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Trafficking in Persons: Publications

The publications below are listed by region and country, and then in alphabetical order by title.



Addressing trafficking in persons in the human rights framework
09/01/2001 (519KB)

This paper is a summary of "Human Rights and Trafficking in Persons: A Handbook" by the Global Alliance Against Trafficking in Women. The paper was prepared for the Technical Consultative Meeting on Anti-Trafficking Programs in South Asia, Kathmandu, Nepal, September 11-13, 2001. The international human rights encoded in UN Treaties and Conventions offer a framework for an analysis of trafficking in persons.

Anti-trafficking technical assistance : annual progress report, October 1, 2005-September 30, 2006
02/12/2007 (156KB)

The purpose of the Anti-Trafficking Task Order (ATTO) is to support USAID/Washington and USAID's field missions with technical assistance, support the USAID Office of Women in Development (EGAT/WID), and initiate pilot projects in selected missions. This report is the second annual update detailing the technical assistance provided from October 2005 - September 2006. The ATTO conducted several assessments for field missions during this year (Jamaica, the Dominican Republic, Albania, Nicaragua, Indonesia, and Ecuador).

Anti-Trafficking Technical Assistance: 17th Quarterly Progress Report, October 1, 2008-December 31, 2008
01/31/2009 (101KB)

USAID awarded the Anti-Trafficking Task Order (ATTO) to Chemonics and its consortium partners on September 30, 2004. The support provided by the Task Order helps the Office of Women in Development (WID) to coordinate all of USAID's anti-trafficking activities, share knowledge on trafficking issues, and serve as the Agency leader in the fight against trafficking. The Task Order will end on September 30, 2009. This quarterly report details the technical assistance provided by the ATTO from October to December 2008.

Anti-Trafficking Technical Assistance: 18th Quarterly Progress Report, January 1, 2009--March 31, 2009
04/30/2009 (181KB)

During the past quarter, the Anti-Trafficking Task Order (ATTO) completed the draft synthesis study of USAID-supported anti-trafficking programs in eight countries in Asia. The report documents how USAID has helped to bring human trafficking to the attention of all levels of society in South and Southeast Asia, building political will and public awareness, and helping governments, communities and local non-governmental groups take action against traffickers and assist trafficking victims. The ATTO will continue to assist USAID in building a comprehensive response to trafficking issues that will strengthen the quality of programming and expand the agency's knowledge.

Anti-Trafficking Technical Assistance: Annual Progress Report, October 1 2007 - September 30 2008
10/31/2008 (216KB)

The Anti-Trafficking Task Order (ATTO) helps the WID office coordinate all of USAID's anti-trafficking activities, share knowledge on trafficking issues, and serve as the Agency leader in the fight against trafficking. By September 30, 2008, the end of its fourth year, the ATTO had completed and published 13 field assessments, evaluations and other field-based tasks, two region-specific desk reviews, and four subject-based studies. It had also completed a wide range of special studies and prepared informational materials on the dimensions of trafficking and USAID's responses for use by the WID office.

Combating Trafficking in Persons in the 21st Century
10/01/2008 (2.5MB)

Trafficking in persons is a complex development issue that is rooted in many of the same development problems that USAID addresses through poverty reduction, education, governance, security and post-conflict programs. These experiences have informed USAID's efforts to combat trafficking, and the programs themselves have provided a platform from which to reinforce anti-trafficking activities. This publication is based on the result of an analysis of what has worked in development programs and in direct anti-trafficking activities that draw upon selected examples of activities implemented between 2001 and 2008.

Investing in Women in Development Quarterly Newsletter, Volume 5, Issue 1
03/01/2008 (215KB)

This issue of the Investing in Women in Development Quarter Newsletter includes the following articles: 
Field Notes: Coordinating to Combat Trafficking in Russia
Field Notes: Gender and Disability
Program Notes: IWID Fellows' Realm of Impact

Literature review and analysis related to human trafficking in post-conflict situations
06/01/2004 (531KB)

This report provides an analysis of the available literature and programmatic interventions in areas related to trafficking in post-conflict situations. Its purpose is to serve as a tool for future USAID planning. The report includes two attachments: (1) an annotated bibliography of available literature on the subject and (2) a list of organizations working on post-conflict trafficking issues.

