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Publications are listed in alphabetical order by title.

Best Practices for Programming to Prevent Trafficking in Human Beings in Europe and Eurasia
09/01/2004 (503KB)

USAID commissioned an assessment of trafficking in persons prevention activities in the Europe and Eurasia region in order to develop a framework for trafficking prevention programs in the future. This report analyzes information gleaned from a review of existing documentation -- project reports, evaluations, research, and the like -- as well as information gathered during brief assessment missions to three countries of the region: Romania, Russia, and Ukraine. Although the study was limited by the information and time available, it found significant changes as a result of several years of counter-trafficking prevention programming in parts of Europe and Eurasia.

Curbing sex slavery abroad by helping women earn a living in Ukraine : assessment of the economic-empowerment aspects of the anti-trafficking project, USAID/Kiev
09/01/2002 (368KB)

Project title: Women in development technical assistance (WIDTECH)

Focus Group Training in Ukraine for Journalists Covering the Economic Transition
3/1/1998 (176KB)

Gender plan of action : USAID Regional Mission for Ukraine, Belarus, and Moldova
04/01/2001 (245KB)

This document takes account of the prior achievements of the Regional Mission for Ukraine, Belarus, and Moldova (USAID/Kiev) in addressing gender. As well, it outlines specific actions to strengthen the Mission’s institutional capacity, as well as those of its partners, in integrating gender issues into its policies and activities. The document also provides recommendations for ensuring that gender considerations are taken into account in the planning, implementation, monitoring, and evaluation of sector-specific program activities.

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Thu, 11 Sep 2008 12:10:16 -0500