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Financing for Environmental Compliance

Air Resources and Tools

Air quality is an important community issue. The average adult breathes over 3,000 gallons of air every day. Children breathe even more air per pound of body weight and are more susceptible to air pollution. Pollutants in the air create smog and acid rain, cause cancer or other serious health effects, diminish the protective ozone layer in the upper atmosphere, and contribute to the potential for world climate change.

The Clean Air Act Compliance Assistance Web site focuses on EPA's compliance assistance tools supporting air quality. It provides access to air-related environmental compliance assistance, compliance monitoring and enforcement information by providing links to the Clean Air Act text, and other documents, tools, information related to the protection or air resources.

The Clean Air Act requires communities to address stationary and mobile sources of air pollution. Stationary sources include:

Mobile sources include police cars, fire engines, and buses and may require:

The Local Government Environmental Assistance Network has created a chart showing local government operations that are subject to the Clean Air Act requirements. Exit EPA Disclaimer

The right side toolbar contains information which may be helpful to access during the financial planning process. The tools include technical and financial provider and resource information as well as program contacts.

To help communities plan to meet future compliance requirement, EPA maintains the Air and Radiation Docket and Information Center which contains information about Air and Radiation rules and proposed rules. EPA Office of Air and Radiation maintains a Web page with links to current Clean Air Act regulations..

This site also includes specialized resources for small communities and tribes.

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