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Publications are listed in alphabetical order by title.

5 Simple Steps for Inclusion of People with Disabilities
11/01/2007 (37KB)

A fact sheet providing five easy steps to improve the inclusion of people with disabilities in USAID programming.

A Menu of Options for Intra-Household Poverty Assessment
11/01/2006 (710KB)

This report focuses on the consideration of gender in the poverty assessment tools developed by the University of Maryland's Center for Institutional Reform and the Informal Sector (IRIS Center). The report provides recommendations for how these tools may be adapted to assess the presence of intra-household poverty and inequality. The report's objective is to draw attention to the presence of intra-household inequality and develop a menu of options for developing and testing methods to assess intra-household poverty.

Addressing trafficking in persons in the human rights framework
09/01/2001 (519KB)

This paper is a summary of "Human Rights and Trafficking in Persons: A Handbook" by the Global Alliance Against Trafficking in Women. The paper was prepared for the Technical Consultative Meeting on Anti-Trafficking Programs in South Asia, Kathmandu, Nepal, September 11-13, 2001. The international human rights encoded in UN Treaties and Conventions offer a framework for an analysis of trafficking in persons.

Administrator's Statement: International Women's Day 2007
03/07/2007 (35KB)

This is the USAID general notice issued by Administrator Randall L. Tobias in commemoration of International Women's Day, 2007. The notice highlights USAID's support for and accomplishments in improving the status of women and enhancing their opportunities.

Advancing basic education and literacy project, phase 2 [ABEL 2] : final report
08/01/2000 (83KB)

The Advancing Basic Education and Literacy (ABEL2) project was a five-year activity managed by a consortium of organizations headed by the Academy for Educational Development (AED). ABEL2 activities aimed at expanding access to and improving the quality of basic education, early childhood education, and non-formal education for out-of-school youth and adults. Among other areas, ABEL2 concentrated on increasing girls’ participation in basic education; Creative Associates International, Inc. (CAII) led the efforts in this area.

Annual report on good practices, lessons learned, and success stories : October 1, 2004-September 30, 2005 : Women's Legal Rights Initiative under the Women in Development IQC
06/01/2006 (703KB)

This annual report of the Women's Legal Rights Initiative (WLR) discusses best practices and reviews lessons learned, approaches, and activities that offer ideas about what works best in a given situation -- or how not to do something. This third annual report takes a broader perspective on best practices and lessons learned than previous reports did. It still focuses on WLR country program activities but considers the process used for developing the activity within each of the project's intermediate results, the need for and benefit of sound monitoring and evaluation plans, including indicators and data collection, and strategies for project management.

Anti-trafficking technical assistance : annual progress report, October 1, 2005-September 30, 2006
02/12/2007 (156KB)

The purpose of the Anti-Trafficking Task Order (ATTO) is to support USAID/Washington and USAID's field missions with technical assistance, support the USAID Office of Women in Development (EGAT/WID), and initiate pilot projects in selected missions. This report is the second annual update detailing the technical assistance provided from October 2005 - September 2006. The ATTO conducted several assessments for field missions during this year (Jamaica, the Dominican Republic, Albania, Nicaragua, Indonesia, and Ecuador).

Are Schools Safe Havens for Children? Examining school-related gender-based violence
10/14/2008 (802KB)

This report reviews the literature on school-related gender-based violence (SRGBV) in an effort to improve understanding of its causes, consequences, and prevalence. The report examines how gender norms, poverty, and a culture of violence contribute to SRGBV. It also explores barriers to preventing and responding to SRGBV and presents examples of what is being done to address the problem.

Building an inclusive development community : a manual on including people with disabilities in international development programs
01/01/2003 (2.5MB)

The goal of this manual is to provide information, strategies, tools, and resources that will assist international development organizations in promoting good development practice through the inclusion of people with disabilities, especially women and girls with disabilities, at every level of the development process. It is divided into major sections, beginning with a simple checklist that can be used to assess a specific organization's level of inclusiveness, continuing through sections focused on management and human resource development, program accessibility issues, international and regional experiences, and development topics as viewed through disability and gender lenses.

Catalyzing Equitable Development: An Initiative to Institutionalize a Gender Perspective in PVO and NGO Work in the Field
08/23/2007 (270KB)

This is the final report of InterAction's Commission on the Advancement of Women (CAW), which implemented the Catalyzing Equitable Development (CED) Program from January 2003-September 2006. The aim of the program was to institutionalize a gender perspective in the work of development and humanitarian assistance PVOs and NGOs as a necessary means to improve living conditions for poor communities in Africa and Asia.

