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Project Title: Segunda Edad Saludable

Project Location: Lawrence, Massachusetts

Applicant Information: Family Services, Inc.

Type of Applicant: Non-Profit

Total Grant: $18,882.00

Brief Summary: Segunda Edad Saludable will recruit and train older adults from the City of Lawrence, Massachusetts to be "Community Leaders" on the issue of risk reduction of environmental health hazards to older individuals in Lawrence. Community Leaders will be trained by Family Service, Inc. in collaboration with the Toxic Use Reduction Institute at UMASS Lowell. Trained leaders will host neighborhood-based meetings and attend community-wide events where older adults can learn about environmental hazards that may adversely affect their health and meaningful steps they can take to reduce their exposure.

Environmental Outcomes: The project will teach five older adults to be trainers for 30 to 45 adults over the age of 60, thereby reaching a total of 190 older adults. An additional 200 residents caring for older adults will be targeted for instruction at community events and festivals about strategies to reduce risks from exposure to environmental health hazards. A pre- and post- program questionnaire will be completed by the community leaders on their commitment to (commitment) and capacity for becoming an environmental health leader. Post training, leaders will be asked to complete a questionnaire to assess their knowledge in the identification on hazards and strategies to reduce them.

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