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Publications are listed in alphabetical order by title.

Accés des Femmes á la Radio au Mali (Women's Access to Radio in Mali)
03/01/2005 (2.9MB)

This French-language study aims to assess the level of Malian women's access to information through radio as a whole and to radio sets in particular. It also looks into Malian women's listening practices, unfulfilled information needs, favorite programs, and the possible effects and impacts of radio on their level of access to information. Among the study's findings are that access to radio is not yet widespread among Malian women and that their level of possession of radios is very low. Appedix D, a study of gender and the radio production sector in Mali, is in English.

Community action planning : women in Mali want girls' mentoring
01/01/2002 (108KB)

Project title: Strategies for advancing girls' education (SAGE) | Project title: Women in development technical assistance (WIDTech)

Enhancing the utility and efficacy of USAID/Mali's 2003-2012 country strategic plan through gender analyses and an action plan
02/01/2002 (1.0MB)

This report presents analyses of four sectors: education, economic growth, health care, and democracy and governance; each sector analysis includes key gender issues and opportunities, an analysis of USAID's past practice, and recommendations for the new country strategic plan. In addition, the report suggests cross-cutting themes that apply to all sectors within which USAID/Mali intends to work. Lastly, it proposes a gender plan of action for USAID/Mali.

Etude Rétrospective sur l’éducation des filles au Mali et Utilisation du Modéle de Simulation pour la Gestion de l’Education (French)
08/01/2002 (781KB)

Femme chef d'entreprise? : oui, je peux! : la savoir-faire pour reussir une entreprise au Mali
Sep 2005 (726KB)

Growth through engendering enterprise (ECOGEE) project | West Africa regional program (WARP) | Related documents: PN-ADE-161 and PN-ADE-163 through PN-ADE-166

Initiative pour l'eau en Afrique de l'Ouest : les lecons de l'integration du genre dans les activites sur l'eau & l'assainissement -- Ghana, Mali et Niger
03/01/2006 (165KB)

This French language document provides an overview of the West Africa Water Initiative (WAWI) Gender Mainstreaming Project, which was implemented in 2004-2005 in Ghana, Mali, and Niger. The document also shares lessons learned throughout the various stages of the project and concludes with a series of recommendations for the next phase of the project.

Integrating Gender into the Level I Basic Education Curriculum in the Republic of Mali Phase I; Final Report
12/1/2001 (1.0MB)

Leadership training in Mali triggers positive changes in attitude
10/01/2002 (112KB)

This four-page project briefer is the fifth in the Strategies that Succeed: Stories from the SAGE Project series. It summarizes the activities of the SAGE project in Mali, which has worked with communities to provide leadership training for female PTA members and increase women's participation in PTAs. SAGE Mali conducted a leadership training in Dogobala, Mali (attended by 23 people, 11 of whom were women) to discern barriers to women's participation in PTAs and to girls' education.

Lessons from school-based environmental education programs in three African countries [Mali, Tanzania, and Zambia]
Jun 2000 (391KB)

French ed.: PN-ACJ-163 | Project title: Environmental education and communication (GreenCOM)

L’intégration du genre dans le curriculum du niveau I de l’enseignement fundamental dans la république du Mali Rapport final de la première phase; (French)
12/1/2001 (719KB)

Mali country study
05/01/2002 (76KB)

Project title: Girls' education monitoring system (GEMS)

Multisectoral approaches in promoting girls' education : lessons learned in five SAGE countries
Jul 2002 (1.7MB)

Project title: Strategies for advancing girls' education (SAGE) | Project title: Women in development technical assistance (WIDTECH)

Participation accrue des femmes a la prise de decisions au niveau local au Mali
01/01/2001 (901KB)

English ed.: PN-ACL-373 | Project title: Women in development technical assistance (WIDTECH)

Programmes d'education environnementale en milieu socolaire : lecons de trois pays africains [Mali, Tanzanie, et Zambie]
Jun 2000 (623KB)

English ed.: PN-ACJ-162 | Project title: Environmental education and communication (GreenCOM)

Rapport de l'atelier genre et curriculum: l'integration du genre dans le developpement du curriculum du niveau I de l'enseignement fondamental dans la republique du Mali - rapport final de la deuxieme phase II
11/01/2002 (684KB)

This is the final French-language report of a consultancy to identify strategies for integrating gender into Mali's basic education curriculum and the teacher training program. This consultancy for the creation of gender analysis tools took place in three phases: development of tools (Phase I), validation of tools (interim phase), and a training workshop for curriculum developers on use of the tools (Phase II). This report focuses on Phase II and is divided into five sections:

  1. Context of the consultation and expected results;
  2. Report on the preparatory workshop;
  3. Report on the gender and curriculum workshop;
  4. Monitoring and assessment plan; and
  5. Lessons learned and recommendations.
The English version of the report is PN-ADC-662.

