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Medical Review Board

Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration

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A Welcome Message from the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration

The U.S. Department of Transportation's Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) is proud to announce the establishment of the Medical Review Board (MRB). FMCSA's MRB will provide a critical service in the Department's role of improving highway safety by ensuring that drivers are physically qualified to operate commercial motor vehicles in interstate commerce.

The MRB is composed of five of our Nation's most distinguished and scholarly practicing physicians. These physicians were chosen from a field of many qualified candidates who possess a wide variety of expertise and experience. MRB members specialize in the areas most relevant to the bus and truck driver population.

The MRB will provide information, advice, and recommendations to the Secretary of Transportation and the FMCSA Administrator on the development and implementation of science-based physical qualification standards.

The MRB will have a busy schedule in its efforts to review and update all current physical qualification standards and develop new ones as needed. Proceedings of the MRB will be posted on this site.
For questions about the MRB,
call (703) 998-0189 ext. 237 or click here to contact the MRB.



Medical Review Board Meets in Alexandria, Virginia, on January 12, 2009

Rose A. McMurray and Larry W. Minor with Medical Review Board

January 12, 2009 — Rose A. McMurray, Chief Safety Officer and Assistant Administrator for FMCSA and Larry W. Minor, Associate Administrator Policy and Program Development with the MRB.

On January 12, 2009, the Medical Review Board (MRB) held its 10th public meeting in Alexandria, Virginia. The members voted and approved the minutes from the October 6, 2008, MRB meeting.

The MRB heard the evidence report findings and the recommendations of the Medical Expert Panel on Stroke and Commercial Motor Vehicle (CMV) Driver Safety. They discussed the findings, deliberated, and voted on their recommendations.

Rose McMurray, Chief Safety Officer and Assistant Administrator for FMCSA thanked this, the inaugural MRB, for their service and presented plaques.

Dr. Mary D. Gunnels, Director, Office of Medical Programs, FMCSA, presented a brief update on the current status of rulemaking.

Click here for more information about these proceedings and topics.

Important Announcements







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Disclaimer: FMCSA considers evidence, expert recommendations, and other data; however, all proposed changes to current standards and guidance will be subject to public notice-and-comment and regulatory processes.