons learned, approaches, and activities that offer ideas about what works best in a given situation -- or how not to do something. This third annual report takes a broader perspective on best practices and lessons learned than previous reports did. It still focuses on WLR country program activities but considers the process used for developing the activity within each of the project's intermediate results, the need for and benefit of sound monitoring and evaluation plans, including indicators and data collection, and strategies for project management.

Case Study: New Law Targets Trafficking
04/30/2008 (70KB)

This two-page case study describes USAID's work facilitating the passage of anti-trafficking legislation in Mozambique through the Women's Legal Rights Initiative. The project partnered with the Ministry of Justice and a local non-governmental organization (NGO) network to draft a bill while leading outreach and advocacy efforts in support of its passage. In April 2008, the Mozambique National Assembly unanimously passed legislation to punish traffickers and protect victims and witnesses of human trafficking.

Mozambique NGO position paper on anti-trafficking in persons legislation
09/01/2006 (103KB)

Earlier ver. was erroneously distributed under title: Republic of Mozambique, Ministry of Justice : bill against trafficking in persons | Women's legal rights initiative (WLR) | Task order under the Women in Development IQC


Advocacy in action : a guide to influencing decision-making in Namibia
01/01/2004 (3.5MB)

Women's legal rights initiative (WLR) | Gender research and advocacy project


Annual report on good practices, lessons learned, and success stories : October 1, 2004-September 30, 2005 : Women's Legal Rights Initiative under the Women in Development IQC
06/01/2006 (703KB)

This annual report of the Women's Legal Rights Initiative (WLR) discusses best practices and reviews lessons learned, approaches, and activities that offer ideas about what works best in a given situation -- or how not to do something. This third annual report takes a broader perspective on best practices and lessons learned than previous reports did. It still focuses on WLR country program activities but considers the process used for developing the activity within each of the project's intermediate results, the need for and benefit of sound monitoring and evaluation plans, including indicators and data collection, and strategies for project management.

Gender-based violence programming in Rwanda : actors, activities, collaboration, coordination
05/08/2006 (1.2MB)

In assessments conducted in October of 2004 and 2005, the Women's Legal Rights Initiative-Rwanda found that both the government of Rwanda and civil society wanted more information on activities addressing gender-based violence (GBV) throughout Rwanda, as well as collaboration among actors working in the area of GBV. This assessment seeks to address these concerns by documenting activities currently being conducted to address GBV in Rwanda, as well as any current collaborative activities and coordination. It finds that collaboration does exist in Rwanda but has been very limited in quality and quantity.

Institute for Legal Practice and Development (ILPD) -- module : general culture, course : gender and domestic relations
12/31/2006 (192KB)

This course is designed to help judges, lawyers, and prosecutors in Rwanda acquire the requisite knowledge and skills to make gender-sensitive decisions in domestic relations cases. It aims to provide course participants with information on:

  • what gender means;
  • how domestic relations laws affect women and men differently;
  • the basic international obligations relating to gender equity and the equality of women and men;
  • how new domestic relations laws differ from custom and practice; and
  • how domestic violence interferes with the rule of law in Rwandan society.

Women's legal rights initiative conference : the role of women's legal rights in the family and in Rwandan society
Jul 2006 (563KB)

Women's Legal Rights and the Rwandan Family (16 Mar 2006 : Hotel Novetel : Kigali, RW) | Women's legal rights initiative (WLR) Rwanda | Women in development IQC | Kinyarwanda ed.: PN-ADH-914

Women's legal rights initiative of the women in development IQC : Rwanda assessment and analysis report -- October 11-24, 2004
12 May 2005 (357KB)

Women's legal rights initiative (WLR)

Women's Legal Rights Initiative: Rwanda Assessment and Analysis Repor
5/1/2005 (447KB)

South Africa

Annual report on good practices, lessons learned, and success stories : October 1, 2004-September 30, 2005 : Women's Legal Rights Initiative under the Women in Development IQC
06/01/2006 (703KB)

This annual report of the Women's Legal Rights Initiative (WLR) discusses best practices and reviews lessons learned, approaches, and activities that offer ideas about what works best in a given situation -- or how not to do something. This third annual report takes a broader perspective on best practices and lessons learned than previous reports did. It still focuses on WLR country program activities but considers the process used for developing the activity within each of the project's intermediate results, the need for and benefit of sound monitoring and evaluation plans, including indicators and data collection, and strategies for project management.

Southern Africa

Annual report on best practices, lessons learned and success stories : illustrations from Albania, Guatemala and Southern Africa
02/02/2004 (137KB)

This report outlines four best practices recommended by the Women’s Legal Rights Initiative (WLR) legal specialists for the design and implementation of a women’s legal rights initiative. The recommended practices are illustrated with examples from organizations in the WLR focus countries and regions: Guatemala, Albania and Southern Africa. Using a variety of methods, each of these organizations has successfully implemented an element of one of the four best practices presented.