Report on gender and curriculum workshop : integrating gender into level I basic education curriculum in the Republic of Mali -- final report (phase II)
11/01/2002 (963KB)

This is the final report of a consultancy to identify strategies for integrating gender into Mali's basic education curriculum and the teacher training program. This consultancy for the creation of gender analysis tools took place in three phases: development of tools (Phase I), validation of tools (interim phase), and a training workshop for curriculum developers on use of the tools (Phase II). This report focuses on Phase II and is divided into five sections:

  1. Context of the consultation and expected results;
  2. Report on the preparatory workshop;
  3. Report on the gender and curriculum workshop;
  4. Monitoring and assessment plan; and
  5. Lessons learned and recommendations.
The French version of the report is PN-ADK-400.

Retrospective study on girls' education in Mali and the use of the simulation model for education management
8/1/2002 (339KB)

SAGE : strategies for advancing girls' education
02/01/2001 (128KB)

The Strategies for Advancing Girls' Education (SAGE) program is a long-term initiative under the Women in Development Technical Assistance (WIDTECH) project. SAGE provides targeted technical assistance to USAID missions and partner organizations, helping to create and fund girls' education programs. This information brief highlights SAGE programs in Guinea and Mali, illustrating community-sponsored strategies for improving girls' education.

Strategies pour promouvoir l'education des filles
02/01/2001 (496KB)

The Strategies for Advancing Girls' Education (SAGE) program is a long-term initiative under the Women in Development Technical Assistance (WIDTECH) project. SAGE provides targeted technical assistance to USAID missions and partner organizations, helping to create and fund girls' education programs. This French-language information brief highlights SAGE programs in Guinea and Mali, illustrating community-sponsored strategies for improving girls' education.

Strengthening women's participation in decision-making at the local level in Mali
01/01/2001 (1.9MB)

French ed.: PN-ACL-374 | Annexes D-F written in French | Project title: Women in development technical assistance (WIDTECH)

Suivi et evaluation de la formation en leadership des femmes membres des associations de parents d'eleves : une intervention du programme SAGE Mali pour l'appui de l'education des filles aupres des ecoles communautaires au Mali
2002 (265KB)

Title in English and French, text in French | Project title: Strategies for advancing girls' education (SAGE) | Project title: Women in development technical assistance (WIDTECH)

USAID girls' education initiatives in Guatemala, Guinea, Mali, Morocco, and Peru : a performance review
05/31/2002 (570KB)

Project title: Girls' education monitoring system (GEMS)

Vers une participation active des femmes dans les actions d'education a la base : guide d'animation a l'intention des agents de changement -- des PVO et NGO partenaires du programme SAGE au Mali : activite 2 -- participation active des femmes membres
Apr 2000 (231KB)

Project title: Strategies for advancing girls' education (SAGE) | Project title: Women in development technical assistance (WIDTECH)

West Africa water initiative (WAWI) : gender mainstreaming workshops -- Ghana, Mali & Niger, 2005 : summary report and country reports
11/01/2005 (713KB)

This document reports on a series of WAWI gender mainstreaming implementation workshops held in in May/June 2005 in Ghana, Mali, and Niger. The general objective of the Mali and Niger workshops was to reinforce the capacities of WAWI partners and their colleagues in government agencies to use gender analysis and gender-sensitive project planning and monitoring tools in their normal water and sanitation activities in ways that would foster gender-balanced participation and project sustainability. In Ghana, the basic objective was to build the capacity of partners to integrate gender concerns into all aspects of WAWI activities.

West Africa water initiative (WAWI) : lessons from gender mainstreaming in water & sanitation activities -- Ghana, Mali, and Niger
03/01/2006 (173KB)

This document provides an overview of the WAWI Gender Mainstreaming Project, which was implemented in 2004-2005 in Ghana, Mali, and Niger. The document also shares lessons learned throughout the various stages of the project and concludes with a series of recommendations for the next phase of the project.

Women's participation in decision-making at the local level increased : final report
15 Apr 2005 (31.6MB)

Task order no. 800 | Also known as: Women IN Governance Project (Mali WING) | In footer: The dTS-WI Consortium

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