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Selected Gender-Based Violence Publications

Below is a list of publications produced with Office of Women in Development (WID) support, as well as a select list of additional resources produced by other entities and USAID offices.

Publications Produced with WID Support

The publications below are listed by region and country, and then in alphabetical order by title.



A Guide to Programming Gender-Based Violence Prevention and Response Activities
04/30/2009 (82KB)

The guide is intended to both raise awareness concerning gender-based violence (GBV) and the impact it has on USAID's work and provide guidance to development programmers and implementing partners. It contains the following sections:

  • A definition of GBV;
  • A description of the depth and breadth of the problem and its implications for USAID's work;
  • A framework for addressing GBV; and
  • Strategies for reducing the prevalence and impact of GBV.

Are Schools Safe Havens for Children? Examining school-related gender-based violence
10/14/2008 (806KB)

This report reviews the literature on school-related gender-based violence (SRGBV) in an effort to improve understanding of its causes, consequences, and prevalence. The report examines how gender norms, poverty, and a culture of violence contribute to SRGBV. It also explores barriers to preventing and responding to SRGBV and presents examples of what is being done to address the problem.

Doorways I: Student Training Manual on School-Related Gender-Based Violence Prevention and Response
03/31/2009 (2.3MB)

The Doorways training program was designed by the USAID-funded Safe Schools project to enable teachers, community members, and students to prevent and respond to school-related gender-based violence (SRGBV). A set of three training manuals targets each of these three key audiences. Doorways I: Student Training Manual on School-Related Gender-Based Violence Prevention and Response was designed for students to improve their resiliency and self-efficacy and to help them prevent and respond to SRGBV.

Doorways II: Community Counselor Reference Materials on School-Related Gender-Based Violence Prevention and Response
03/31/2009 (981KB)

This booklet was designed for participants attending the Doorways II training program. It is to be used during the training for session activities. It is also a resource for community counselors to refer to as they seek to put into practice the new information and skills gained from the Doorways training program.

Doorways II: Community Counselor Training Manual on School-Related Gender-Based Violence Prevention and Response
03/31/2009 (2.3MB)

The Doorways training program was designed by the USAID-funded Safe Schools project to enable teachers, community members, and students to prevent and respond to school-related gender-based violence (SRGBV). A set of three training manuals targets each of these three key audiences. Doorways II: Community Counselor Training Manual on School-Related Gender-Based Violence Prevention and Response was designed to train community members to help prevent and respond to SRGBV by instructing them in basic listening skills and response procedures.

Doorways III: Teacher Reference Materials on School-Related Gender-Based Violence Prevention and Response
03/31/2009 (1.1MB)

This booklet was designed for participants attending the Doorways III training program. It is to be used during the training for session activities. It is also a resource for teachers to refer to once they have returned to their classrooms to help them put into practice the new information and skills gained from the Doorways training program.

Doorways III: Teacher Training Manual on School-Related Gender-Based Violence Prevention and Response
03/31/2009 (2.3MB)

The Doorways training program was designed by the USAID-funded Safe Schools project to enable teachers, community members, and students to prevent and respond to school-related gender-based violence (SRGBV). A set of three training manuals targets each of these three key audiences. Doorways III: Teacher Training Manual on School-Related Gender-Based Violence Prevention and Response was designed to train teachers to help prevent and respond to SRGBV by reinforcing teaching practices and attitudes that promote a safe learning environment for all students.

Intrastate conflict and gender (Gender Matters information bulletin no. 9)
12/01/2000 (87KB)

This information bulletin summarizes the results of a two-year investigation of gender issues in post-conflict societies. The study examined the impacts of conflict on women and gender relations under three categories -- social and psychological, economic, and political -- and the challenges that emerged for the donor community in providing effective assistance to mitigate these impacts. It found, among other things, that women are especially vulnerable to violence during the early stages of post-conflict transition.

