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Publications are listed in alphabetical order by title.

A trade impact review for Bangladesh[ : summary]
08/01/2006 (143KB)

This research brief summarizes the findings from a larger report, "A Trade Impact Review for Bangladesh" (PN-ADJ-429), which was prepared by the Greater Access to Trade Expansion (GATE) Project. The research explores the linkages between macroeconomic policy changes in Bangladesh and micro-level changes in employment, enterprise development, prices, and consumption levels in Bangladesh, particularly the differential affects on gender. The larger paper summarizes the findings from three separate reports: (1) a gender and pro-poor analysis of the shrimp value chain; (2) a gendered CGE model of Bangladesh; and, (3) a legal and regulatory analysis.

A [gendered] trade impact review for [agriculture and manufacturing in] Bangladesh
06/01/2006 (994KB)

This report, prepared by the Greater Access to Trade Expansion (GATE) Project, seeks to assist donors and policymakers in understanding the effects of trade policies on key sectors in Bangladesh, as well as on poor producers, consumers, and entrepreneurs. This analysis employs a gender perspective —— assessing where men's and women's experiences under trade liberalization diverge and suggesting actions that would create more gender-equitable opportunities for both men and women to gain from increased trade openness. The report summarizes the findings from three separate papers: (1) a gender and pro-poor analysis of the shrimp value chain; (2) a gendered Computable General Equilibrium (CGE) model of Bangladesh; and, (3) a legal and regulatory analysis.

Bangladesh : an economic snapshot
12/01/2005 (145KB)

This fact sheet provides a snapshot of Bangladesh's economy, covering key economic indicators, trade, poverty, and the labor market. In addition, it presents a development diamond that maps poverty, labor market segmentation, trade, and wage rate trends over a 10-year period.

Case Study: Fighting Trafficking Across Borders
04/30/2008 (91KB)

This two-page case study describes the work of the USAID-supported South Asia Regional Initiative/Equity Support Project (SARI/Equity). Between 2002 and 2006, the project worked to build and strengthen local capacity to address trafficking and violence against women in South Asian countries. SARI/Equity launched regional action forums, awarded small grants and fellowships for action-oriented research, provided technical support, set up a website for sharing best practices, and built partnerships with almost 600 organizations in Bangladesh, India, Nepal, and Sri Lanka.

Gender analysis & recommendations for a gender plan of action : rural energy portfolio -- USAID /Bangladesh
05/01/2005 (361KB)

This report explores the gender issues, impacts, and mainstreaming opportunities specific to USAID/Bangladesh's rural energy programs. Its recommendations aim to to ensure that more gender-sensitive strategies are adopted by energy professionals to meet the sustainable energy needs and priorities of both men and women stakeholders in rural Bangladesh. The study focuses on the work of the USAID/Bangladesh Energy Team's U.S. contractor, the National Rural Electrification Cooperative International Ltd., and three Bangladeshi partners: the Dhaka-based Rural Electrification Board, the rural electric co-operative Palli Bidyut Samities, and the non-governmental organization Grameen Shakti.

Gender Considerations in Migration and Remittances in Bangladesh
09/01/2007 (265KB)

This report was produced for USAID/Bangladesh by the GATE Project, Development & Training Services, Inc. (dTS), under a task order of the USAID Office of Women in Development. The objective of this study is to (a) review and track ongoing and planned research or program activities on remittances; (b) review ongoing projects on in- and out-migration and its impact; (c) provide a gender perspective on donor projects and studies; and (d) formulate possible programs and recommendations that USAID/Bangladesh can consider to promote remittances as a development tool, with a particular emphasis on women's experiences as migrants and receivers of remittances.

Gender Training Handbook : integrating gender into trade and economic growth programs and analysis
09/01/2005 (525KB)

This Gender Training Handbook, prepared by the Greater Access to Trade Expansion (GATE) Project, is designed primarily to complement and augment the October 17-18, 2005 training on integrating gender into economic growth activities. The handbook aims to go beyond the training and provide Mission staff with additional knowledge, skills, and ideas to develop appropriate program interventions to meet gender-related targets. Its goal is to help Mission staff understand how they can design USAID programs to enhance the abilities of men and women -- including the poorest citizens -- to proactively seize the new opportunities presented by trade and economic growth activities.

Gender Training Materials: integrating gender into trade and economic growth programs and analysis
11/01/2005 (809KB)

This book of gender training materials, prepared by the USAID-funded GATE Project, was used during two different workshops for USAID/Bangladesh staff. It was designed primarily to help the Mission's Economic Growth, Food, and Environment Team increase their knowledge, skills, and confidence in asking the right gender questions, find the necessary data and assistance to answer these questions, and develop appropriate program interventions to meet gender-related targets.

Pro-Poor Analysis of the Shrimp Sector in Bangladesh
02/01/2006 (1.8MB)

This report, prepared by the Greater Access to Trade Expansion (GATE) Project for USAID/Bangladesh, explores the nature of production and the terms and conditions of employment along the shrimp value chain in Bangladesh. The primary objectives of the report are to identify opportunities to improve market outcomes, raise productivity and wages, and foster pro-poor growth in the shrimp sector. To analyze costs and returns within the sector, the report employs a pro-poor livelihoods approach and a value chain approach, which includes a gender analysis of the value chain.

Programs to Address Child Marriage: Framing the Problem
02/29/2008 (202KB)

This presentation describes the various factors leading to early marriage in three contexts -- in Bangladesh, among Guatemala's Mayan population, and among the Hmong and Dao minorities in Vietnam -- and the implications for programs aiming to delay marriage in these different contexts (for instance, in Bangladesh, dowry price rises with age). In addition, it explains that a lack of opportunities and social isolation are important common correlates of early marriage among disadvantaged ethnic minorities in Asia and Latin America.

Supporting gender and ICTs : opportunities for women in Bangladesh
11/01/2005 (537KB)

This study provides an overview of information and communication technology (ICT) trends and opportunities for women in Bangladesh. It looks at ways that USAID/Bangladesh can integrate gender and poverty concerns into the its programs and recommends pro-poor, gender-sensitive ICT interventions for review. The study aims to help USAID/Bangladesh ensure that its ICT development programs promote gender equity and create opportunities for economic growth.

Toolkit for assessing and promoting equity in the classroom (EIC)
01/01/2003 (7.2MB)

Produced by the Equity in the Classroom (EIC) project, this toolkit is a compilation of instruments that permit active research in the classroom and the school to promote increased participation and improved learning by girls and other marginalized students in primary education. The toolkit is designed to orient educators to issues of equity and to help them begin a process of research and inquiry to identify factors in schools and classrooms that limit equitable participation and achievement of girls and other disadvantaged learners.

Trade and gender in Bangladesh : a legal and regulatory analysis
08/01/2006 (837KB)

Under the Greater Access to Trade Expansion (GATE) Project, USAID/Bangladesh commissioned Development & Training Services, Inc. (dTS) to carry out a trade impact review (TIR) to inform its Country Strategic Statement (2006–2010) for Bangladesh. The Bangladesh TIR includes several complementary analyses, including this legal and regulatory analysis. The report analyzes the coherence between (1) Bangladesh's trade commitments and trade-related policies, laws, and regulations, and (2) the country's international and national commitments to poverty reduction and gender equality.

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Thu, 11 Sep 2008 12:09:54 -0500