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Publications are listed in alphabetical order by title.

Gender Assessment of Sustainable Conservation-Oriented Enterprises: Preliminary Findings
11/01/2007 (418KB)

This report documents the findings of a gender assessment team during its travel in Kenya from September 11 to October 2, 2007 to investigate gender constraints and gender integration opportunities in nature-based enterprises supported by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) Mission in Kenya.

Gender Training Materials: Integrating Gender into USAID/Kenya's Programs for Agriculture, Business, and the Environment
09/01/2007 (1.1MB)

This book of Gender Training Materials, prepared by the USAID-funded Greater Access to Trade Expansion (GATE) Project and tailored to the needs of the USAID/Kenya Mission, supports the Mission's commitment to gender integration for activities related to Economic Growth and Trade. It was used during a September 2007 workshop for USAID/Kenya staff and partners working on Strategic Objective (SO) 7 and 5. The materials are directed to the staff of the Agriculture, Business and Environment Office (ABEO) Team as well as partner organizations. They are designed to increase participants' knowledge, skills, and confidence in asking the right gender questions, finding the necessary data and assistance to answer these questions, and developing appropriate program interventions to meet gender-related targets.

Improving household food security : institutions, gender, and integrated approaches
03/01/2000 (909KB)

This study is part of a worldwide research program, Broadening Access and Strengthening Input Market Systems (BASIS). The study was designed to challenge the belief that it is too difficult to apply integrated approaches to the issue of food security. It assumed that the use of gender analysis and participatory processes creates the opportunity and provides the framework for developing integrated approaches to food security, and then it examined examples in four countries — Ethiopia, Kenya, Tanzania and Uganda — that applied these approaches to improving household food security.

Kenya : an economic snapshot
01/01/2006 (87KB)

This fact sheet provides a snapshot of Kenya's economy, covering key economic indicators, trade, poverty, and the labor market. In addition, it presents a development diamond that maps poverty, labor market segmentation, trade, and wage rate trends over a 10-year period.

Review of gender issues in the USAID/Kenya integrated strategic plan (ISP) 2001-2005 : democracy and governance, economic growth, population and health, and natural resources management
09/01/2000 (141KB)

Given the important role of women in Kenya and the multiple obstacles they face in their daily lives, USAID/Kenya requested assistance in incorporating gender considerations into its portfolio of activities. This report presents the findings of this assistance, offering:

  • Suggested approaches toward incorporating gender into the USAID/Kenya strategic objectives of democracy and governance, economic growth, population and health, and natural resources management;
  • Recommendations on incorporating gender into the USAID/Kenya Integrated Strategic Plan (ISP), Results Review & Resource Request (R4), and Performance Monitoring Plan (PMP) reporting documents; and
  • Recommendations on possible next steps for the Mission toward further supporting the well-being of women in Kenya.

The Uhai Lake Forum Development Group : community initiatives for the conservation of Lake Victoria resources
03/01/2002 (111KB)

Project title: Women in development technical assistance (WIDTECH)

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