Title 13--Business Credit and Assistance



TEXT PDF115.1 Overview of regulations.
TEXT PDF115.2 Savings clause.
TEXT PDF115.10 Definitions.
TEXT PDF115.11 Applying to participate in the Surety Bond Guarantee Program.
TEXT PDF115.12 General program policies and provisions.
TEXT PDF115.13 Eligibility of Principal.
TEXT PDF115.14 Loss of Principal's eligibility for future assistance.
TEXT PDF115.15 Underwriting and servicing standards.
TEXT PDF115.16 Determination of Surety's Loss.
TEXT PDF115.17 Minimization of Surety's Loss.
TEXT PDF115.18 Refusal to issue further guarantees; suspension and termination of PSB status.
TEXT PDF115.19 Denial of liability.
TEXT PDF115.20 Insolvency of Surety.
TEXT PDF115.21 Audits and investigations.
TEXT PDF115.30 Submission of Surety's guarantee application.
TEXT PDF115.31 Guarantee percentage.
TEXT PDF115.32 Fees and Premiums.
TEXT PDF115.33 Surety bonding line.
TEXT PDF115.34 Minimization of Surety's Loss.
TEXT PDF115.35 Claims for reimbursement of Losses.
TEXT PDF115.36 Indemnity settlements and reinstatement of Principal.
TEXT PDF115.60 Selection and admission of PSB Sureties.
TEXT PDF115.61 Duration of PSB program.
TEXT PDF115.62 Prohibition on participation in Prior Approval program.
TEXT PDF115.63 Allotment of guarantee authority.
TEXT PDF115.64 Timeliness requirement.
TEXT PDF115.65 General PSB procedures.
TEXT PDF115.66 Fees.
TEXT PDF115.67 Changes in Contract or bond amount.
TEXT PDF115.68 Guarantee percentage.
TEXT PDF115.69 Imminent Breach.
TEXT PDF115.70 Claims for reimbursement of Losses.
TEXT PDF115.71 Denial of liability.