Literature Review of Trafficking in Persons and Gender-Based Violence
04/23/2009 (113KB)

The WID office commissioned this literature review, through the Anti-Trafficking Task Order with Chemonics International, to highlight the links between gender-based violence (GBV) and trafficking in persons. The literature review is a summary of select sources that directly or indirectly address GBV and its potential link to human trafficking. However, the review found an insufficient amount of evidence to conclusively establish the link between the two.

Literature Review: The Rehabilitation of Victims of Trafficking in Group Residential Facilities in Foreign Countries
01/01/2007 (400KB)

This literature review assesses publications that address the issue of how countries identify victims of trafficking and provide them with shelter, recovery, and reintegration services. It provides an outline of the issues that should be taken into consideration when developing a comprehensive victim-centered approach to residential shelter facilities in foreign countries. By providing references to works that are beginning to identify good practices in this field, this review also seeks to provide a foundation for a comprehensive approach to understanding the processes of recovery and rehabilitation of victims of trafficking.

Literature Review: Trafficking in Humanitarian Emergencies
07/01/2006 (185KB)

This literature review provides an analysis of the available literature in areas related to trafficking in humanitarian emergencies. Although many reports and studies cover women's increasing vulnerability in disasters, specifically to sexual exploitation, few studies focus on trafficking in persons, and even fewer studies address types of trafficking other than for commercial sexual exploitation. The literature reviewed here examines the increased vulnerabilities of women after disasters, specifically due to cultural norms that place women's needs last, the lack of social safety nets, and the lack of input from women into disaster response and management.

Literature Review: Trafficking in Post-Conflict Situations
07/01/2006 (543KB)

This literature review found a good deal of work on the subjects of conflict and its effects on women, children, and gender-based violence, the gender aspects of peacekeeping, and human trafficking in post-conflict countries. Very few of these works deal directly with the issues of conflict, human trafficking, and their interrelationships, however, and even fewer works contain in-depth descriptions and analyses of the conditions in conflict and post-conflict situations, which contribute to the emergence of human trafficking in post-conflict and neighboring countries. The exceptions are the growing body of work on child soldiers and women associated with fighting forces, recent works on trafficking in women and girls for sexual exploitation around peacekeeping missions, and the evolving links between post-conflict trafficking and organized crime.

The Rehabilitation of Victims of Trafficking in Group Residential Facilities in Foreign Countries
09/01/2007 (201KB)

This study of residential rehabilitative shelters for victims of trafficking is based on a review of the literature addressing residential shelters, protection, and rehabilitation for victims of human trafficking; a review of U.S. government-funded shelter activities from 2001–2005; and interviews with individuals engaged in anti-trafficking work, including government officials, scholars, and representatives of non-governmental and international organizations. The study addresses the major types of residential shelters, the constraints that affect shelter operations, and a series of issues and challenges to effective shelter care. It also includes examples of good practices and recommendations.

Trafficking in persons : USAID's response (issued March 2004)
03/01/2004 (514KB)

This report provides an overview of the global problem of trafficking in persons, the U.S. Government's position on trafficking, and USAID's anti-trafficking activities. It summarizes trafficking problems by region (Africa, Asia, Central and Southeastern Europe and Eurasia, and Latin America and the Caribbean) and describes the wide range of USAID's interventions in 2003 to combat trafficking in these regions.

Trafficking in persons : USAID's response (issued March 2005)
03/01/2005 (217KB)

This report provides an overview of the global problem of trafficking in persons, the U.S. Government's position on trafficking, and USAID's anti-trafficking activities in 2004. It presents trafficking problems by region (Africa, Asia, Europe and Eurasia, and Latin America and the Caribbean) and details USAID's regional and country-level interventions to combat trafficking in persons.