Common at its core : HIV-related stigma across contexts
2005 (377KB)

Project title: Communication for behavior change (CHANGE)

Common Myths on Inclusion of People with Disabilities
09/01/2007 (39KB)

Common myths about including people with disabilities in international development programming.

Community conservation and protected area management with a gender perspective : a synthesis
08/01/2001 (353KB)

Project title: Women in development technical assistance (WIDTECH)

Comptes rendus : symposium sur l'education des filles -- faits, problemes, actions [: 17-18 mai, 2000, Washington, DC,US]
01/01/2000 (821KB)

This French-language document shares the proceedings of the May 2001 Symposium on Girls' Education, at which papers on key issues and controversies in girls' education -- commissioned by USAID and the SAGE project -- were presented and discussed. Topics include closing the education gender gap, balancing access and quality, educating girls vs. educating women given limited resources, creating girl-friendly schools while respecting local conventions, and defining the relationship between governments and NGOs in implementing girls' education programs.

Conference on intrastate conflict and women : December 12 & 13, 2000, Ronald Reagan International Trade Center, Washington, DC -- conference proceedings
12/01/2000 (999KB)

Related document: PN-ACP-514

Digital opportunity through technology and communication partnerships-policy (DOT-GOV) : final report
08/24/2006 (191KB)

This is the final report of the The Digital Opportunity through Technology and Communication Partnerships-Policy (dot-GOV) Leader with Associates Cooperative Agreement. The dot-GOV project was implemented by Internews Network with subcontractors and in close coordination with U.S. government offices. It promoted pro-competitive policy and regulatory reform to enhance economic and social development and provide universal access, especially for women and geographically and socially isolated populations.

Educating girls : a map to context analysis
11/01/2000 (1.7MB)

This document, produced by the Strategies for Advancing Girls' Education (SAGE) project, describes how to create a context analysis, which is used to identify the status and condition of girls' educational participation, the factors affecting them, and their solutions. The document provides four steps needed for creating a context analysis -- statistical landscape analysis, classroom observation, policy analysis and assessment, and focus groups -- and presents an investigative map that illustrates the "landscape" of the context of girls' education.

Engendering development and humanitarian assistance organizations : an action and learning initiative (final report)
05/07/2003 (663KB)

With support from the USAID WID office, InterAction’s Commission on the Advancement of Women (CAW) carried out an “action and learning” initiative on gender integration in programming between August 1997 and December 2002. The initiative focused on technical assistance, training, and dissemination of best practices and lessons learned to improve the capacity of InterAction member PVOs to deliver gender sensitive programming. This report provides an overview of the program activities, assesses the outcomes, and presents an analysis of program findings that are applicable to the overall field of gender integration or gender mainstreaming.

Enhancing women's access to markets : an overview of donor programs and best practices
10/01/2005 (533KB)

This document summarizes the findings from a recent survey of Development Assistance Committee (DAC) members’ programs and projects that address improving market access for women entrepreneurs and wage earners in developing countries. The study focuses on a number of key impediments to women’s access to labor markets, financial markets, and markets for goods and services in developing countries. The report presents an overview of key programs and projects undertaken by DAC members’ and provides recommendations for best practices to enhance women’s access to markets.

Enhancing Women's Market Access and Promoting Pro-Poor Growth
01/01/2005 (157KB)

This document provides an overview of inequalities in women's access to markets and how these gender inequalities negatively affect pro-poor growth. It summarizes gender issues in the labor, financial, goods, and services markets, the controversies of different donor approaches, and the policy implications of failing to focus on women’s market access. In addition, it offers policy recommendations and presents a variety of recommended best practices.

Environmental education & communication for a sustainable world : handbook for international practitioners
01/01/2000 (1.8MB)

This manual shares experiences, information, and models of working in education and communication. It is divided into four sections as described below:

  1. provides an orientation to four theoretical perspectives that have shaped GreenCOM's approach to environmental education and communication (EE&C) projects: behavior change, participation, gender, and systems thinking;
  2. offers a variety of GreenCOM experiences that illustrate the basic process of designing education and communication programs: needs assessment, formative research, pre-testing, and evaluation;
  3. looks at staff and participant training workshops, mass media campaigns, and how EE&C can affect public policy;
  4. highlights several successful countrywide strategies from GreenCOM's field experience.

EQUATE Technical Briefs: Gender, Education, and HIV/AIDS
09/20/2007 (42KB)

This technical brief examines the relationship between gender disparities and the spread of HIV/AIDS. It also offers suggestions for USAID staff and implementing partners on designing appropriate education sector strategies for mitigating the impacts of HIV/AIDS by addressing gender inequality.