Justice, change, and human rights : international research and responses to domestic violence
01/01/2000 (822KB)

This paper is one of several analytical documents synthesizing the findings across Promoting Women in Development (PROWID) projects and their implications within various themes; this paper's theme is domestic violence against women. Eleven PROWID projects focused upon domestic violence: three research and intervention projects were facilitated by non-governmental organizations in Russia, Bulgaria and Mexico, and eight research studies were undertaken in India. As a whole, these diverse projects generated some common conclusions regarding the problem of domestic violence.

Literature Review of Trafficking in Persons and Gender-Based Violence
04/23/2009 (113KB)

The WID office commissioned this literature review, through the Anti-Trafficking Task Order with Chemonics International, to highlight the links between gender-based violence (GBV) and trafficking in persons. The literature review is a summary of select sources that directly or indirectly address GBV and its potential link to human trafficking. However, the review found an insufficient amount of evidence to conclusively establish the link between the two.

Unsafe schools : A literature review of school-related gender-based violence in developing countries
09/01/2003 (1.2MB)

This literature review was commissioned by USAID's Office of Women in Development to identify, annotate, and synthesize research studies and projects/interventions addressing primary and secondary school-related gender-based violence. The review is divided into four sections that provide the following:

  1. evidence of the prevalence of school-related gender-based violence in developing countries,
  2. a context for the subsequent discussion of the consequences of school-related gender-based violence for the health and educational outcomes for students, 
  3. what is being done at the program and policy levels to address school-related gender-based violence, and
  4. recommendations for further work.

Women, Men, and Development
03/01/2006 (1.1MB)

This document profiles USAID's efforts to address barriers to full access to opportunity for women and men throughout the developing world. The selected examples illustrate the efforts of the USAID field missions, the Office of Women in Development, and other USAID operating units to fully integrate women into development programs and policies throughout USAID. Topics covered in the report include education, economic growth, women's health and HIV/AIDS, trafficking in persons, violence against women, and women's legal rights and political participation.


Africa Regional

Advancing women's rights globally : consolidated first, second, third and fourth quarterly report, November 1, 2002-October 31, 2003 [year two]
08/25/2004 (151KB)

This document reports on activities in Ghana, Nigeria, Tanzania, and Uganda during the second year of the USAID grant "Advancing Women's Rights Globally." Under this grant, Georgetown University Law Center's International Women's Human Rights Clinic and its four partners (LAWA-Ghana, WRAPA, WLAC, and LAW-Uganda) work on various projects to advance women's rights and fight discrimination, including legislation, litigation, strengthening civil society, and public education. The women's rights issues covered include trafficking, domestic violence, marriage, divorce, polygamy, brideprice, adultery, child marriage, property, inheritance, employment, maternal and child health, HIV/AIDS, female genital mutilation, and political participation.

Advancing women's rights globally : consolidated first, second, third and fourth quarterly reports, November 1, 2003-October 31, 2004 [year three]
08/19/2005 (147KB)

This document reports on activities in Ghana, Nigeria, Tanzania, and Uganda during the third year of the USAID grant "Advancing Women's Rights Globally." Under this grant, Georgetown University Law Center's International Women's Human Rights Clinic and its four partners (LAWA-Ghana, WRAPA, WLAC, and LAW-Uganda) work on various projects to advance women's rights and fight discrimination, including legislation, litigation, strengthening civil society, and public education. The women's rights issues covered include trafficking, domestic violence, marriage, divorce, polygamy, brideprice, adultery, child marriage, property, inheritance, employment, maternal health, HIV/AIDS, female genital cutting, and political participation.

Advancing women's rights globally : consolidated first, second, third, and fourth quarterly reports, November 1, 2004-October 31, 2005 [USAID extension]
06/01/2006 (332KB)

This document reports on activities in Ghana, Nigeria, Tanzania, and Uganda during the extension period of the USAID grant "Advancing Women's Rights Globally." Under this grant, Georgetown University Law Center's International Women's Human Rights Clinic and its four partners (LAWA-Ghana, WRAPA, WLAC, and LAW-Uganda) work on various projects to advance women's rights and fight discrimination, including legislation, litigation, strengthening civil society, and public education. The women's rights issues covered include trafficking, domestic violence, marriage, divorce, polygamy, brideprice, adultery, child custody, property, inheritance, HIV/AIDS, maternal health, female genital mutilation, and political participation.


