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Federal Intranet Content Managers Group (FICM)

About the Group

The Federal Intranet Content Managers Group is a membership of over 160 federal intranet managers who meet monthly to discuss issues related to managing federal intranets, including content development and organization, governance, and technology.


Meetings are held 2nd Thursday of each month, typically online, beginning at 2:00 pm Eastern Time.

The group's listserver announces the details of the meetings, usually the week before the meeting.

FICM Listserver Mailing List

To Subscribe: Contact any of the Steering Committee members listed below, or follow the instructions on the FICM wiki at https://max.omb.gov/community/x/UoBkBg   (registration required)

FICM on the Web

For more information or to join the FICM mailing list (federal employees only), please contact one of our Steering Committee Members:

US Environmental Protection Agency
Mike Weaver – weaver.mike@epa.gov 202–566–0695
Carlton Burns – burns.carlton@epa.gov 202–566–0673
Beverly Gregory – gregory.beverly@epa.gov 301–203–9679

Department of Housing and Urban Development
Letha Strothers – Letha.E.Strothers@hud.gov 202–402–4731

General Services Administration
Marsha Glassner – marsha.glassner@gsa.gov 415–522–3344

National Institutes of Health
Cheryl Thompson – Thompsonc2@niehs.nih.gov 919–541–1072
Karla Blaine – ehrlerk@od.nih.gov, 301–435–2744


Page Updated or Reviewed: December 16, 2008

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