Fact Sheet: Trade Liberalization, Economic Growth, and Gender
01/01/2005 (95KB)

This fact sheet covers the benefits of integrating women into the world economy, why they are affected differently by trade and economic growth, and what factors constrain women’s ability to participate in global trade. The fact sheet provides examples of how women have been affected by trade in the agriculture, handicrafts, and manufacturing sectors and with regard to tariff reduction and trade liberalization. As well, it summarizes how USAID can help improve gender equality in trade and economic growth and how the Greater Access to Trade Expansion (GATE) project helps USAID Missions integrate the needs of the poor, particularly poor women, into their trade and economic growth programs.

Female genital cutting : breaking the silence, enabling change
01/01/2000 (840KB)

This synthesis paper provides an introduction to female genital cutting (FGC), a traditional practice that involves the physical alteration of the female genitalia. It presents three highly successful approaches to ending FGC implemented in Egypt, The Gambia, and Senegal and provides lessons learned and recommendations for future FGC programming. The paper is one of several analytical documents synthesizing the findings across "Promoting Women in Development" (PROWID) projects and their implications within the various themes.

Final program report and quarterly progress report 8 -- July-September, 2002 : small grants supporting women's NGOs in program implementation and advocacy
05/01/2003 (4.0MB)

Task order no. 10 | Project title: WID strategies and resources

Final report : the employment of rural women in multinational agribusiness : three case studies and some lessons learned
08/01/2001 (46KB)

Gender and agribusiness project (GAP)

Final report of the GenderReach project
01/01/2002 (76KB)

Delivery order no. 5

Final Report: Gender Integration Training for the USAID/EGAT/AGR Office and its Partners
11/01/2005 (429KB)

This report summarizes a set of gender integration training sessions offered to USAID/Washington agriculture staff, mission agriculture officers, and partners between June 2004 and June 2005. The report also shares the results of the training evaluations, provides recommendations for future trainings, and provides the materials used in the trainings.

Gender and community conservation
06/01/2001 (1.4MB)

GenderReach project

Gender and disability : a survey of InterAction member agencies -- findings and recommendations on inclusion of women and men with disabilities in international development programs
01/01/2001 (231KB)

Mobility International USA (MIUSA) surveyed InterAction member agencies about inclusion of people with disabilities to document the extent to which people with disabilities, particularly women and girls with disabilities, participate in the international development assistance process. This research is the first systematic attempt to determine if international development organizations in the U.S. include eligible people with disabilities in policies, employment, programs, and services, and what data, if any, they collect concerning participation by women and men with disabilities. The research confirmed that most organizations do not collect data showing the extent to which people with disabilities participate in the development assistance process.

Gender and results workshop : building technical expertise -- (October 12-15, 1999)
07/01/2000 (211KB)

This document reports on the proceedings and results of an October 1999 training workshop attended by 30 USAID Mission staff from around the world. The workshop focused on obtaining better results in development programs by integrating gender. It included a discussion of gender and gender analysis, training in facilitation and strategic influencing, training in specific technical areas (democracy and governance, environment, economic growth and agriculture, and population, health, and nutrition), and a panel discussion of four Mission success stories.

Gender and the environment : planning for a better future -- needs assessment
06/01/2000 (39KB)

Project title: Women in development technical assistance (WIDTECH)

Gender Equality Framework
05/01/2008 (156KB)

This document introduces a simple framework within which often misunderstood terms and concepts are reviewed in easily understood terminology. The Gender Equality Framework is based on the results from USAID education program assessments conducted during the past decade that revealed the need for a tool to help USAID move education programming toward achieving gender equality. The framework was developed and introduced by the EQUATE project with support from the USAID Office of Women in Development and in consultation with USAID education staff, implementing partners, and other stakeholders.

Gender Equality in Education: a Dynamic Framework
09/20/2007 (142KB)

This is a visual framework that demonstrates how to address the various elements of gender equality.

11/01/2007 (80KB)

For most countries, there are a number of national and international options for data sources. International and national statistics can help Strategic Objective (SO) teams to draw important conclusions about key gender differences that need to be addressed through the developing program objectives and activities. Sex-disaggregated data includes micro- and macro-economic data as well as national statistics on social development, labor force participation and segmentation, incomes, poverty rates, educational attainment, health status, legal status, judicial access, and political participation.

11/01/2007 (120KB)

This document describes illustrative Gender Integration Strategies for Trade (GIST) and present possible gender constraints, mitigating strategies, and indicators.