Gender assessment and gender plan of action for USAID/Angola
08/01/2001 (996KB)

This gender assessment focuses principally on (a) how strengthening women's participation and paying attention to gender issues can enhance USAID/Angola's results and (b) how monitoring and evaluation can track the success stories of women's involvement in USAID programs as well as any unintended negative impacts that can be remedied once observed. The report identifies key issues for Angolan women, particularly in light of conflict and the anticipated transition from humanitarian to development assistance; these include illiteracy, internal displacement, poverty, and violence. The report also looks at gender and performance monitoring with regard to USAID/Angola programming in the agriculture & food security, democracy & governance, and health & HIV/AIDS sectors.

Democratic Republic of the Congo

Case Study: Helping Child Soldiers Reintegrate
04/25/2008 (75KB)

This two-page case study describes USAID-supported work in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) to assist and reintegrate boys and girls abducted during the 10 years of conflict in eastern DRC, along with children conceived by abducted girls during their time with the fighting forces. With USAID support, COOPI, an Italian NGO working in Ituri district, has helped reintegrate victims into their communities safely as well as prevent future abduction, trafficking, and sexual violence. Through an extensive communication campaign and a victim support center, COOPI has reached often-hidden girls by working to change the behavior of communities toward abductees, reducing the stigma and shame felt by victims, and helping victims improve their self-identification and skills.


Safe schools program : Ethiopia assessment report, April 26-May 7, 2004
07/16/2004 (387KB)

This document reports the findings of a a school-related gender-based violence (SRGBV) assessment carried out by a four-person team from the Safe Schools Program in 2004. It summarizes general issues and recommendations as reported by NGO staff, USAID partners, Ethiopian educational personnel, and local schoolteachers, parents, and students, as well as by global literature on best practices. It also reports on select priority issues and recommendations that address gaps at multiple levels -- national, institutional, community, and individual -- and that address SRGBV in three areas of programming -- prevention, reporting, and response.


Safe schools program : Ghana assessment report, January 6-16, 2004
05/25/2004 (368KB)

This report shares the findings of an assessment of the Safe Schools Program in Ghana. The assessment team collected reports, materials, and data and conducted in-depth interviews and focus group discussions with key informants from the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports, USAID and other donor agencies, NGOs, and community-level organizations (e.g. Parent Teacher Associations) to identify: (a) types of gender-based violence; (b) issues, gaps, and what works in existing programs; and (c) recommendations.

Teachers' Code of Conduct: Rules of Professional Conduct for Teachers in Ghana
7/1/2008 (265KB)

This Code of Conduct has been drawn up to guide the teachers of the Ghana Education Service (GES) to help them achieve a high standard of competence and good behavior and to serve as a frame of reference should it becomes necessary to initiate disciplinary action against erring members. Since the Code constitutes rules for regulating the conduct of teachers both in and outside the classroom, it has been reviewed to follow modern trends to incorporate school-related gender-based violence (SRGBV). The Code includes guidelines on the appropriate response to allegations by students of SRGBV.


Paralegal training manual -- Lesotho
06/28/2006 (163KB)

This manual, revised by the Federation of Women Lawyers (FIDA-Lesotho) in 2006, is designed to assist in the training of paralegals in Lesotho. The manual serves as a guideline that trainers can adapt to their own training strategies. The manual includes information on Lesotho's legal system; criminal and civil law procedures; family, inheritance, labor, and property laws; and sexual violence and human rights.