Annual report on good practices, lessons learned, and success stories : October 1, 2004-September 30, 2005 : Women's Legal Rights Initiative under the Women in Development IQC
06/01/2006 (703KB)

This annual report of the Women's Legal Rights Initiative (WLR) discusses best practices and reviews lessons learned, approaches, and activities that offer ideas about what works best in a given situation -- or how not to do something. This third annual report takes a broader perspective on best practices and lessons learned than previous reports did. It still focuses on WLR country program activities but considers the process used for developing the activity within each of the project's intermediate results, the need for and benefit of sound monitoring and evaluation plans, including indicators and data collection, and strategies for project management.

Inheritance and Property Rights [in Southern Africa]: An Annotated Bibliography
10/01/2004 (181KB)

This is an annotated bibliography of 11 studies on women's inheritance and property rights in Southern Africa, with a particular focus on Swaziland.

Regional Center for Southern Africa (RCSA) assessment and analysis report, August 19-September 11, 2003
01/19/2004 (277KB)

Women's legal rights initiative (WLR) | Women in development IQC

Regional Center for Southern Africa (RCSA) assessment report for the women's legal rights initiative
01/01/2004 (523KB)

Task order under the Women in Development IQC

Southern Africa report : women's legal rights initiative under women in development IQC -- contract no. GEW-I-00-02-00016-00
Jun 2005 (208KB)

Women's legal rights initiative (WLR)

Women & Land, An Annotated Bibliography: Women's Legal Rights Initiative (WLR) Initiative for Southern Africa
10/1/2004 (171KB)

Women & Livestock, An Annotated Bibliography: Women's Legal Rights Initiative (WLR) Initiative for Southern Africa
10/1/2004 (165KB)

Women & Maintenance, An Annotated Bibliography: Women's Legal Rights Initiative (WLR) Initiative for Southern Africa
10/1/2004 (180KB)

Women's Legal Rights Initiative: Regional Center for Initiative for Southern Africa (RCSA) Assessment and Analysis Report
12/1/2004 (1.5MB)


Annual report on good practices, lessons learned, and success stories : October 1, 2004-September 30, 2005 : Women's Legal Rights Initiative under the Women in Development IQC
06/01/2006 (703KB)

This annual report of the Women's Legal Rights Initiative (WLR) discusses best practices and reviews lessons learned, approaches, and activities that offer ideas about what works best in a given situation -- or how not to do something. This third annual report takes a broader perspective on best practices and lessons learned than previous reports did. It still focuses on WLR country program activities but considers the process used for developing the activity within each of the project's intermediate results, the need for and benefit of sound monitoring and evaluation plans, including indicators and data collection, and strategies for project management.

Inheritance and Property Rights [in Southern Africa]: An Annotated Bibliography
10/01/2004 (181KB)

This is an annotated bibliography of 11 studies on women's inheritance and property rights in Southern Africa, with a particular focus on Swaziland.



International justice mission : anti-trafficking program in Cambodia -- assessment
02/10/2006 (125KB)

Women's legal rights initiative (WLR) | Project title: Women in development IQC

Europe & Eurasia


Albania bench book for protection orders
10/01/2006 (123KB)

This manual outlines the specifics of an Albanian law to help victims of domestic violence -- introduced into Parliament by a citizen's petition in January 2006 -- and outlines the law's interconnection with existing law. As well, the manual presents detailed information about implementing the law effectively and provides specific forms and detailed procedures. This outline of law and procedure is intended to give judges a useful tool for implementing the law.

Albania domestic violence law : final report and recomendations for future technical assistance
11/01/2006 (59KB)

In 2006, independent consultant Dianne Post assisted Albanian policy makers in their efforts to implement Albania's new law against domestic violence. In this report, Ms. Post summarizes her activities and provides recommendations for further action by Albanian authorities.

Albania health protocol on domestic violence
10/01/2006 (77KB)

This document describes the specific procedures for health care providers outlined in the Albanian "On Measures Against Violence in Family Relations" law. It summarizes the results of a study that found that improved health services for domestic violence victims and better education of health care providers was needed. The document then lists the essential elements of a proper domestic violence screening and provides the text of applicable Albanian laws, covering reporting and confidentiality requirements, criminal reports from medical personnel, and expert witness testimony.

Albania NGO protocol on domestic violence
10/01/2006 (86KB)

This document describes the specific procedures for non-governmental organizations (NGOs) outlined in the Albanian "On Measures Against Violence in Family Relations" law. It covers the role of NGOs in protecting the domestic violence victim and in implementing a protection order. In addition, it suggests questions to assist NGO staff in getting necessary information and provides a list of the relevant laws that deal with reporting a crime and serving as an expert witness.