12/1/2007 (45KB)

Common Gender Terminology for economic growth projects

Gender, information technology and developing countries : an analytic study -- executive summary
01/01/2001 (22KB)

Main document: PN-ACM-294 | Project title: Global communication and learning systems (LearnLink) | Task order 27-2432-21

Gender, information technology, and developing countries : an analytic study
06/01/2001 (938KB)

Executive summary: PN-ACL-852 | Project title: Global communications and learning systems (LearnLink) | Task order 2432-21 | Related document: PN-ACM-871 (although document shares title, author, and date text differs slightly)

Gender, information technology, and developing countries : an analytical study -- executive summary
12/31/1969 (2.1MB)

Project title: Global communication and learning systems (LearnLink) | Related document: PN-ACM-294 (although document shares title, author, and date, text differs slightly)

11/01/2007 (66KB)

Examples of good gender senstitve indicators for economic growth activities.

General Information on Disability and Development
09/30/2007 (45KB)

A brief document that provides general information on disability and international development.

Girls' and women's education [GWE] project : quarterly & final report, January 1, 2003 to March 31, 2003
04/01/2003 (24KB)

Girls' education and crises
05/01/2001 (830KB)

This document summarizes the results of an examination of various types of crises, including severe economic downturn, epidemic disease, and internal conflict, on the participation of girls in primary schooling. It summarizes the general trends in girls' education across the countries that have received USAID assistance over the last 30 years, discusses the principal findings regarding girls' education in these countries during periods of crisis, and draws implications from these findings. The document was produced under the Girls' Education Monitoring System (GEMS) project.

Glossary of Gender Terms
09/20/2007 (321KB)

This is a one-page glossary of common terms related to gender integration and equity.

Human resources toolbox : building an inclusive development community : gender appropriate technical assistance to InterAction member agencies on inclusion of people with disabilities
01/01/2002 (2.0MB)

This toolkit provides the following information and resources:

  • An overview of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), including myths and facts;
  • Definitions of the term "disability" and descriptions of different types of disabilities, including hidden and psychiatric disabilities;
  • Tips for appropriate language when referring to people with disabilities;
  • Alternative formats international development organizations can use to facilitate communication with people who are blind or visually impaired;
  • Adaptive technology to help convey information to and facilitate communication with people who are deaf or hearing impaired;
  • Resources on Internet accessibility for people with disabilities;
  • Budgeting for inclusion of people with disabilities;
  • Resources for recruiting and accommodating qualified people with disabilities; and
  • A checklist for analyzing whether or not a program activity or facility is accessible.

Improving household food security : institutions, gender, and integrated approaches
03/01/2000 (909KB)

This study is part of a worldwide research program, Broadening Access and Strengthening Input Market Systems (BASIS). The study was designed to challenge the belief that it is too difficult to apply integrated approaches to the issue of food security. It assumed that the use of gender analysis and participatory processes creates the opportunity and provides the framework for developing integrated approaches to food security, and then it examined examples in four countries — Ethiopia, Kenya, Tanzania and Uganda — that applied these approaches to improving household food security.

Intrastate conflict and gender (Gender Matters information bulletin no. 9)
12/01/2000 (87KB)

This information bulletin summarizes the results of a two-year investigation of gender issues in post-conflict societies. The study examined the impacts of conflict on women and gender relations under three categories -- social and psychological, economic, and political -- and the challenges that emerged for the donor community in providing effective assistance to mitigate these impacts. It found, among other things, that women are especially vulnerable to violence during the early stages of post-conflict transition.

Investing in Women in Development Fellowship Program Semi-Annual Report [April-September 2007]
10/31/2007 (67KB)

Semi-annual report of the Investing in Women in Development (IWID) Fellowship Program, covering April-September 2007.

Investing in Women in Development Fellowship Program: Semi-Annual Technical Report for the Period October 1, 2007 to March 31, 2008
04/28/2008 (65KB)

This document describes the activities and accomplishments of Investing in Women in Development (IWID) fellows Elisabeth Duban (USAID/Russia) and Anne Hayes (DG Bureau, USAID/Washington) for the October 1, 2007 - March 31, 2008 reporting period. It also includes highlights of program administration activities (newsletters produced and site visits taken), outreach activities, and upcoming events.

Investing in Women in Development Quarterly Newsletter, Volume 5, Issue 1
03/01/2008 (215KB)

This issue of the Investing in Women in Development Quarter Newsletter includes the following articles: 
Field Notes: Coordinating to Combat Trafficking in Russia
Field Notes: Gender and Disability
Program Notes: IWID Fellows' Realm of Impact

Justice, change, and human rights : international research and responses to domestic violence
01/01/2000 (822KB)

This paper is one of several analytical documents synthesizing the findings across Promoting Women in Development (PROWID) projects and their implications within various themes; this paper's theme is domestic violence against women. Eleven PROWID projects focused upon domestic violence: three research and intervention projects were facilitated by non-governmental organizations in Russia, Bulgaria and Mexico, and eight research studies were undertaken in India. As a whole, these diverse projects generated some common conclusions regarding the problem of domestic violence.