Trafficking in persons : USAID's response (issued March 2006)
03/01/2006 (1003KB)

This report provides an overview of the global problem of trafficking in persons and of USAID's response to the problem. It summarizes trafficking problems by region (Africa, Asia, Central and Southeastern Europe and Eurasia, and Latin America and the Caribbean) and describes the wide range of USAID's interventions in 2005 to combat trafficking in these regions.

Trafficking in persons : USAID's response (issued September 2001)
09/01/2001 (1.5MB)

This document provides an overview of the global problem of trafficking in persons and of USAID's response. It summarizes trafficking problems by region -- Africa, Asia, Central Europe and the former Soviet Union, and Latin America and the Caribbean -- and briefly describes USAID's efforts to combat trafficking in these regions.

Trafficking in persons : USAID's response (issued September 2002)
09/01/2002 (1.2MB)

This report provides an overview of the global problem of trafficking in persons and of USAID's response. It summarizes trafficking problems by region (Africa, Asia, Central and Southeastern Europe and Eurasia, and Latin America and the Caribbean) and describes the wide range of USAID's interventions in 2002 to combat trafficking in these regions.

Trafficking in Persons: The USAID Strategy for Response (issued February 2003)
02/01/2003 (524KB)

This report provides an overview of the global problem of trafficking in persons, the U.S. Government's position on trafficking, and USAID's strategy for both preventing trafficking and protecting its victims. It also offers illustrative examples of USAID's anti-trafficking activities. The report appendix briefly describes the Trafficking Victims Protection Act of 2000.

Women, Men, and Development
03/01/2006 (1.1MB)

This document profiles USAID's efforts to address barriers to full access to opportunity for women and men throughout the developing world. The selected examples illustrate the efforts of the USAID field missions, the Office of Women in Development, and other USAID operating units to fully integrate women into development programs and policies throughout USAID. Topics covered in the report include education, economic growth, women's health and HIV/AIDS, trafficking in persons, violence against women, and women's legal rights and political participation.


Africa Regional

Advancing women's rights globally : consolidated first, second, third and fourth quarterly report, November 1, 2002-October 31, 2003 [year two]
08/25/2004 (151KB)

This document reports on activities in Ghana, Nigeria, Tanzania, and Uganda during the second year of the USAID grant "Advancing Women's Rights Globally." Under this grant, Georgetown University Law Center's International Women's Human Rights Clinic and its four partners (LAWA-Ghana, WRAPA, WLAC, and LAW-Uganda) work on various projects to advance women's rights and fight discrimination, including legislation, litigation, strengthening civil society, and public education. The women's rights issues covered include trafficking, domestic violence, marriage, divorce, polygamy, brideprice, adultery, child marriage, property, inheritance, employment, maternal and child health, HIV/AIDS, female genital mutilation, and political participation.

Advancing women's rights globally : consolidated first, second, third and fourth quarterly reports, November 1, 2003-October 31, 2004 [year three]
08/19/2005 (147KB)

This document reports on activities in Ghana, Nigeria, Tanzania, and Uganda during the third year of the USAID grant "Advancing Women's Rights Globally." Under this grant, Georgetown University Law Center's International Women's Human Rights Clinic and its four partners (LAWA-Ghana, WRAPA, WLAC, and LAW-Uganda) work on various projects to advance women's rights and fight discrimination, including legislation, litigation, strengthening civil society, and public education. The women's rights issues covered include trafficking, domestic violence, marriage, divorce, polygamy, brideprice, adultery, child marriage, property, inheritance, employment, maternal health, HIV/AIDS, female genital cutting, and political participation.