Albania police protocol on domestic violence
10/01/2006 (72KB)

This document describes the specific procedures for police outlined in the Albanian "On Measures Against Violence in Family Relations" law. It covers communications procedures for emergency call operators; procedures for police officers responding to and investigating domestic violence cases, assisting with protection orders, and writing incident reports; and special considerations for police officers in their roles as protectors of victims and enforcers of protection orders. The document also lists the articles of the criminal code and the criminal procedure code that police should consider in domestic violence cases.

Albania social services protocol on domestic violence
10/01/2006 (76KB)

This document describes the specific procedures for social service providers outlined in the Albanian "On Measures Against Violence in Family Relations" law. It covers the obligations of the local government social services units and the role that social service providers play in protecting victims and implementing protection orders. After summarizing the results of a study that found that improved health services for domestic violence victims and better education of health care providers was needed, the document lists the essential elements of a proper domestic violence screening. Lastly, it provides the text of applicable Albanian laws, covering professional confidentiality and expert testimony.

Albanian judicial benchbook regarding protection orders
10/01/2006 (218KB)

Annual report on best practices, lessons learned and success stories : illustrations from Albania, Guatemala and Southern Africa
02/02/2004 (137KB)

This report outlines four best practices recommended by the Women’s Legal Rights Initiative (WLR) legal specialists for the design and implementation of a women’s legal rights initiative. The recommended practices are illustrated with examples from organizations in the WLR focus countries and regions: Guatemala, Albania and Southern Africa. Using a variety of methods, each of these organizations has successfully implemented an element of one of the four best practices presented.

Annual report on good practices, lessons learned, and success stories : October 1, 2004-September 30, 2005 : Women's Legal Rights Initiative under the Women in Development IQC
06/01/2006 (703KB)

This annual report of the Women's Legal Rights Initiative (WLR) discusses best practices and reviews lessons learned, approaches, and activities that offer ideas about what works best in a given situation -- or how not to do something. This third annual report takes a broader perspective on best practices and lessons learned than previous reports did. It still focuses on WLR country program activities but considers the process used for developing the activity within each of the project's intermediate results, the need for and benefit of sound monitoring and evaluation plans, including indicators and data collection, and strategies for project management.

Anti-trafficking in persons resource manual
09/01/2006 (1.6MB)

The Women's Legal Rights Initiative produced and published this manual in furtherance of its mission to develop and conduct educational programs for members of the Albanian judiciary. The manual is designed to assist the Albanian judiciary in the implementation of new legislation on trafficking in persons. It includes commentaries on the law, community resources available to victims and witnesses, checklists and forms for case management, and a discussion of special issues related to trial proceedings, evidence admission, and testimony of experts.

Creation of a community coordinated response team against domestic violence in Albania
11/01/2006 (326KB)

This manual is intended as a resource for law enforcement, the prosecution, health care and social service providers, non-governmental organizations (NGOs), and the judiciary to begin the process of improving Albania’s response to victims of domestic violence. A blueprint for coordinated action and the outline for necessary secondary legislation, the manual includes the protocols for the law enforcement, prosecution, health, social service, and NGO sectors, as well as draft law.

Domestic violence legislation in Albania : post activity report
10/01/2006 (146KB)

This draft of the "On Measures Against Violence in Family Relations" law was introduced to the Albanian Parliament in January 2006. Annotations and suggested changes were written by consultant Dianne Post in July 2006. The purpose of this law is: 1. To prevent and reduce domestic violence in all its forms by appropriate legal means, 2. To guarantee legal protection to members of the family who are subjects of domestic violence, paying particular attention to needs of children, the elderly, and the disabled.

Final report, February-July 2006 : public awareness raising campaign on the existence and importance of using CEDAW convention in Albania
06/28/2006 (1.2MB)

This final report details the "Public Awareness Raising Campaign on the Existence and the Importance of Using [the] CEDAW Convention in Albania" project, the main goal of which was to disseminate information on CEDAW (the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women) and the extent to which the country had met its obligation under the convention. The report describes the project's goals and objectives, how project activities were implemented, how implementation problems were addressed, and what results were achieved.

Prosecutor protocol on domestic violence in Albania
10/01/2006 (64KB)

This document describes the specific procedures for prosecutors outlined in the Albanian "On Measures Against Violence in Family Relations" law. It describes the special role prosecutors play in protecting victims and enforcing protection orders and provides information on special issues that prosecutors should consider when working on domestic violence cases. In addition, the document lists the articles of the criminal code and the criminal procedure code that prosecutors should consider in domestic violence cases.

The Women's Legal Rights Initiative : Final Report
01/01/2007 (1.1MB)

This is the final report of the Women's Legal Rights Initiative (WLR). The WLR worked to advance the legal, civil, property, and human rights of women in 10 developing countries:  Albania, Benin, Guatemala, Lesotho, Madagascar, Mozambique, Namibia, Rwanda, South Africa, and Swaziland.  It was implemented from 2002 to 2007 by Chemonics International in partnership with the Centre for Development and Population Activities (CEDPA), MetaMetrics, Inc., and Partners of the Americas.