Key Points for Accessible Events
09/30/2007 (32KB)

This two-pager offers tips for making USAID events (in the U.S. and in the field) accessible to persons with disabilities. It includes key points to consider on outreach and publicity, transportation to and from the event, and event participation.

Language and Disability
09/30/2007 (42KB)

A short paper on the use of appropriate language when speaking with and about people with disabilities.

Leveling the playing field : promoting women's economic capabilities and human rights
01/01/2000 (1007KB)

This paper is one of several analytical documents synthesizing the findings of Promoting Women in Development (PROWID) projects and their implications within various themes. Using a human rights and freedoms approach to development, this paper synthesizes the findings from a number of PROWID projects that explore women's economic roles and opportunities and their aspirations for advancement. It reviews the sorts of constraints they face in fulfilling them and considers the relationship between women's rights and capabilities on the one hand and development policy and practice on the other.

Literature review and analysis related to human trafficking in post-conflict situations
06/01/2004 (531KB)

This report provides an analysis of the available literature and programmatic interventions in areas related to trafficking in post-conflict situations. Its purpose is to serve as a tool for future USAID planning. The report includes two attachments: (1) an annotated bibliography of available literature on the subject and (2) a list of organizations working on post-conflict trafficking issues.

Literature Review: The Rehabilitation of Victims of Trafficking in Group Residential Facilities in Foreign Countries
01/01/2007 (400KB)

This literature review assesses publications that address the issue of how countries identify victims of trafficking and provide them with shelter, recovery, and reintegration services. It provides an outline of the issues that should be taken into consideration when developing a comprehensive victim-centered approach to residential shelter facilities in foreign countries. By providing references to works that are beginning to identify good practices in this field, this review also seeks to provide a foundation for a comprehensive approach to understanding the processes of recovery and rehabilitation of victims of trafficking.

Literature Review: Trafficking in Humanitarian Emergencies
07/01/2006 (185KB)

This literature review provides an analysis of the available literature in areas related to trafficking in humanitarian emergencies. Although many reports and studies cover women's increasing vulnerability in disasters, specifically to sexual exploitation, few studies focus on trafficking in persons, and even fewer studies address types of trafficking other than for commercial sexual exploitation. The literature reviewed here examines the increased vulnerabilities of women after disasters, specifically due to cultural norms that place women's needs last, the lack of social safety nets, and the lack of input from women into disaster response and management.

Literature Review: Trafficking in Post-Conflict Situations
07/01/2006 (543KB)

This literature review found a good deal of work on the subjects of conflict and its effects on women, children, and gender-based violence, the gender aspects of peacekeeping, and human trafficking in post-conflict countries. Very few of these works deal directly with the issues of conflict, human trafficking, and their interrelationships, however, and even fewer works contain in-depth descriptions and analyses of the conditions in conflict and post-conflict situations, which contribute to the emergence of human trafficking in post-conflict and neighboring countries. The exceptions are the growing body of work on child soldiers and women associated with fighting forces, recent works on trafficking in women and girls for sexual exploitation around peacekeeping missions, and the evolving links between post-conflict trafficking and organized crime.

Multisectoral strategies for advancing girls' education : principles and practice
06/01/2001 (3.3MB)

This review of multisectoral partnerships for girls' education focuses on the persistent need for support for girls' enrollment, attendance, and completion of basic education. The study profiles country programs in Guinea and Morocco and examines issues, strategies, and experiences for developing successful multisectoral partnerships to advance girls' education. The two case studies validate the Office of Women in Development's approach to mobilizing sectors and developing partnerships to support girls' education.

Multisectoral support of basic and girls' education
10/01/2000 (1.9MB)

This study provides an overview of how and to what extent the business, religious, and media sectors have supported girls' education in developing countries. The study provides a foundation for understanding these sectors' roles in and potential for supporting girls' education activities in poor countries. While the primary focus is on girls' basic education, the study also looks at basic education for all children and vocational training for girls and women.

Overview of issues in women's employment in multinational agribusiness
12/31/2001 (26KB)

This paper gives a brief history of the evolution of international trade in agricultural products and the changing circumstances of the world's women, especially with regard to women's employment in the agriculture sector. The accompanying analytic framework provides a tool for use in assessing employment practices as they affect women workers. The paper was produced under the Gender and Agribusiness Project (GAP).

