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Publications are listed in alphabetical order by title.

Description and analysis of the USAID girls' education activity in Guatemala, Morocco, and Peru
03/01/2002 (2.1MB)

This qualitative report of the USAID Girls' Education Activity (GEA) focuses on the results of project activities in Guatemala, Morocco, and Peru. The report is divided into four sections: Section I outlines the GEA's goals, contrasts the major tactics of each country program, and describes the multi-sectoral approach underlying all three programs; Section II presents the report's design and analytical framework; Section III describes each country's initiatives to improve girls' access to and retention in primary schools and analyzes the degree of systemic change achieved in each country's respective environment; Section IV examines the efforts of all the country programs and synthesizes their experiences into a set of observations on success factors in implementing girls' education reform.

Gender and sustainable development, USAID/Morocco : report of two gender training workshops
06/01/2002 (941KB)

Training-of-Trainers Workshop (TOT) for 4 USAID/Morocco Project Officers to Build their Capacities in Gender Analysis and Facilitation Skills (Jun 10-11, 2002)& Missionwide Gender Training Session (Jun 17-18,2002) | Project title: Women in development technical assistance (WIDTECH)

Gender Assessment for USAID/Morocco
05/01/2003 (435KB)

This gender assessment provides a baseline overview of gender issues pertinent to USAID/Morocco's planned target area under its 2004-2008 strategy -- increasing economic opportunity. This report aimed to serve as a starting point for gender mainstreaming under the country strategy and to provide the Mission with the appropriate questions to ask when developing Performance Monitoring Plans (PMPs), designing programs, implementing activities, and monitoring results. With Morocco expected to expand its trade through the Free Trade Agreement with the U.S., such questions were intended to assist the Mission and the Government of Morocco in assessing to what extent gender-based constraints hampered the development of key industries and the impacts of different policies and investment strategies on the relative status of women.

Lessons learned from the USAID girls' education activity in Guatemala, Morocco, and Peru
03/01/2002 (1.2MB)

The following report summarizes the experiences and lessons learned from twelve GirlsÂ’ Education Activity (GEA) project initiatives in the three participating countries -- Guatemala, Morocco, and Peru -- to increase the overall school participation and completion rates of girls in primary school. These projects reflect the diversity of major initiatives that GEA facilitated in partner countries, but they do not reflect the totality of project activities in host countries. For a more comprehensive examination of overall project activities, see the companion report, Description and Analysis of the USAID GirlsÂ’ Education Activity in Guatemala, Morocco, and Peru: Qualitative Report.

Morocco country study
05/01/2002 (99KB)

Project title: Girls' education monitoring system (GEMS)

Multisectoral strategies for advancing girls' education : principles and practice
06/01/2001 (3.3MB)

This review of multisectoral partnerships for girls' education focuses on the persistent need for support for girls' enrollment, attendance, and completion of basic education. The study profiles country programs in Guinea and Morocco and examines issues, strategies, and experiences for developing successful multisectoral partnerships to advance girls' education. The two case studies validate the Office of Women in Development's approach to mobilizing sectors and developing partnerships to support girls' education.

Toolkit for assessing and promoting equity in the classroom (EIC)
01/01/2003 (7.2MB)

Produced by the Equity in the Classroom (EIC) project, this toolkit is a compilation of instruments that permit active research in the classroom and the school to promote increased participation and improved learning by girls and other marginalized students in primary education. The toolkit is designed to orient educators to issues of equity and to help them begin a process of research and inquiry to identify factors in schools and classrooms that limit equitable participation and achievement of girls and other disadvantaged learners.

USAID girls' education initiatives in Guatemala, Guinea, Mali, Morocco, and Peru : a performance review
05/31/2002 (570KB)

Project title: Girls' education monitoring system (GEMS)

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