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If You Are a Local Government "Going Green"

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LOGICS - energy conservation, environmentally preferable purchasing and green building help for local governments

Mid-Atlantic State Information

Through its activities a local government can greatly influence its community's environment by:

  1. example -- its buildings, its landscaping, its vehicles, and its operations help educate citizens as to what can be done
  2. the environmental programs (like recycling and compost) it sets up for its citizens and how they are promoted
  3. the local laws it enacts, particularly for zoning -- are environmentally friendly approaches allowed?
  4. the planning it does -- is there a roadmap to making its community sustainable, with a healthy environment, a vibrant economy and a strong, positive social life? (for community planners)

Learn more about what you can do. The links below include both mid-Atlantic and Agency-wide resources.

Mid-Atlantic Region || Mid-Atlantic Env'l Assessment & Innovation || Mid-Atlantic Going Green

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