• Swine Flu news special

    A new strain of swine flu that appears to be able to spread from person to person has sparked concerns that the outbreak is the start of a pandemic. Nature reports on the latest developments and examines what might be done in the event of a pandemic.

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  • This week on the Nature Podcast

    This week we've a climate special: Nicholas Stern tells us how the recession could help curb global warming, Nature's climate science editor is in the studio to talk us through the latest research, and we imagine what the world would look like in the worst-case scenario of 1000ppm of CO2. Also on the show, autism genes and how to fix a broken heart.

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  • Naturejobs


    State of energy: New Mexico, with its national labs and natural resources, is poised to become a central player in the US’s race for energy independence.


    For the kids: Childcare grants help scientists attend conferences

    In Brief

    Shaky foundations: Many grantmakers expect to reduce the size or amount of their grants, according to a survey.

    Ask the Expert

    Constructive criticism: How to respond to a negative performance review.

  • Climate Crunch

    In this week's Nature three News Features discuss how the climate situation may be even worse than first thought.

    Visit the Nature News special to access these News Features plus book reviews, Editorial, and Commentary. Listen also to this week's Nature Podcast for the latest climate research and watch an exclusive Nature Video with James Lovelock.

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