Simplification of the sexual offences act 2003 - Lesotho
06/28/2006 (477KB)

This brochure, created by the Federation of Women Lawyers (FIDA), aims to simplify Lesotho's 2003 Sexual Offenses Act. The Act is meant to consolidate and repeal all laws relating to sexual offenses. Its main objectives are to combat sexual violence (including child prostitution) and to prescribe appropriate sentences for sexual offenses.


Gender-Based Violence In Schools: An Entry Point for Addressing Child Marriage
02/29/2008 (840KB)

This presentation explains how the Safe Schools Program is helping to prevent child marriage in Malawi. It profiles several young girls who the Safe Schools Program helped stay or re-enroll in school. A total of 35 child marriages were avoided between October and December 2007.

Safe schools program : Malawi assessment report, October 25th-November 5th, 2004
12/22/2004 (441KB)

This report presents the findings and recommendations of a school-related gender-based violence (SRGBV) assessment conducted in Malawi by a team from the Washington, DC-based Safe Schools Program. The team summarizes the general issues and recommendations as reported by NGO staff, USAID implementing partners of the Malawi Education Support Activity, Malawian educational personnel, and local schoolteachers, parents and students, augmenting these issues and recommendations based on the global literature on best practices. After analyzing the data and general recommendations, the team identified eight priority issues and recommendations that are proposed as the Safe Schools pilot program in Malawi.

The safe schools program : a qualitative study to examine school-related gender-based violence in Malawi
01/01/2008 (1.2MB)

The objective of Safe Schools is to create safe environments for both girls and boys that promote gender-equitable relationships and reduce school-related gender-based violence (SRGBV) by working in partnership with children, youth, parents, teachers, schools and communities. This report summarizes the results of the participatory learning and action research activity conducted in October and November 2005 to help raise awareness, involvement, and accountability at national, institutional, community and individual levels of SRGBV in the Machinga District in southern Malawi. The study revealed a lack of knowledge about school-related gender-based violence in communities in the Machinga District; however, it also found that all schools in the study have some kind of reporting structure in place in the event that violence against children occurs.

The safe schools program : quantitative research instruments to measure school-related gender-based violence
12/01/2006 (1.4MB)

This document presents the quantitative research instruments used to examine school-related gender-based violence in schools in Malawi. The study was carried out by DevTech Systems, Inc. and the Centre for Educational Research and Training through the USAID-funded Safe Schools Program. The document contains a suggested sampling methodology, interview guides, and suggested preliminary data analysis.

The safe schools program : student and teacher baseline report on school-related gender-based violence in Machinga District, Malawi
12/01/2007 (633KB)

This Safe Schools Program report presents results from a baseline survey conducted among school children and teachers in the Machinga District in the Southern Region of Malawi in April 2006. Selected from a random sample, 800 boys and girls and 288 teachers at 40 participating schools were interviewed. They were asked about the type of violence, abuse, and mistreatment that boys and girls experience at school; who is responsible for this mistreatment; where this mistreatment occurs; if there are other school practices or conditions that are inappropriate, place pupils at risk, or potentially interfere with their schooling; and the effectiveness of reporting.


Gender-based violence programming in Rwanda : actors, activities, collaboration, coordination
05/08/2006 (1.2MB)

In assessments conducted in October of 2004 and 2005, the Women's Legal Rights Initiative-Rwanda found that both the government of Rwanda and civil society wanted more information on activities addressing gender-based violence (GBV) throughout Rwanda, as well as collaboration among actors working in the area of GBV. This assessment seeks to address these concerns by documenting activities currently being conducted to address GBV in Rwanda, as well as any current collaborative activities and coordination. It finds that collaboration does exist in Rwanda but has been very limited in quality and quantity.

Institute for Legal Practice and Development (ILPD) -- module : general culture, course : gender and domestic relations
12/31/2006 (192KB)

This course is designed to help judges, lawyers, and prosecutors in Rwanda acquire the requisite knowledge and skills to make gender-sensitive decisions in domestic relations cases. It aims to provide course participants with information on:

  • what gender means;
  • how domestic relations laws affect women and men differently;
  • the basic international obligations relating to gender equity and the equality of women and men;
  • how new domestic relations laws differ from custom and practice; and
  • how domestic violence interferes with the rule of law in Rwandan society.



