The American Medical Women's Associaiton The Vision and Voice of Women in Medicine
AMWA Headquarters
100 North 20th Street, 4th Floor
Philadelphia, PA 19103
Phone: 215-320-3716/               866-564-2483
Fax: 215-564-2175

Aging :
A Healthy Lifestyle

As women live out their later years, they must be able to enjoy their later years to the fullest extent. One way to do this is to lead a lifestyle that promotes health, lowers risks, and in general helps them feel better. Routine health care allows disorders to be detected in their early stages, when they are more easily treated. A healthy diet and exercise program can help prevent some health problems in older women and improve how they look and feel. Preventive health care and some simple adjustments in lifestyle can go a long way in improving women's quality of life.


Excerpted from the American Medical Women's Association The Women's Complete Healthbook,
edited by Roselyn Payne Epps and Susan Cobb Stewart.