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Frequently Asked Questions

  1. What is the Rachel Carson Intergenerational Sense of Wonder Contest?

    The U.S.EPA, Generations United, The Dance Exchange and the Rachel Carson Council, Inc., announce a poetry, essay, photography and dance contest "that best expresses the Sense of Wonder that you feel for the sea, the night sky, forests, birds, wildlife, and all that is beautiful to your eyes." We want you to share this love of nature with a child and others around you. When we teach our eyes and ears and senses to focus on the wonders of nature, we open ourselves to the wonders around us.

    Entries need to be by a team of at least 2 people from different generations. Teams can be of people who are related or not related to one another.

    Deadline: The deadline for entries is June 10, 2009. The winners will be announced in September 2009.

  2. Where should I send our intergenerational poetry and/or essay entries?

    You mail copies of the poems or essays to

    Rachel Carson Intergenertional Contest
    U.S. EPA
    Attn: Kathy Sykes, OCHPEE
    1200 Pennsylvania Ave NW, Room 2512 AR N,
    Washington, DC 20460

    Or send electronic copies to: aging.info@epa.gov

    Please include in the Subject box Rachel Carson Contest: Essay or Poetry

  3. Where should I send our intergenerational digital photo entry?

    Generations United

    Please send your photo entry electronically to: gu@gu.org

  4. What other Information should I include in our entry

    Rachel Carson Contest entry form, fill and print (PDF) (2pp, 59K, About PDF)

  5. Is there a word or page limit on the poem or essay?

    Yes. Maximum is 500 words, about 2 pages

  6. Is there a size limit on the photo entry?

    No, there is no size limit. Please send one photo per team.

  7. Who retains the rights to the poem, essay or photograph?

    The finalists' and winners' entries will appear on the websites of the EPA, Generations United and the Rachel Carson Council, Inc. There will be captions under each entry that include the names and states of the intergenerational team. If one of the team members is under 18 years of age, youth's age and only first name will appear in the caption. The team will retain their rights to use the item for other purposes.

  8. Where do I send our dance video and how long can it be?
  9. Videos should be shorter than 4 minutes. If you are submitting a video for the contest, please add it to this group http://www.youtube.com/group/rachelcarsondance About PDF

    Be sure to complete the Rachel Carson Contest entry form, fill and print (PDF) (2pp, 59K, About PDF)

    If you have any questions please email Kathy Sykes at aging.info@epa.gov or Cassie Meador at meadorc@danceexchange.org

  10. What do the winners receive?

    The winners will be posted on the EPA website.

  11. If I still have questions who should I contact?

    If you have further questions please contact Kathy Sykes at (202) 564-3651. Or you may send an email to aging.info@epa.gov

  12. Can entries come from outside the US, for example Canada?


  13. Does the photo entry require the presence of an older adult and a child?

    No. However, the entry must include an explanation of how the project was an intergenerational project.

  14. Can a team take a photgraph and then write an essay or poem about the photo?

    Yes. The team can have an entry that combines a photo with an essay or poem.

  15. What is the maximum amount of time allowed for the dance video?

    Four minutes.

  16. Who gets to Dance?

    Dance video entries are not limited to the moving body. You can use live performers and/ or capture movement and change visible in nature: birds landing, trees shaking in a storm, a river flowing...Experienced and first time dancers and video makers are encouraged to participate.

  17. Where is the Dance Happening?

    Take your cameras outside to capture the sense of wonder you see, experience, and move through in nature. You might capture your own back yard, a favorite spot in your community, or place you have traveled to for an outdoor adventure.

    For further questions about dance video entries please contact Cassie Meador at meadorc@danceexchange.org.

    Cassie Meador is a dance artist and choreographer. Her current projects include Drift, a performance work that uses humor, storytelling, sound and movement to examine the questions of how we use land and where ourfood comes from. A member of Liz Lerman Dance Exchange, Cassie is extending that company's long tradition of harnessing dance to explore important topics in contemporary life.

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