Gender Advocacy in Afghanistan Newsletter: Volume 3
06/01/2005 (1.2MB)

The Gender Advocacy in Afghanistan newsletter is produced by UNIFEM Afghanistan through support provided by USAID's Office of Women in Development. The newsletter presents factual information, statistics, and references relevant to four different gender campaign issues in order to facilitate gender-based campaigns by Afghan journalists, government, and civil society organizations.

Volume 3 contents:

  • Violence Against Women
  • Men and Disability in Afghanistan
  • Pregnant or Nursing Mothers and Nutrition
  • Understanding the Afghan Constitution and Parliament

Gender Advocacy in Afghanistan Newsletter: Volume 4
07/01/2005 (1.1MB)

The Gender Advocacy in Afghanistan newsletter is produced by UNIFEM Afghanistan through support provided by USAID's Office of Women in Development. The newsletter presents factual information, statistics, and references relevant to four different gender campaign issues in order to facilitate gender-based campaigns by Afghan journalists, government, and civil society organizations.

Volume 4 contents:

  • Violence Against Women by Women
  • Men's Employment in Afghanistan
  • Women's Higher Education in Afghanistan
  • Family Planning and Women's Health in Afghanistan
  • Understanding the Afghan Constitution and Parliament

Gender Advocacy in Afghanistan Newsletter: Volume 6
09/01/2005 (1.1MB)

The Gender Advocacy in Afghanistan newsletter is produced by UNIFEM Afghanistan through support provided by USAID's Office of Women in Development. The newsletter presents factual information, statistics, and references relevant to four different gender campaign issues in order to facilitate gender-based campaigns by Afghan journalists, government, and civil society organizations.

Volume 6 contents:

  • Child Marriage in Afghanistan
  • Men and Public Harassment in Afghanistan
  • Former Male Child Soldiers in Afghanistan
  • Protection of Women in Afghanistan

Gender Advocacy in Afghanistan Newsletter: Volume 7
11/01/2005 (1.2MB)

The Gender Advocacy in Afghanistan newsletter is produced by UNIFEM Afghanistan through support provided by USAID's Office of Women in Development. The newsletter presents factual information, statistics, and references relevant to four different gender campaign issues in order to facilitate gender-based campaigns by Afghan journalists, government, and civil society organizations.

Volume 7 contents:

  • Widows in Afghanistan
  • Street Children in Kabul
  • The Commitment to Combat Violence against Women
  • Women and the Afghan Parliament
  • A Workshop on Forced and Child Marriage

Gender Advocacy in Afghanistan Newsletter: Volume 8
01/01/2006 (1.2MB)

The Gender Advocacy in Afghanistan newsletter is produced by UNIFEM Afghanistan through support provided by USAID's Office of Women in Development. The newsletter presents factual information, statistics, and references relevant to four different gender campaign issues in order to facilitate gender-based campaigns by Afghan journalists, government, and civil society organizations.

Volume 8 contents:

  • Women and Sexual Harrassment
  • Suicide and Women
  • Women Beggars in Afghanistan
  • Women and the Supreme Court of Afghanistan
  • Violence Against Women Database Initiative


Justice, change, and human rights : international research and responses to domestic violence
01/01/2000 (822KB)

This paper is one of several analytical documents synthesizing the findings across Promoting Women in Development (PROWID) projects and their implications within various themes; this paper's theme is domestic violence against women. Eleven PROWID projects focused upon domestic violence: three research and intervention projects were facilitated by non-governmental organizations in Russia, Bulgaria and Mexico, and eight research studies were undertaken in India. As a whole, these diverse projects generated some common conclusions regarding the problem of domestic violence.