Advancing women's rights globally : consolidated first, second, third, and fourth quarterly reports, November 1, 2004-October 31, 2005 [USAID extension]
06/01/2006 (332KB)

This document reports on activities in Ghana, Nigeria, Tanzania, and Uganda during the extension period of the USAID grant "Advancing Women's Rights Globally." Under this grant, Georgetown University Law Center's International Women's Human Rights Clinic and its four partners (LAWA-Ghana, WRAPA, WLAC, and LAW-Uganda) work on various projects to advance women's rights and fight discrimination, including legislation, litigation, strengthening civil society, and public education. The women's rights issues covered include trafficking, domestic violence, marriage, divorce, polygamy, brideprice, adultery, child custody, property, inheritance, HIV/AIDS, maternal health, female genital mutilation, and political participation.

USAID anti-trafficking in persons programs in Africa : a review
03/31/2007 (235KB)

Since 2003, the Africa Bureau has funded programs in twelve countries: Benin, the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Ethiopia, Guinea, Madagascar, Mali, Mozambique, Nigeria, South Africa, Sudan, Uganda, and West Africa. In partnership with the Africa Bureau and the USAID Missions in Africa, the Office of Women in Development has funded anti-trafficking programs in Madagascar, Mali, Uganda, and West Africa. This report serves as a desk review of these programs and a synthesis of the lessons learned and best practices to help guide future USAID programming in the region.

Democratic Republic of the Congo

Case Study: Helping Child Soldiers Reintegrate
04/25/2008 (75KB)

This two-page case study describes USAID-supported work in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) to assist and reintegrate boys and girls abducted during the 10 years of conflict in eastern DRC, along with children conceived by abducted girls during their time with the fighting forces. With USAID support, COOPI, an Italian NGO working in Ituri district, has helped reintegrate victims into their communities safely as well as prevent future abduction, trafficking, and sexual violence. Through an extensive communication campaign and a victim support center, COOPI has reached often-hidden girls by working to change the behavior of communities toward abductees, reducing the stigma and shame felt by victims, and helping victims improve their self-identification and skills.


Assessment of the situation of women and children combatants in the Liberian post-conflict period and recommendations for successful integration
12/01/2003 (856KB)

The purpose of this assessment is to (1) review existing reintegration programs for women and child soldiers and women associated with the fighting forces (WAFF), (2) assess their current situation in Liberia, and (3) make recommendations to USAID on possible interventions for assistance, including a detailed program description for a proposed USAID/Liberia activity. The assessment and recommendations are done within the context of the Disarmament, Demobilization, and Reintegration (DDR) program being planned and implemented in Liberia by the international community and the United Nations peacekeeping forces (UNMIL). The assessment was conducted under the Short-Term Technical Assistance and Research Under EGAT/WID Management to Support USAID Washington and Field Mission Anti-Trafficking Activities Task Order, which is managed by Development Alternatives, Inc. (DAI).


Case Study: New Law Targets Trafficking
04/30/2008 (70KB)

This two-page case study describes USAID's work facilitating the passage of anti-trafficking legislation in Mozambique through the Women's Legal Rights Initiative. The project partnered with the Ministry of Justice and a local non-governmental organization (NGO) network to draft a bill while leading outreach and advocacy efforts in support of its passage. In April 2008, the Mozambique National Assembly unanimously passed legislation to punish traffickers and protect victims and witnesses of human trafficking.

Mozambique NGO position paper on anti-trafficking in persons legislation
09/01/2006 (103KB)

Earlier ver. was erroneously distributed under title: Republic of Mozambique, Ministry of Justice : bill against trafficking in persons | Women's legal rights initiative (WLR) | Task order under the Women in Development IQC


Anti-trafficking technical assistance : Nigeria anti-trafficking assessment, April 11-27, 2005
5/31/2005 (248KB)


Framework & draft legislation to combat human trafficking in Zambia : development of an effective national policy
05/01/2007 (642KB)

Project title: Anti-trafficking technical assistance | Women in Development indefinite quantity contract (WID IQC)



Gender Advocacy in Afghanistan Newsletter: Volume 1
03/01/2005 (1.0MB)

The Gender Advocacy in Afghanistan newsletter is produced by UNIFEM Afghanistan through support provided by USAID's Office of Women in Development. The newsletter presents factual information, statistics, and references relevant to four different gender campaign issues in order to facilitate gender-based campaigns by Afghan journalists, government, and civil society organizations.

