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USAID Gender Stories

Vietnam - Disabled Entrepreneur Helps Others
USAID-sponsored leadership training courses taught Tran Hoang Yen how to start her own business and provided her with small grants to help it get off the ground.
Gaza/West Bank - Women Take Pride in Participation
Mai Shaheen, a 25-year-old woman from Gaza, was one of nearly 120 Palestinians who received training from USAID on how to mount election observation campaigns - from the basics of training and fielding monitors to the complex procedures that should be observed.
Guyana - Preventing mother to child transmission of HIV/AIDS
USAID is enabling women throughout the country to access HIV counseling and testing services, and if tested positive, to receive drugs to prevent newborn infections.
DR Congo - Helping Child Soldiers Reintegrate
In the Democratic Republic of the Congo, USAID supported an NGO working to reintegrate girls and boys abducted or coerced into joining the armed forces.
Mozambique - New Law Targets Trafficking
USAID partnered with an NGO network and the Ministry of Justice in Mozambique to draft anti-trafficking in persons legislation and support citizens' advocacy efforts for its approval and passage. In April 2008, the National Assembly of Mozambique unanimously passed the legislation.
Vietnam - Stopping Trafficking Before It Starts
Since 2005, USAID has worked to prevent trafficking of girls and women in the Mekong Delta by improving their life options.
Iraq - Radio Gives Women a Voice
After suffering decades of oppression, the Kurdish city of Halabja can now hear the sounds of freedom through a new radio station supported by USAID and operated by local women. The independent radio station, which is devoted to women's programming, has quickly become the most popular in the city.
Uganda - Giving Women a Voice in Local Government
Women members of local councils attend a workshop to gain confidence in public speaking and to effectively represent the needs of their constituents.
Heljda Eko staff Bilsana Bajramovic and Denis Hrnicevic celebrate World Healthy Food Day with a display of their company�s foods at the Mercator Supermarket in Sarajevo.
Albania - Giving Voice to Women's Legal Rights
In Albania, women's rights are on the political agenda but little has been done to encourage women to vote, protect victims of domestic violence and promote women-owned businesses.
Peru - "Opening Doors" Saves Girls from Exclusion
The Opening Doors program developed education activities focused on children's rights, gender equality, and inter-cultural bilingual education with active community participation.
Malawi-From Young Bride to Young Child Again
After her community got involved with the USAID Safe Schools Program, 'Glory' came to exemplify how girls are achieving in school despite the many challenges they face, including school-related gender-based violence and child marriage.
Senegal - Women's Co-op Sees Profits Soar
USAID is helping members of Koba Club, a female-run business cooperative, obtain fonio processing machines and remodel their workshops to improve efficiency, hygiene and quality.
Ukraine - High-Speed Internet Revitalizes Business Centers
With the support of USAID, five Business Internet Centers (BIC), providing business services, were opened in various rural locations across the country. Up to 60% of clients are women looking to improve their business skills.
woman with hammer. Credit: USAID/ALP/E GME Uni
Afghanistan - Vulnerable women gaining ground
USAID's Alternative Livelihoods Program for Eastern Afghanistan (ALP/E) is supporting the establishment and strengthening of women-owned enterprises including commercial poultry operations, vegetable seedling enterprises, forestry nurseries and agro-processing.
DR Congo - Women Find Support in Survival
USAID addresses the immediate and long-term needs of sexual violence survivors, their families, and their communities in areas of eastern Congo that have been most affected by armed conflict.
East Africa - USAID's Training Activities Involving Prevention and Treatment of Gender-Based Violence
Gender-based violence (GBV) in East Africa takes many forms--domestic abuse, rape, child marriage, denial of opportunities, and so on. Several USG agencies are addressing aspects of GBV such as male norms around HIV and legislation that protects women.
Benin - Community Action for Girls' Education (CAGE)
Ms Debora Houndessegan went from a career in child trafficking to championing women's rights, by empowering women and girls in her community through the efforts of the USAID-funded CAGE project.
India - Tackling AIDS In India: The Vulnerability of Women and Girls
The YWCA community center in Delhi, which empowers poor girls by giving them realistic alternatives to being on the street or marrying at very young ages.
Indonesia -Special Deliveries: Portrait of a Village Midwife
Ibu Ratna, a USAID trained midwife, working in Lam Gaboh, Banda Aceh, has something of a global reputation.
Mexico - Financial Alternatives for Rural Women
USAID partner AlSol is quickly increasing its outreach to indigenous women that banks deem too risky for loans in rural Chiapas, Mexico. USAID helps groups like AlSol extend credit and services that help women boost their income and attain self-sufficiency.
Sri Lanka-Replacing equipment lets hundreds of women get back to work
Piyawathi De Silva, one of 3,000 Sri Lankan coconut husk, or coir, spinners to lose their livelihoods in the December 26, 2004 tsunami, is among 600 affected village artisans who received donated spinning equipment and raw materials for making coir rope.
Armenia - South Caucasus Women - Fostering Regional Cooperation
the South Caucasus Water Program united 18 women from Armenia, Georgia and Azerbaijan in Tbilisi, where they received training on effective water resource management and community mobilization.
Guatemala - Women Leaders Come Together
First Lady Wendy de Berger (third from left, rear) discussed social and economic development with Guatemala's representatives to the Global Summit for Women.
