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Publications are listed in alphabetical order by title.

Assessment of the situation of women and children combatants in the Liberian post-conflict period and recommendations for successful integration
12/01/2003 (856KB)

The purpose of this assessment is to (1) review existing reintegration programs for women and child soldiers and women associated with the fighting forces (WAFF), (2) assess their current situation in Liberia, and (3) make recommendations to USAID on possible interventions for assistance, including a detailed program description for a proposed USAID/Liberia activity. The assessment and recommendations are done within the context of the Disarmament, Demobilization, and Reintegration (DDR) program being planned and implemented in Liberia by the international community and the United Nations peacekeeping forces (UNMIL). The assessment was conducted under the Short-Term Technical Assistance and Research Under EGAT/WID Management to Support USAID Washington and Field Mission Anti-Trafficking Activities Task Order, which is managed by Development Alternatives, Inc. (DAI).

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