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Meet Our Team Region 6 Indoor Environments Team Picture of Light bulb


Mark Berry, Indoor Environments Program Coordinator

Mike Miller is an Environmental Scientist and the Indoor Environments Program Coordinator. Mr. Berry is responsible for managing EPA's voluntary programs dealing with indoor environments in homes, schools, and commercial buildings. These programs address several environmental health issues, including asthma, secondhand smoke, radon, mold, and general indoor air quality.

Paula Selzer, Asthma Program Manager

Paula does outreach and education to Federal, State, Local, and Non-government organizations. She is an advocate to reduce environmental health risks to kids.

George Brozowski, Regional Health Physicist/Radon Coordinator

George provides radiological assistance to Federal, State and local agencies, and Divisions within the Region. He provides assistance to Regional Project Officers, Region 6 grantees, and the public with questions and concerns regarding Radon. He also provides assistance to the public regarding non-radiological concerns (cellular phone towers, electro-magnetic radiation) and other radiological issues.

Donna Cooper, Grants Project Officer

Donna Cooper is the Project Officer for the Toxics Section. She is responsible for managing the grants for the Radon and Indoor Air Programs.

Stacy Murphy, Indoor Environments Specialist

Stacy serves on the Indoor Environments Team for Region 6 States, helps implement the Tools for Schools Program, Healthy Environments and Living Places for Kids (HELP for Kids) programs.


Region 6 State Indoor Air Contacts

State Agency
State Contact
Arkansas Department of Health

Ms. Shirley Louie

(501) 661-2833

Louisiana Department of Health and Hospitals

Mr. Todd Page

(504) 568-8537

New Mexico Environment Department

Mr. Michael Taylor

(505) 827-1093

Oklahoma Department of Labor

Ms. Sunshine Goodfellow

(405) 528-1500, X350

Texas Department of State Health Services
Mr. Quade Stahl
(512) 834-6600, X2444

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