Women's legal rights initiative (WLRI) : final Albania assessment and analysis report, June 29-July 11, 2003
08/11/2003 (98KB)

To begin the process of designing activities for USAID/Albania to implement with the Women's Legal Rights Initiative (WLR), a two-week assessment and analysis trip to Albania was conducted from June 29 to July 11, 2003. The WLR team found that while there have been recent improvements in the legal framework to support women’s legal rights, deficiencies remain, including the lack of a domestic violence law, lack of compliance with international norms for women’s rights, and weak judicial enforcement of laws. The WLR team identified a number of emerging areas for cooperation and assistance that included anti-trafficking, domestic violence, and family law issues.

Latin America & Caribbean


Annual report on best practices, lessons learned and success stories : illustrations from Albania, Guatemala and Southern Africa
02/02/2004 (137KB)

This report outlines four best practices recommended by the Women’s Legal Rights Initiative (WLR) legal specialists for the design and implementation of a women’s legal rights initiative. The recommended practices are illustrated with examples from organizations in the WLR focus countries and regions: Guatemala, Albania and Southern Africa. Using a variety of methods, each of these organizations has successfully implemented an element of one of the four best practices presented.

Annual report on good practices, lessons learned, and success stories : October 1, 2004-September 30, 2005 : Women's Legal Rights Initiative under the Women in Development IQC
06/01/2006 (703KB)

This annual report of the Women's Legal Rights Initiative (WLR) discusses best practices and reviews lessons learned, approaches, and activities that offer ideas about what works best in a given situation -- or how not to do something. This third annual report takes a broader perspective on best practices and lessons learned than previous reports did. It still focuses on WLR country program activities but considers the process used for developing the activity within each of the project's intermediate results, the need for and benefit of sound monitoring and evaluation plans, including indicators and data collection, and strategies for project management.

Guatemala : women's legal rights initiative of the women in development IQC activity report -- implementing the domestic violence law from gender and multicultural perspectives, March-May, 2004
07/01/2004 (215KB)

This report summarizes the Guatemalan Domestic Violence Law with Gender and Multicultural Perspectives activity, which was implemented by the Women's Legal Rights Initiative (WLR) between December 2003 and June 2004. The report covers the study's objectives, implementation, results, lessons learned, and best practices. The activity was divided into three phases: phase I laid the foundation for inter-institutional relationships and terms of cooperation; phase II involved developing the baseline for designing the training strategy to implement the domestic violence law; phase III executed the training sessions, which were attended by 117 prosecutors from across Guatemala.

Guatemala assessment and analysis report public, June 11-19, 2003 [&] August 11-25, 2003 -- final
09/29/2003 (149KB)

This report presents the findings and recommendations from two assessment and analysis trips to Guatemala, which were conducted by a team from the USAID Women’s Legal Rights Initiative to begin the process of designing women's rights activities for the Guatemala Mission. The Women’s Legal Rights Initiative team identified a number of emerging areas for cooperation and assistance; these include the development and implementation of a program that concentrates on developing a curriculum on gender and the law, designing a graduate-level diploma program on gender and the law, and supporting advocacy and awareness campaigns.

Manual on litigation strategies with a gender perspective = Manual de estrategias de litigio con enfoque de genero (Spanish)
01/01/2006 (642KB)

This manual, written in Spanish, covers litigation strategies with a gender perspective. The purpose of this module to help lawyers and other public defenders in Guatemala identify the key concepts needed to enrich defense strategies in cases of women accused of wrongful acts. Chapter one covers gender and criminal justice and includes a discussion of gender-based violence. Chapter two focuses on defense strategies.

Paralegal manual on domestic violence = Guia para intervenir en casos de violencia intrafamiliar (Spanish)
07/01/2006 (3.2MB)

This manual on domestic violence, written in Spanish, was put together by community paralegals in Villa Nueva, Guatemala. It includes sections on definitions of domestic violence generally, women and domestic violence, the problem in Guatemala, steps women should take to address domestic violence, a discussion of legal strategies and resources for women, and a bibliography.

The Women's Legal Rights Initiative : Final Report
01/01/2007 (1.1MB)

This is the final report of the Women's Legal Rights Initiative (WLR). The WLR worked to advance the legal, civil, property, and human rights of women in 10 developing countries:  Albania, Benin, Guatemala, Lesotho, Madagascar, Mozambique, Namibia, Rwanda, South Africa, and Swaziland.  It was implemented from 2002 to 2007 by Chemonics International in partnership with the Centre for Development and Population Activities (CEDPA), MetaMetrics, Inc., and Partners of the Americas.

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