Partners for positive action : social mobilization for HIV/AIDS prevention, care & support
09/10/2002 (1.6MB)

Project title: Enabling change for women's reproductive health (ENABLE)

Proceedings : symposium on girls' education -- evidence, issues, actions [: 17-19 May 2000, Washington, DC]
05/01/2000 (1.0MB)

This document shares the proceedings of the May 2001 Symposium on Girls' Education, at which papers on key issues and controversies in girls' education -- commissioned by USAID and the SAGE project -- were presented and discussed. Topics include closing the education gender gap, balancing access and quality, educating girls vs. educating women given limited resources, creating girl-friendly schools while respecting local conventions, and defining the relationship between governments and NGOs in implementing girls' education programs.

Proceedings : symposium on girls' education -- evidence, issues, actions [: 17-19 May 2000, Washington, DC] -- [Arabic version]
05/31/2000 (1.4MB)

This Arabic-language document shares the proceedings of the May 2001 Symposium on Girls' Education, at which papers on key issues and controversies in girls' education -- commissioned by USAID and the SAGE project -- were presented and discussed. Topics include closing the education gender gap, balancing access and quality, educating girls vs. educating women given limited resources, creating girl-friendly schools while respecting local conventions, and defining the relationship between governments and NGOs in implementing girls' education programs.

Programs to Address Child Marriage: Framing the Problem
02/29/2008 (202KB)

This presentation describes the various factors leading to early marriage in three contexts -- in Bangladesh, among Guatemala's Mayan population, and among the Hmong and Dao minorities in Vietnam -- and the implications for programs aiming to delay marriage in these different contexts (for instance, in Bangladesh, dowry price rises with age). In addition, it explains that a lack of opportunities and social isolation are important common correlates of early marriage among disadvantaged ethnic minorities in Asia and Latin America.

Promoting gender equity in the democratic process : women's paths to political participation and decisionmaking
01/01/2000 (1014KB)

This paper is one of several analytical documents synthesizing the findings and implications of Promoting Women in Development (PROWID) projects. This paper focuses on projects in the areas of governance, civil society, and women's leadership. These projects have pointed to various ways in which women can be integrated into the democratization process.

Rapport du suivi evaluation de l'execution des activites des plans d'actions communautaires et du programme d'encadrement des filles des APE et comite de gestion des PVO et ONG partenaires
07/01/2002 (145KB)

Title in English and French, text in French | Project title: Strategies for advancing girls' education (SAGE) | Project title: Women in development technical assistance (WIDTECH)

Resource handbook for girls' education officers : draft
11/01/2001 (691KB)

Project title: Strategies for advancing girls' education (SAGE) | Project title: Women in development technical assistance (WIDTECH)

Simposio sobre educacion de ninas : evidencias, temas, acciones -- 17-18 de mayo del 2000 [Washington, DC, US]
05/01/2000 (594KB)

This Spanish-language document shares the proceedings of the May 2001 Symposium on Girls' Education, at which papers on key issues and controversies in girls' education -- commissioned by USAID and the SAGE project -- were presented and discussed. Topics include closing the education gender gap, balancing access and quality, educating girls vs. educating women given limited resources, creating girl-friendly schools while respecting local conventions, and defining the relationship between governments and NGOs in implementing girls' education programs.

Starting now : strategies for helping girls complete primary [education]
11/01/2000 (1.7MB)

This paper is intended as a practical reference for educators interested in helping girls stayed enrolled in school until they finish their primary level education. The information and approaches presented are a distillation of existing literature and field experience. The paper's underlying arguments are that (1) investing in girls' education requires that attention be paid to balancing access and quality and that (2) improving program quality and the modes of education delivery are the most cost-effective ways to expand access to educational opportunities and ensure that children, especially girls, will want to complete their primary education.

Strategies for advancing girls' education (SAGE) : SAGE final activities report
07/31/2002 (412KB)

Summary of Gender Strategies of Multilateral Development Agencies and Selected Bilateral Donors
09/01/2004 (509KB)

This document reviews gender-mainstreaming strategies in use by multilateral and bilateral agencies, many of which have strategies that specifically address issues of women in development and gender equality. This review includes the gender mainstreaming strategies of Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) member countries, international institutions such as the World Bank and regional development banks, regional organizations such as the Commonwealth Secretariat and Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC), and United Nations agencies.