Europe & Eurasia


Women's legal rights initiative (WLRI) : final Albania assessment and analysis report, June 29-July 11, 2003
08/11/2003 (98KB)

To begin the process of designing activities for USAID/Albania to implement with the Women's Legal Rights Initiative (WLR), a two-week assessment and analysis trip to Albania was conducted from June 29 to July 11, 2003. The WLR team found that while there have been recent improvements in the legal framework to support women’s legal rights, deficiencies remain, including the lack of a domestic violence law, lack of compliance with international norms for women’s rights, and weak judicial enforcement of laws. The WLR team identified a number of emerging areas for cooperation and assistance that included anti-trafficking, domestic violence, and family law issues.


Gender assessment for USAID/Caucasus/Azerbaijan
01/15/2004 (489KB)

USAID has undertaken this gender assessment to gain a better understanding of gender issues across all sectors of Azerbaijan. The report presents the findings of key gender issues and offers USAID/Azerbaijan recommendations for better gender integration in general as well as for the economic, democratic, and social sectors. The report finds that gender-based violence is a hidden epidemic in Azerbaijan and recommends that the Mission support domestic violence awareness and protection activities, including emergency shelters.


Justice, change, and human rights : international research and responses to domestic violence
01/01/2000 (822KB)

This paper is one of several analytical documents synthesizing the findings across Promoting Women in Development (PROWID) projects and their implications within various themes; this paper's theme is domestic violence against women. Eleven PROWID projects focused upon domestic violence: three research and intervention projects were facilitated by non-governmental organizations in Russia, Bulgaria and Mexico, and eight research studies were undertaken in India. As a whole, these diverse projects generated some common conclusions regarding the problem of domestic violence.


Gender assessment for USAID/Caucasus [Georgia]
06/01/2003 (465KB)

This report presents the results of a gender assessment carried out in Georgia in March 2003 at the request of the USAID/Georgia Mission. It provides a summary of gender relations in Georgia, an analysis of gender integration in the Mission's current and future strategic framework and program portfolio, and recommendations on how the Mission can better mainstream gender in its activities, policies, and procedures. The report analyzes gender in the context of economic growth and private enterprise, as well as trafficking in persons and domestic violence, which are both serious problems in Georgia.


Justice, change, and human rights : international research and responses to domestic violence
01/01/2000 (822KB)

This paper is one of several analytical documents synthesizing the findings across Promoting Women in Development (PROWID) projects and their implications within various themes; this paper's theme is domestic violence against women. Eleven PROWID projects focused upon domestic violence: three research and intervention projects were facilitated by non-governmental organizations in Russia, Bulgaria and Mexico, and eight research studies were undertaken in India. As a whole, these diverse projects generated some common conclusions regarding the problem of domestic violence.

Latin America & Caribbean


Guatemala : women's legal rights initiative of the women in development IQC activity report -- implementing the domestic violence law from gender and multicultural perspectives, March-May, 2004
07/01/2004 (215KB)

This report summarizes the Guatemalan Domestic Violence Law with Gender and Multicultural Perspectives activity, which was implemented by the Women's Legal Rights Initiative (WLR) between December 2003 and June 2004. The report covers the study's objectives, implementation, results, lessons learned, and best practices. The activity was divided into three phases: phase I laid the foundation for inter-institutional relationships and terms of cooperation; phase II involved developing the baseline for designing the training strategy to implement the domestic violence law; phase III executed the training sessions, which were attended by 117 prosecutors from across Guatemala.

Manual on litigation strategies with a gender perspective = Manual de estrategias de litigio con enfoque de genero (Spanish)
01/01/2006 (642KB)

This manual, written in Spanish, covers litigation strategies with a gender perspective. The purpose of this module to help lawyers and other public defenders in Guatemala identify the key concepts needed to enrich defense strategies in cases of women accused of wrongful acts. Chapter one covers gender and criminal justice and includes a discussion of gender-based violence. Chapter two focuses on defense strategies.