Volume 1 contents:

  • Trafficking in Persons in Afghanistan
  • First Afghan Delegation to Global Women's Conference
  • Forced Marriage for Men
  • Campaign for Afghan Women to Work in the Government

Asia & Near East Regional

Anti-Trafficking Technical Assistance: 18th Quarterly Progress Report, January 1, 2009--March 31, 2009
04/30/2009 (181KB)

During the past quarter, the Anti-Trafficking Task Order (ATTO) completed the draft synthesis study of USAID-supported anti-trafficking programs in eight countries in Asia. The report documents how USAID has helped to bring human trafficking to the attention of all levels of society in South and Southeast Asia, building political will and public awareness, and helping governments, communities and local non-governmental groups take action against traffickers and assist trafficking victims. The ATTO will continue to assist USAID in building a comprehensive response to trafficking issues that will strengthen the quality of programming and expand the agency's knowledge.

Case Study: Fighting Trafficking Across Borders
04/30/2008 (91KB)

This two-page case study describes the work of the USAID-supported South Asia Regional Initiative/Equity Support Project (SARI/Equity). Between 2002 and 2006, the project worked to build and strengthen local capacity to address trafficking and violence against women in South Asian countries. SARI/Equity launched regional action forums, awarded small grants and fellowships for action-oriented research, provided technical support, set up a website for sharing best practices, and built partnerships with almost 600 organizations in Bangladesh, India, Nepal, and Sri Lanka.

Trafficking in the ANE region : problem analysis and proposed framework for USAID response
Jun 2004 (418KB)

Anti-trafficking activities (ATTO) task order #1


Case Study: Fighting Trafficking Across Borders
04/30/2008 (91KB)

This two-page case study describes the work of the USAID-supported South Asia Regional Initiative/Equity Support Project (SARI/Equity). Between 2002 and 2006, the project worked to build and strengthen local capacity to address trafficking and violence against women in South Asian countries. SARI/Equity launched regional action forums, awarded small grants and fellowships for action-oriented research, provided technical support, set up a website for sharing best practices, and built partnerships with almost 600 organizations in Bangladesh, India, Nepal, and Sri Lanka.


International justice mission : anti-trafficking program in Cambodia -- assessment
02/10/2006 (125KB)

Women's legal rights initiative (WLR) | Project title: Women in development IQC


Case Study: Fighting Trafficking Across Borders
04/30/2008 (91KB)

This two-page case study describes the work of the USAID-supported South Asia Regional Initiative/Equity Support Project (SARI/Equity). Between 2002 and 2006, the project worked to build and strengthen local capacity to address trafficking and violence against women in South Asian countries. SARI/Equity launched regional action forums, awarded small grants and fellowships for action-oriented research, provided technical support, set up a website for sharing best practices, and built partnerships with almost 600 organizations in Bangladesh, India, Nepal, and Sri Lanka.


Anti-trafficking technical assistance : Indonesia analysis of United States Government funded anti-trafficking activities, February 6-February 21, 2006
06/28/2006 (152KB)

Women's legal rights initiative (WLR) | Project title: Women in development IQC


Case Study: Fighting Trafficking Across Borders
04/30/2008 (91KB)

This two-page case study describes the work of the USAID-supported South Asia Regional Initiative/Equity Support Project (SARI/Equity). Between 2002 and 2006, the project worked to build and strengthen local capacity to address trafficking and violence against women in South Asian countries. SARI/Equity launched regional action forums, awarded small grants and fellowships for action-oriented research, provided technical support, set up a website for sharing best practices, and built partnerships with almost 600 organizations in Bangladesh, India, Nepal, and Sri Lanka.

