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Publications are listed in alphabetical order by title.

Basic education strategic objective (BESO) II -- basic education program : final evaluation
01/01/2007 (432KB)

At head of title: USAID | Ethiopia | Women in development indefinite quantity contract (WID IQC)

Disentangling HIV and AIDS stigma in Ethiopia, Tanzania and Zambia
2003 (995KB)

Project title: Communication for behavior change (CHANGE)

Evaluation of basic education SO II : community/government partnership program -- USAID Ethiopia : June and July 2005
5 Oct 2005 (2.0MB)

Women in development indefinite quantity contract (WID IQC) | Project title: Basic education strategic objective II (BESO II)

Improving household food security : institutions, gender, and integrated approaches
03/01/2000 (909KB)

This study is part of a worldwide research program, Broadening Access and Strengthening Input Market Systems (BASIS). The study was designed to challenge the belief that it is too difficult to apply integrated approaches to the issue of food security. It assumed that the use of gender analysis and participatory processes creates the opportunity and provides the framework for developing integrated approaches to food security, and then it examined examples in four countries — Ethiopia, Kenya, Tanzania and Uganda — that applied these approaches to improving household food security.

Independent external evaluation of EMPOWER program for USAID/Ethiopia
12/01/2003 (1.3MB)

Women in development indefinite quantity contract (WID IQC)

Independent External Evaluation of EMPOWER Program for USAID/Ethiopia; 12/03 (Part I Executive Summary, Chapters 1-2)
12/01/2003 (883KB)

This report shares the findings of an independent external evaluation of the Ethiopian Management of Participatory Opportunities for Women in Extension and Research (EMPOWER) Program. EMPOWER was an agriculture technology transfer and gender mainstreaming project focused on food security and enhanced gender relationships in the small-holder sector of rural Ethiopia. Part I of the report contains the executive summary, introduction, and chapters one and two.

Independent External Evaluation of EMPOWER Program for USAID/Ethiopia; 12/03 (Part II, Chapters 3-5)
12/01/2003 (432KB)

This report shares the findings of an independent external evaluation of the Ethiopian Management of Participatory Opportunities for Women in Extension and Research (EMPOWER) Program. EMPOWER was an agriculture technology transfer and gender mainstreaming project focused on food security and enhanced gender relationships in the small-holder sector of rural Ethiopia. Part II of the report contains chapters three through five.

Independent External Evaluation of EMPOWER Program for USAID/Ethiopia; 12/03 (Part III, Chapters 6-7)
12/01/2003 (407KB)

This report shares the findings of an independent external evaluation of the Ethiopian Management of Participatory Opportunities for Women in Extension and Research (EMPOWER) Program. EMPOWER was an agriculture technology transfer and gender mainstreaming project focused on food security and enhanced gender relationships in the small-holder sector of rural Ethiopia. Part III of the report contains chapters six and seven.

Independent External Evaluation of EMPOWER Program for USAID/Ethiopia; 12/03 (Part IV, Annexes)
12/01/2003 (278KB)

This report shares the findings of an independent external evaluation of the Ethiopian Management of Participatory Opportunities for Women in Extension and Research (EMPOWER) Program. EMPOWER was an agriculture technology transfer and gender mainstreaming project focused on food security and enhanced gender relationships in the small-holder sector of rural Ethiopia. Part IV of the report contains the annexes.

Promising Interventions: Preliminary Findings from the Amhara Region, Ethiopia
02/29/2008 (84KB)

This presentation describes interventions to stop child marriage in Ethiopia that have been implemented by World Learning and Pathfinder International. The range of interventions includes school-based, community-based, and partnerships with national and regional legal/civil society organizations. Promising preliminary findings on child marriage are also presented.

Safe schools program : Ethiopia assessment report, April 26-May 7, 2004
07/16/2004 (387KB)

This document reports the findings of a a school-related gender-based violence (SRGBV) assessment carried out by a four-person team from the Safe Schools Program in 2004. It summarizes general issues and recommendations as reported by NGO staff, USAID partners, Ethiopian educational personnel, and local schoolteachers, parents, and students, as well as by global literature on best practices. It also reports on select priority issues and recommendations that address gaps at multiple levels -- national, institutional, community, and individual -- and that address SRGBV in three areas of programming -- prevention, reporting, and response.

Stopping Child Marriage: Lessons from Ethiopia
02/29/2008 (165KB)

This presentation discusses the problem of child marriage in Ethiopia, which is due to poverty and lack of opportunity, and the lessons learned from development programs there. It explains the social change approach to stopping child marriage, which involves understanding the cultural context, including and forming strategic alliances with different members of society, and integrating with larger programs.

Winrock International : appropriate technologies and women's productivity in Ethiopia
03/01/2002 (107KB)

In 2001, WIDTECH's small grants program gave Winrock International Ethiopia a grant to examine and document the development, dissemination, types, and use of appropriate technologies, and to analyze the extent to which technologies were adopted by the intended beneficiaries and the impact that technologies had on women's lives. This two-page information bulletin briefly describes the methodology, findings, and conclusions of the study.

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