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The National Near Roadway MSAT Study

Mobile source air toxics (MSATs) were an issue in a Sierra Club lawsuit on improvements to US 95 in Nevada. The lawsuit settlement agreement, which includes a national study, provides an opportunity to better understand the science and modeling techniques needed to measure the behavior of MSATs.

Over the last few years, the FHWA has expended a good deal of effort to enhance our understanding of MSAT emissions associated with major highway facilities. This new research will substantially further the understanding of how MSAT emissions behave, and thus fits well with research being done by others on the effects of particular levels of MSAT emissions.

The FHWA, in conjunction with US EPA and a consortium of State departments of transportation, will be studying the concentration and physical behavior of MSATs and mobile source PM 2.5 at up to three sites in the United States. As outlined in the settlement agreement and to leverage resources for this effort we created the Transportation Pooled Fund Program 1124, Mobile Source Air Toxics (MSAT) From Major Highways. The study criteria dictate that each study site must be open to traffic and have 150,000 Annual Average Daily Traffic or more. This study will give those involved hands-on knowledge about the dispersion of MSAT emissions and enhance the credibility of State officials when addressing related issues for projects in their State. Ultimately, everyone will benefit from making more informed transportation and environmental decisions.

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