Sri Lanka

Case Study: Fighting Trafficking Across Borders
04/30/2008 (91KB)

This two-page case study describes the work of the USAID-supported South Asia Regional Initiative/Equity Support Project (SARI/Equity). Between 2002 and 2006, the project worked to build and strengthen local capacity to address trafficking and violence against women in South Asian countries. SARI/Equity launched regional action forums, awarded small grants and fellowships for action-oriented research, provided technical support, set up a website for sharing best practices, and built partnerships with almost 600 organizations in Bangladesh, India, Nepal, and Sri Lanka.


Case Study: Stopping Trafficking Before It Starts
04/30/2008 (82KB)

This two-page case study describes USAID's work preventing the trafficking of Vietnamese girls and women, often to Cambodia, by improving their life options. The An Giang/Dong Thap (ADAPT) Alliance is a girls' education program that provides scholarships, vocational training, and job placement services to at-risk girls in three Vietnamese provinces along the Cambodian border. For women and girls who have escaped prostitution, ADAPT provides comprehensive reintegration services — including counseling, vocational training, income earning opportunities, and health care — to prevent them from being trafficked again.

Europe & Eurasia


Anti-trafficking in persons resource manual
09/01/2006 (1.6MB)

The Women's Legal Rights Initiative produced and published this manual in furtherance of its mission to develop and conduct educational programs for members of the Albanian judiciary. The manual is designed to assist the Albanian judiciary in the implementation of new legislation on trafficking in persons. It includes commentaries on the law, community resources available to victims and witnesses, checklists and forms for case management, and a discussion of special issues related to trial proceedings, evidence admission, and testimony of experts.

Anti-trafficking technical assistance : Albania anti-trafficking evaluation, October 24-December 19, 2005
12/07/2005 (217KB)

This evaluation, requested by USAID/Albania to help it develop its multi-year country strategy on anti-trafficking, focuses on two anti-trafficking projects that commenced in 2003 and closed in 2006: (1) The Albanian Initiative - Coordinated Action Against Human Trafficking and (2) Transnational Action against Child Trafficking. The evaluation found that the programs' main impacts were (i) the infusion of funds and attention to anti-trafficking efforts, (ii) the focus on government involvement in anti-trafficking work at the national and local level, (iii) strengthened civil society on anti-trafficking and associated issues, and (iv) a highlighted importance of monitoring and evaluation on program work.

Women's legal rights initiative (WLRI) : final Albania assessment and analysis report, June 29-July 11, 2003
08/11/2003 (98KB)

To begin the process of designing activities for USAID/Albania to implement with the Women's Legal Rights Initiative (WLR), a two-week assessment and analysis trip to Albania was conducted from June 29 to July 11, 2003. The WLR team found that while there have been recent improvements in the legal framework to support women’s legal rights, deficiencies remain, including the lack of a domestic violence law, lack of compliance with international norms for women’s rights, and weak judicial enforcement of laws. The WLR team identified a number of emerging areas for cooperation and assistance that included anti-trafficking, domestic violence, and family law issues.

Europe and Eurasia

Anti-trafficking technical assistance : Europe and Eurasia anti-trafficking workshop, Sinaia, Romania, August 23-25, 2005
23 Sep 2005 (207KB)

Women's legal rights initiative (WLR) | Project title: Women in development IQC

Best Practices for Programming to Prevent Trafficking in Human Beings in Europe and Eurasia
09/01/2004 (340KB)

USAID commissioned an assessment of trafficking in persons prevention activities in the Europe and Eurasia region in order to develop a framework for trafficking prevention programs in the future. This report analyzes information gleaned from a review of existing documentation -- project reports, evaluations, research, and the like -- as well as information gathered during brief assessment missions to Romania, Russia, and Ukraine. Although the study was limited by the information and time available, it found significant changes as a result of several years of counter-trafficking prevention programming in parts of Europe and Eurasia.


