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Certification & Training Assessment Group

The Certification & Training Assessment Group (CTAG) Exit EPA disclaimer was established in 1996 by EPA and USDA to define the national direction of the pesticide applicator certification and training program. Over the last two decades, the certification and training program has gone through many changes and expanded its audience. Recently, the urban use of agricultural pesticides and the need for chemical-specific applicator certification have been the focus of attention.


The Certification & Training Assessment Group consists of representatives of:

Representatives of governmental pesticide programs in Canada and Mexico


CTAG met in December 1997 to review state baseline data and provide recommendations on the future direction of the program. The draft report, "Pesticide Safety for the 21st Century"  Exit EPA disclaimer was released in January 1999 for reactions by pesticide state lead agencies, territories, tribes, pesticide applicator training coordinators, and private sector organizations. The report and its 15-page, separate executive summary may also be obtained from EPA (call 703-305-7666).

EPA addresses the issues raised by CTAG in the "Pesticide Safety for the 21st Century" report as part of the Report on the National Assessment of the Pesticide Worker Safety Program. (69 pages, 1.37MB, PDF)

CTAG meets periodically to discuss current issues related to the pesticide applicator certification and training program. The next CTAG Board meeting is scheduled for December, 2005 at a location to be decided.

Documents and Daft Proposals

CTAG has produced many proposal documents which have been presented to EPA. Its current and past reports, issue papers, presentations and surveys are available to the public at http://pep.wsu.edu/ctag/archive.html. Exit EPA disclaimer  


For more information contact:

Certification and Worker Protection Branch
Office of Pesticide Programs
U.S. EPA (7506C)
1200 Pennsylvania Avenue, N.W.
Washington, DC 20460-0001
Phone: 703 305-7666
Fax: 703 308-2962
email pesticide-safety@epa.gov


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