Summary of gender strategies of multilateral development agencies and selected bilateral donors
Sep 2004 (318KB)

Task order no. 01 | Women in development (WID) IQC | Activity VII: publications, reports, etc. | At head of title: Gender matters : integrating gender, achieving result

Summary of selected reports on the performance and impact of USAID's women in development program, 1973-2001
04/18/2003 (265KB)

Women in development (WID) IQC | Activity VII: publications, report, etc.

Summary report on gender training for Conservation International : population and environmental program, strategic planning and gender workshop, Tuguegarao, Philippines, June 15-20, 2004
09/01/2004 (237KB)

Women in development indefinite quantity contract (WID IQC)

The Rehabilitation of Victims of Trafficking in Group Residential Facilities in Foreign Countries
09/01/2007 (201KB)

This study of residential rehabilitative shelters for victims of trafficking is based on a review of the literature addressing residential shelters, protection, and rehabilitation for victims of human trafficking; a review of U.S. government-funded shelter activities from 2001–2005; and interviews with individuals engaged in anti-trafficking work, including government officials, scholars, and representatives of non-governmental and international organizations. The study addresses the major types of residential shelters, the constraints that affect shelter operations, and a series of issues and challenges to effective shelter care. It also includes examples of good practices and recommendations.

The SAGE [strategies for advancing girls' education] story : it's about girls moving forward
10/01/2002 (97KB)

This document, part of a series of nine success stories entitled "Strategies That Succeed: Stories from the SAGE Project," introduces the project and the series. The success stories illustrate a variety of ways that a multisectoral approach can be implemented in terms of differing local rationales, partners, activities, results, and efforts to promote sustainability. Evidence from the SAGE project provides a strong mandate for using multisectoral approaches to address many of the complex issues of girls' education.

Toolkit for assessing and promoting equity in the classroom (EIC)
01/01/2003 (7.2MB)

Produced by the Equity in the Classroom (EIC) project, this toolkit is a compilation of instruments that permit active research in the classroom and the school to promote increased participation and improved learning by girls and other marginalized students in primary education. The toolkit is designed to orient educators to issues of equity and to help them begin a process of research and inquiry to identify factors in schools and classrooms that limit equitable participation and achievement of girls and other disadvantaged learners.

Trafficking in persons : USAID's response (issued March 2004)
03/01/2004 (514KB)

This report provides an overview of the global problem of trafficking in persons, the U.S. Government's position on trafficking, and USAID's anti-trafficking activities. It summarizes trafficking problems by region (Africa, Asia, Central and Southeastern Europe and Eurasia, and Latin America and the Caribbean) and describes the wide range of USAID's interventions in 2003 to combat trafficking in these regions.

Trafficking in persons : USAID's response (issued March 2005)
03/01/2005 (217KB)

This report provides an overview of the global problem of trafficking in persons, the U.S. Government's position on trafficking, and USAID's anti-trafficking activities in 2004. It presents trafficking problems by region (Africa, Asia, Europe and Eurasia, and Latin America and the Caribbean) and details USAID's regional and country-level interventions to combat trafficking in persons.

Trafficking in persons : USAID's response (issued March 2006)
03/01/2006 (1003KB)

This report provides an overview of the global problem of trafficking in persons and of USAID's response to the problem. It summarizes trafficking problems by region (Africa, Asia, Central and Southeastern Europe and Eurasia, and Latin America and the Caribbean) and describes the wide range of USAID's interventions in 2005 to combat trafficking in these regions.

Trafficking in persons : USAID's response (issued September 2001)
09/01/2001 (1.5MB)

This document provides an overview of the global problem of trafficking in persons and of USAID's response. It summarizes trafficking problems by region -- Africa, Asia, Central Europe and the former Soviet Union, and Latin America and the Caribbean -- and briefly describes USAID's efforts to combat trafficking in these regions.

Trafficking in persons : USAID's response (issued September 2002)
09/01/2002 (1.2MB)

This report provides an overview of the global problem of trafficking in persons and of USAID's response. It summarizes trafficking problems by region (Africa, Asia, Central and Southeastern Europe and Eurasia, and Latin America and the Caribbean) and describes the wide range of USAID's interventions in 2002 to combat trafficking in these regions.

Trafficking in Persons: The USAID Strategy for Response (issued February 2003)
02/01/2003 (524KB)

This report provides an overview of the global problem of trafficking in persons, the U.S. Government's position on trafficking, and USAID's strategy for both preventing trafficking and protecting its victims. It also offers illustrative examples of USAID's anti-trafficking activities. The report appendix briefly describes the Trafficking Victims Protection Act of 2000.

