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Benin Fast Facts Header

In some countries in sub-Saharan Africa, most of the female labor force is in the informal economy. Benin heads the list at 97%.

Girls' enrollment in primary school has increased from 40% in 1991 to 73.46% in 2005.

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Country Snapshot: Benin

In The Spotlight header
1) Photo of a little girl at a chalk board. Caption Reads: The EQUIPE program helps girls earn their primary school certificate. Click to read more...
2) Photo of a group of people standing together outside. Caption Reads: USAID/Benin is strengthening civil society by promoting women's roles in decision-making. Click to read more...
3) Photo of a women walking through an outdoor market. Caption Reads: USAID/Benin is enabling women to increase their business and move out of poverty. Click to read more... 
4) Photo of two women holding awards.  Caption Reads: USAID/Benin honored women's groups presenting them with agricultural products processing equipment.Click to read more...

Selected Activity Photos Header

USAID/Benin takes the needs of women and men into account in its program objectives: improving basic education with an emphasis on including girls; improving family health by encouraging family planning and child health, and prevention of HIV/AIDS; and strengthening civil society and encouraging rural economic growth in issues related to government management of health, education and rural development sectors.


Equity and Quality in Primary Education (EQUIPE)
Platform on Gender and Development
Benin Micro Enterprise Development Project and VITA
Celebrating International Women’s Day

Visit USAID/Benin: Link to the Mission

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Mon, 09 Jun 2008 17:09:09 -0500