Gender assessment for USAID/Caucasus [Georgia]
06/01/2003 (465KB)

This report presents the results of a gender assessment carried out in Georgia in March 2003 at the request of the USAID/Georgia Mission. It provides a summary of gender relations in Georgia, an analysis of gender integration in the Mission's current and future strategic framework and program portfolio, and recommendations on how the Mission can better mainstream gender in its activities, policies, and procedures. The report analyzes gender in the context of economic growth and private enterprise, as well as trafficking in persons and domestic violence, which are both serious problems in Georgia.


USAID/Moldova antitrafficking assessment : critical gaps in and recommendations for antitrafficking activities
10/01/2002 (213KB)

Project title: Women in development technical assistance (WIDTECH)


Anti-trafficking technical assistance : Serbia and Montenegro anti-trafficking assessment, February 28-March 12, 2005
3/23/2004 (506KB)


Curbing sex slavery abroad by helping women earn a living in Ukraine : assessment of the economic-empowerment aspects of the anti-trafficking project, USAID/Kiev
09/01/2002 (368KB)

Project title: Women in development technical assistance (WIDTECH)

Latin America & Caribbean

Dominican Republic

Anti-trafficking technical assistance : Dominican Republic anti-trafficking assessment, November 6-19, 2005
12/12/2005 (112KB)


Anti-trafficking technical assistance : Ecuador anti-trafficking assessment, February 28-March 15, 2006
08/01/2006 (192KB)


Anti-trafficking technical assistance : Guatemala anti-trafficking activity review, August 1-6, 2005
18 Aug 2005 (165KB)

Project title: Women in development IQC


Jamaica anti-trafficking assessment
11/01/2005 (139KB)

Prompted by the U.S. State Department’s classification of Jamaica as a country failing to meet minimum standards to combat human trafficking, USAID/Jamaica requested an anti-trafficking assessment. This assessment analyzes the current situation and recommends the programmatic support necessary to assist the country’s efforts to combat human trafficking. It concludes that Jamaica is a country of origin, transit and destination in the trafficking of persons, particularly trafficking in children, with both foreign and national victims.

LAC Regional

Literature review of trafficking in persons in Latin America and the Caribbean
08/01/2004 (649KB)

This literature review of documents addressing trafficking in persons in Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC) found numerous works on the subject of sex trafficking of children; general overviews of sex trafficking within the region; descriptions of institutional, legal, and civil society responses to combat sex trafficking, and linkages between migration patterns and human trafficking. Most of the reviewed documents deal with issues surrounding trafficking in children for purposes of sexual exploitation; relatively few comprehensively address the nature and extent of trafficking in women or other forms of trafficking such as domestic servitude, forced labor, and military service.

USAID anti-trafficking assessments in Latin America and the Caribbean : a synthesis and analysis
08/01/2007 (171KB)

Between 2005 and 2007, the Anti-Trafficking Task Order, managed by Chemonics International Inc. with funding from the WID office, conducted a series of trafficking in persons assessments targeting five countries in the Latin America and Caribbean (LAC) region: Jamaica, the Dominican Republic, Nicaragua, Guatemala, and Ecuador. The purpose of this report is to analyze the five country assessments to provide a synthesis of the best practices, challenges, and recommendations in combating trafficking in persons within the LAC region. The report also offers profiles of the five countries assessed. These country profiles include lessons learned and best practices from the assessments and recommendations for future implementation of anti-trafficking initiatives. (task order no. 2)


Anti-trafficking technical assistance : Nicaragua anti-trafficking assessment, January 17-February 1, 2006
02/01/2006 (122KB)

Women in Development indefinite quantity contract (WID IQC)

Middle East


Assessment on the status of trafficking in persons in Egypt : changing perceptions and proposing appropriate interventions
Aug 2007 (250KB)

Project title: Women in development indefinite quantity contract (WID IQC), task order no. 2: Anti-trafficking activities task order (ATTO)

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