Unsafe schools : A literature review of school-related gender-based violence in developing countries
09/01/2003 (1.2MB)

This literature review was commissioned by USAID's Office of Women in Development to identify, annotate, and synthesize research studies and projects/interventions addressing primary and secondary school-related gender-based violence. The review is divided into four sections that provide the following:

  1. evidence of the prevalence of school-related gender-based violence in developing countries,
  2. a context for the subsequent discussion of the consequences of school-related gender-based violence for the health and educational outcomes for students, 
  3. what is being done at the program and policy levels to address school-related gender-based violence, and
  4. recommendations for further work.

Unsung heroines : women and natural disasters
01/01/2000 (580KB)

This Gender Matters information bulletin, produced by the GenderReach Project, highlights the ways in which women are critical to disaster response and recovery. Women\'s skills and knowledge are valuable not just to ensure that recovery efforts reach women, but also as a resource to mitigate damage and ensure quick recovery for all. Although women play crucial parts in disaster preparedness, mitigation, and recovery, their roles in disasters are often overlooked or ignored.

USAID and Disability Presentation
10/01/2007 (170KB)

A PowerPoint presentation overview of mainstreaming disability into USAID's development approaches.

User manual for the Cohort Tracking System (CoTrack)
01/01/2003 (1.1MB)

This is the user's manual for the Cohort Tracking System (CoTrack), which was designed to collect and analyze individual student enrollment data from schools offering from pre-school through Grade 12. Cohorts are defined as the set of students enrolled in a grade in a given year. The manual was produced under the Girls' Education Monitoring System (GEMS) project.

WIDTECH's small grants initiative : small investments bring large returns
03/01/2002 (192KB)

This information bulletin provides an overview of the WIDTECH Small Grants Initiative, which supported the efforts of local organizations in integrating women into the development process. The organizations that received grants fell into three general areas: promotion of women's economic opportunities, promotion of women's legal and political rights, and integration of gender in conservation efforts. Although the grants described in this bulletin represent just a small sampling of the total awarded, they illustrate the impact that a relatively small investment can have in raising awareness of gender inequities in developing countries and in affording local groups the opportunity to address them.

Women 2000 : Beijing plus five -- the USAID commitment
06/01/2000 (6.0MB)

This report marks the fifth anniversary of the U.N. Fourth Conference on Women, held in Beijing, China. The report highlights USAID's efforts to help women and men in developing countries work for gender equality. It also surveys USAID's endeavors to achieve the goals of the Beijing Declaration and Platform of Action, assessing the Agency’s progress and identifying its remaining challenges.

Women in the economy : a review of recent literature
24 Feb 2006 (535KB)

Project title: Greater access to trade expansion (GATE) | Task order 02

Women in the Economy: a Review of Recent Literature
02/01/2006 (625KB)

This paper investigates the unique position of women within the economy, drawing attention to the numerous aspects of gender inequality that limit women's full participation in "productive" activities. It explores why the inclusion of gender issues is not only beneficial, but also crucial, to the success of economic development programs. Through an examination of the domains of economic development and trade liberalization, the paper emphasizes that integrating gender considerations leads to a greater understanding of the impediments that hinder women's full participation in the economy.

Women Transforming Development (brochure)
01/01/2007 (2.0MB)

This brochure is the monographic record of a USAID photographic exhibition in honor of International Women's Day (8-16 March 2007, Senate Russell Office Building, Washington, DC and 16-23 March 2007, Ronald Reagan Building and International Trade Center, Washington, DC). It describes how women contribute to development and how USAID assistance supports women's empowerment and equality, focusing on the economic growth, peace and security, humanitarian assistance, democracy and governance, education, and health sectors.

Women, men and development
03/01/2004 (524KB)

Women, Men, and Development
03/01/2006 (1.1MB)

This document profiles USAID's efforts to address barriers to full access to opportunity for women and men throughout the developing world. The selected examples illustrate the efforts of the USAID field missions, the Office of Women in Development, and other USAID operating units to fully integrate women into development programs and policies throughout USAID. Topics covered in the report include education, economic growth, women's health and HIV/AIDS, trafficking in persons, violence against women, and women's legal rights and political participation.

[WIDTECH] project completion report : core contract
01/01/2002 (1.7MB)

This is the final report of the Women in Development Technical Assistance (WIDTECH) Project, a five-year contract that ran from September 1996 through December 2001. WIDTECH promoted gender integration by supporting the USAID Women in Development office in its goal of enabling women to participate fully and benefit equally in the development process and incorporating gender concerns into all activities in USAID-assisted countries. The report describes WIDTECH's achievements and lessons learned, focusing on its five sector areas (democracy and governance, economic growth, education, environment, and health) and core services (training, grants to local NGOs, communication and information dissemination, and gender integration).

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