Ukraine - Trafficking Awareness Saves Lives
Halyna had just returned from a seminar about human trafficking held by Chayka, a local organization in Rivne, Ukraine, when her sister Lena called. Halyna had not heard from her in months - not since Lena had taken a job in Portugal. Halyna was relieved, but afraid of what the long silence may have meant.
Ukraine - Trafficking Victim Rebuilds Life at Home
Through its local partner, USAID helped Trafficking victim, Lena, reintegrate into society after surviving the horrors of sexual slavery. Lena received medical and psychological care, as well as training in accounting. Today, Lena is successfully employed, married, and expecting a baby.
Thailand - Agencies Cooperate to End Trafficking
By September 2006, 540 people, including 300 prosecutors, will have been comprehensively trained in laws and techniques to combat trafficking and ensure the rights of victims.
Kyrgyzstan - Helping Migrant Workers
"Thanks to the information and contacts gained with the assistance of USAID programs, we can effectively help Kyrgyz labor migrants work legally in Kazakhstan and Russia," said the director of the Nookat Civil Society Support Center.
Thailand - Raising Awareness of Trafficking
With support from USAID, Thai prosecutor, Sakchai Assaynirarad, formed the Chiang Mai Model, a five-year activity that offers a full curriculum of courses on trafficking to law enforcement, social welfare and judicial professionals.
Ukraine - Hotline Protects Woman from Traffickers
Chayka, a USAID supported NGO, offers an advice hotline to people who are considering going abroad on how to protect themselves. The Ukrainian organization is part of a counter-trafficking network financed by USAID.
Colombia - Women Harness Artistry to Turn a Profit
With support from USAID, Colombian women are transforming a simple vegetable-the gourd-into two product lines: food packages (for sweets) and decorative objects for the home.
Moldova - Offering Hope for Victim of Trafficking
Irina was deceived by the promise of a decent job, forced into prostitution in Portugal, and then enslaved in one of the major brothels of Dubai. After escaping with her one year old son back home, Irina received assistance from the USAID Regional Support Center for women at risk and former victims of trafficking, where she received assistance to help her start to recover from the terrible ordeal.
Kazakhstan - A New Pilot Site for Safe Motherhood in Almaty
In December 2005, USAID's health reform program ZdravPlus II initiated its sixth safe motherhood pilot site in Kazakhstan, which works to improve the quality of maternal and newborn care by introducing a more woman- and family-centered approach in the country's maternity houses.
Tajikistan - USAID Helps Tajik Women Regain Land
One hundred women from the Saodat Farm in northern Tajikistan recently regained possession of 19 hectares of irrigated land, thanks to USAID intervention. The land, which was restored to its owners in February 2007, had been illegally seized several years ago.
Pakistani Women Get on the Bus
3,658 women who have graduated from 78 literacy centers funded by USAID and implemented by Children's Resources International in Islamabad, Rawalpindi and Karachi, Pakistan.
South Asia - Fighting Trafficking Across Borders
Between 2000 and 2006, USAID supported the South Asia Regional Initiative/Equity Support Project (SARI/Equity) in its efforts to build and strengthen local capacity to address trafficking and violence against women in South Asian countries.
Albania - Trafficked Children Get a Fresh Start
Tjeter Vizion, a USAID-supported organization, helps trafficked children start living a normal life. Some are reunited with their families. Those who have suffered trauma are placed under the organization's legal custody.
Nepal - Combating Trafficking In Nepal
By participating in USAID's non-formal education literacy class and anti-trafficking training, women and girls are able to recognize the signs of trafficking overtures and protect themselves.
Thailand - Teaming Up Against Traffickers
USAID is supporting the Chiang Mai Model, a five-year activity that brings together law enforcement, social welfare and judicial professionals in workshops that help them gain a broader perspective on trafficking. As a result of USAID assistance, more than 25 trafficking victims have testified against suspected traffickers
Albania - Protecting Women's Legal Rights
Albania has passed critical laws in support of women's legal rights in recent years, including a new family code and anti-trafficking legislation. But it remains one of the few countries in Eastern Europe without legal protections for victims of domestic violence. The few laws that do exist to protect women are inadequately enforced due to poor judicial administration and lack of awareness of domestic violence across the legal profession.
Brazil - Helping Trafficking Victims Rebuild Lives
"We work to ensure that children and adolescents do not become victims again. They are referred to proper service providers without revealing their identities in order to prevent stigmatization," said Luciana Tuma, a staff member of the USAID-funded Sentinela project.
Albania - Soap Opera Teaches Life Lessons
The radio soap opera, "Pine Street", is broadcast across Albania to raise public awareness about trafficking of unsuspecting girls and young women into a life of prostitution.
Thailand - Supporting and Protecting Victims
USAID supports the New Life Center Foundation, a faith-based organization that protects rescued victims and works with tribal girls who are at risk for labor exploitation.
South Africa - Confronting the Scourge of Violence and Rape
The USAID-supported Family Violence and Sexual Abuse Trauma Center has been an extremely effective advocate on behalf of the victims, exposing cases previously ignored by the justice system.
Philippines - Stopping Trafficking, Saving Lives
One woman saved herself from trafficking when she recognized the illegal recruitment practices from a USAID funded awareness-raising exercise she had attended.

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