Paralegal manual on domestic violence = Guia para intervenir en casos de violencia intrafamiliar (Spanish)
07/01/2006 (3.2MB)

This manual on domestic violence, written in Spanish, was put together by community paralegals in Villa Nueva, Guatemala. It includes sections on definitions of domestic violence generally, women and domestic violence, the problem in Guatemala, steps women should take to address domestic violence, a discussion of legal strategies and resources for women, and a bibliography.


Safe schools program : Jamaica assessment report, April 11-22, 2005
07/20/2005 (712KB)

This report presents the findings of a school-related gender-based violence (SRGBV) assessment, which was conducted in April 2005 by a team from the Washington, D.C.-based Safe Schools Program. The primary objective of the assessment trip was to better understand the nature of SRGBV in the Jamaican context. The report summarizes the major issues observed during the assessment, suggests specific actions for implementation at the national, institutional, community and individual levels, and discusses specific programming options, as well as potential partners and collaborations.

LAC Regional

Protecting women's legal rights in Mexico, Colombia and the Dominican Republic : final report
12/31/2003 (148KB)

This final report presents the accomplishments of and lessons learned from a WID office grant to help Partners of the Americas enhance its community-based efforts to protect women's legal rights in Colombia, the Dominican Republic, and Mexico. The project provided workshops, seed grants, and technical assistance in order to:

  1. Increase the capacity of women to understand and defend their legal rights;
  2. Support innovative programs that increase awareness of and protect women from rights violations in gender violence;
  3. Generate constructive community responses to violations of women's legal rights; and
  4. Connect organizations working on behalf of women's legal rights and promote sharing of best practices.


Justice, change, and human rights : international research and responses to domestic violence
01/01/2000 (822KB)

This paper is one of several analytical documents synthesizing the findings across Promoting Women in Development (PROWID) projects and their implications within various themes; this paper's theme is domestic violence against women. Eleven PROWID projects focused upon domestic violence: three research and intervention projects were facilitated by non-governmental organizations in Russia, Bulgaria and Mexico, and eight research studies were undertaken in India. As a whole, these diverse projects generated some common conclusions regarding the problem of domestic violence.

Additional Resources

Gender-Based Violence and Reproductive Health & HIV/AIDS: Summary of a Technical Update (USAID Global Health Bureau)
10/01/2002 (213 KB)

This report summarizes the "Technical Update on Gender-Based Violence (GBV) and Reproductive Health/HIV (RH/HIV)" conference, which took place on May 1, 2002. The conference was hosted by the USAID Interagency Gender Working Group in collaboration with the Center for Health and Gender Equity. Over 130 program managers, policymakers, service providers, and trainers participated in the meeting, where they heard data linking GBV to RH/HIV, were informed about pilot efforts to integrate GBV into RH/HIV programs, and provided their input about whether and how to proceed in integrating the issue of violence against women into these programs.

Masculinity and Gender-Based Violence (UNIFEM)
01/19/2001 (55 KB)

This fact sheet provides an overview of the problem of gender-based violence, focusing specifically on masculinity. The document promotes the need to challenge this socio-cultural construct of male roles and identities. It notes that power inequalities between women and men and the masculine culture are the major sources of violence against women.

The President's Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief: Report on Gender-Based Violence and HIV/AIDS (U.S. State Department)
11/01/2006 (146 KB)

This report describes the funding and range of U.S. government-supported programs that address gender-based violence and treatment of HIV-positive programs of such violence. It was prepared at the request of Congress by the Office of the United States Global AIDS Coordinator in collaboration with USAID and other offices of the State Department. The report covers FY 2005 and FY 2006.

War Against Women - VIDEO (CBS News)

CNN's Anderson Cooper reports on the use of rape as a weapon of war in the ongoing civil war in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC). Between 1998 and 2008, hundreds of thousands of women and girls as young as 3-years of age have been brutally gang-raped and abducted as sexual slaves in a systematic effort to destroy lives, families, and communities. While the government of the DRC is unable or unwilling to bring rapists to justice, the Panzi Hospital in eastern DRC and Women for Women International are helping victims heal and rebuild their lives.

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